These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.

M 3/4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Patrick Gribbon Rokkit Wheels
2 Trent Donat Michelob Ultra Big Shark
3 Mark Hoffmeister Michelob Ultra Big Shark
4 Travis Frey Michelob Ultra Big Shark
5 Matthew Davidson big shark
6 Patrick Kirkes big shark
7 Aaron Gardman dogfish
8 Eduardo Nieuwenhuyzen Michelob Ultra Big Shark
9 Sven Sprogee Blind Squirell
10 James Klages Veda Cycling
11 Andrew Lister Wheelfast
12 Andy Schuette CBC Race team
13 Robert Martin Michelob Ultra Big Shark
14 Lewis Reece Blind Squirell
15 Matt Struckman pfoodman racing

M 40+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Robert Brokaw Wheel fast
2 Bernd Faust Dogfish
3 Rich Kisseloff Dogfish
4 Kent Jones ICCC
5 Barry Blumenkemper
6 James Moore ICCC
7 Richard Pierce ICCC
8 Mark Haggard Wild Trak
9 Tim Titsworth MetroEastCycling

M Cat 4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Jim Maer Metro East Cycling
2 Kyle Cress Off the Front
3 Matt Grummer
4 Ryan Ellen Michelob Ultra big Shark
5 Caleb Hopkins cannonball Hub
6 Josh Rodgers Momentum Racing
7 Guillermo Garsed Big Shark
8 William Howells cannonball Hub
9 Pete Holohan Big Shark
10 Tim Titsworth Metro East Cycling
11 Rob Phillps
12 Rick Bass Momentum
13 Terry Eldridge
14 Kevin Autenrieth WildTrak Cycling
15 Adam Peipert WildTrak Cycling
16 Mike Weller
17 Jody Dwiggins Wild Trak
18 William Howells Hub
19 Paul Schmidt WildTrak Cycling

Men Open

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Devin Clark cannonball HUB
2 Anthony Dust Dogfish
3 Aaron Koch Dogfish
4 Ron Bridal Wheel fast
5 Rock Wamlsey cannonball HUB
6 Scott Peipert RITTE
7 Michael Hills Wheel fast
8 Justin Armstead Wheel fast
9 Leith Carey Unattached
10 Chris Storkburger UA
11 Hannon Haggard RITTE
12 Trent Donat michelob ultra big shark
13 Matthew Struckman Pfoodman Racing
14 Matthew Dawson Dogfish
15 Patrick Gribbon Pokkit Wheels


Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Anthony Dust Dogfish
2 Erik Seaver Team Seagal
3 Matthew Dawson dogfish
4 Justin White Death row velo
5 Jason Ferguson WheelFast

W Cat4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Mary Piper Momentum Racing
2 Bethany Himel
3 Kelly Patty Momentum Racing
4 Stephanie Nadeau Cannonball Hub
5 Katherine Hrubes Hub
6 Allison Stoll
7 Angela Barbini

W Open

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Christine Roettger TeamRevolution
2 Teresa Sedlacek Michelob Ultra Big Shark
3 Suzanne Johnson Michelob Ultra Big Shark
4 Gina Richard Michelob Ultra Big Shark
5 Sally Struckman Pfoodman
6 Cat Ebelina momentum