These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.

Men CX3

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Carter Luck LMC Cycling
2 Jack Mock unaffiliated
3 Walker Shaw Crosstown Velo
4 Trent Blackburn Port City Velo/Origin8
5 Jason Duval Clemmons Bicycle
6 Justin Evans App State Elite Cycling Team
7 Carl Peltzer Clemmons Bike Shop
8 Cecilio Cruz Fiets Maan Racing p/b Luna Cycles
9 Joseph Grimes Abby Design & Construction/Boone Bike/Specialized
10 Hayden Miller Garneau Custom p/bHutchinson
11 Brandon Davis Port City Velo/Origin8
12 Joe Wiswell Pirate Race Productions
13 Richard Stem Specialized Dumonde Tech
14 Johann Liljengren Tr-Cyclists
15 Charkie Huegel
16 Kevin Burgess Lees-McRae
17 Andrew Mitchertree Boone Velo
18 Chris Sugar Modry/Evergreen Racing
19 Charles Prezioso QueenCity Bicycles
20 Spencer Lowden Brevard College
21 Billy Raynor Origin-8
22 Linus Owen-garni Garneau Custom p/b Hutchinson
23 Cullen Cooper Revolting Cogs
24 Blake Stephenson Sho-air KC
25 Keith Marek Brevard College
26 T Wood Giordana/Clifbar
27 Michael Byrd Cool Breeze/Trek Bike Store
28 Cameron Moss Velo 16 (BSG)
29 Evan Lacy Durham Cycles
30 Michael Lahm Velosports Racing Asheville
31 Raymond Laffin Crosstown Velo
32 William Sumner CycleTherapy/CLM
33 Keith Isenberg Velo 16 Blood Sweat Gears
34 Kevin Watt Durham Cares
35 Eric Hoffman Berger Hardware Bikes
36 Noel Kirila Cannondale
37 Adam Leman Tri-Cyclists BRC
38 Jonathan Davis Code One
39 Stephen Huddle Rogue Racing Project ::513::
40 Aaron Casey Mud Sweat and Gears CX
41 Shawn Moore Fiets Maan Racing
42 Tod Schmidt Charlotte Sports Cycling
43 Andrew Stackhouse Pirate Race Productions
44 Travis Beane Clemmons Bicycle Racing
45 Sam Klontz Team Racing Cyclocross on Lundbecks presented by L
47 Aaron Kellogg Berger Hardware Bikes
48 Luca Shaw Crosstown Velo
49 Bryan Miller Carolina Flyers
50 Mark Brown Team Ville LLC
51 Tyler Cloutier CRC
52 Wojtek Dyszkiewicz Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
53 Dwayne Hunter Hearts Racing/Kens Bike Shop
54 Paul Mckeithan Studio 7 Multisport
55 Kyle Mcnamee Hoffenchard
56 Eric Oconnell CycleWorks Performance Bicycle Shop

Men CX4 00+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Ben Yanni Grassroots Bikes
2 Mansour Benkreira Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
3 Joseph Emanuel
4 Mitchell Hopkins Cycletherapy Zimmer
5 Joshua Cole
6 Michael Goff Revolting Cogs
7 Timothy Mccollum VeloShine Cycling Team
8 Adam Koch
9 B C roberts
10 Sean Zurek Velo 16 BSG
11 Charley Dean
12 Tyler Sims Fiets Maan Racing P/B Luna Cycles
13 Tomas Kelemen
14 Paul Cunningham Sun & Ski Sports
15 Abe Goorskey CycleWorks
16 Tim Anderson
17 Christopher Joseph
18 Michael Unruh
19 Joseph Cross Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
20 Jimmy Awad Pauls Racing
21 Keith Demma
22 Kelley Montoya Cycletherapy
23 Aaron Wyatt
24 Jason Hinklin Live It Extreme Sports
25 Will Barnes
26 Mark Born Velo 16 BSG
27 Kurt Schoppe
28 Dylan Lawson SV/Bike Source Racing Team
29 James Reisen
30 Josh Baker Hoffenchard
31 Jay Womack Guild of Calamitous Intent
32 Patrick Lackey
33 Sean Kerlin na
34 Boyd Safrit
35 Kyle Sorensen
36 Christian Klender
37 David Clark
38 Thomas Cook Queen City Bicycles
39 Trevor Hughes
40 Jack Thornton inland construction
41 Steven White
42 Michael Lopez
43 Jon Keiser Full Spectrum Racing
44 Parrish Matthews
45 Luke Thomas Hawleys Bicycle/Cross Creek Cycling Club
46 Chris Girou
47 Mike Thomas Hawleys Bicycle/Cross Creek Cycling Club
48 David Brumfield Boone Velo
49 Robert Coghill
50 Arthur Koch
51 Jeff Martin
52 Pat Harrington
53 Hunter Zackowski na
54 Thomas Brew Full Spectrum Racing FSR
55 Sverre Schiotz
56 Simon Marland Abby Design and Constr. / Boone Bike
57 Bradley Johnson Live it Xtreme

Men Elite Masters 35+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Christopher Larsen EarthFare/INDUSTRY 9
2 Eric Marland Boone Velo
3 Todd Hunter Garneau Customs p/b Hutchinson
4 Charles Von isenburg Smart Stop/MOB
5 Justin Mckean Giordana Cliff Bar
6 Jeffrey Welch Fiets Maan Racing
8 Charlie (jimmy) Bruner Inland / BTD
9 Timothy Hopkin NCCX
10 Joshua Whitmore Athletix benefiting Globalbike
11 Richard Tsui Cycleworks
12 Jason Morgan CrossTown Velo
13 Robb Peterson Cycleworks
14 Daryl Rains SmartStop/MOB
15 Jason Chapple Vic Chisholm Racing Inc./Benissimo
16 John Koury Unattached
17 Andrew Crater Boo bikes
18 Gregory Frame Tailwind Multisport
19 Tom Kolodziejski Go!Go!Gusto
20 Christopher Vigna Carolina Flyers
21 Kerry Shields MOB Pro CX Team
22 Jeff Varner Mock Orange Racing
23 Jason Biggs FS Series
24 Jack Brown Fiets Maan Racing
25 Johnny Collins Cycleworks of Mt Airy NC
26 John Fowler

Men Elite Men

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Kerry Werner u23 BMC development mtb team
2 Joseph Welsh Mock Orange Racing
3 Robert Marion American Classic
4 Chase Dickens American Classic Pro Team
5 Cypress Gorry Brevard College
6 Patrick Beeson Mock Orange Racing
7 Lewis Gaffney Team FITaos
8 Lucas Livermon Unattached
9 Bradford Perley Champion System/Cannondale
10 Brian Sheedy Globalbike Racing
11 Westley Richards Clemmons Bicycle
12 Nathan Pfeifer Bitter Dose Cycling
13 Joshua Stevens Garneau Custom
14 Byron Rice Inland Construction/Back To Dirt
15 John Degele Storm Racing Team
16 Charles Storm Storm Racing Team
17 Brian Sain The Hillsborough Street Elite
18 Benjamin Coleman 1K2Go - Onion River Sports p/b Metaball
19 Keith Handlon Velo Club
20 Matt Moosa Carolina Break
21 Barret Fishner N/A
22 Jesse Pipes Boone Velo
23 Paul Mesi French Meadow Bakery/Fortistar
24 Michael Koballa Vic Chisholm Racing Inc
25 Devin Clancy Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
26 Edison Turner BMC/Hincapie Sportswear Development Team
27 Philip Short
28 Andrew Crater Boo bikes

Men Junior10-14 13-Sep

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
2 Henry Davis KCOI U20
3 Ethan Dellamaestra Storm Racing Team
4 Trevor Laffin Crosstown Velo
5 Ty Gibbs Bike Source
6 Dallas Wester cycletherapy
7 Jared Eytcheson Constellation Cycling
8 Alastair Pounder Constellation Cycling
9 Robert Miller
10 Blake Williams
11 Levi Marland Abby Design and Constr. / Boone Bike
12 Gabriel Mueller Berger Hardware Bikes
13 Connor Hare Cool Breeze Cyclery
14 Silas Moorefield Liveit Xtreme

Men Junior15-18 14-17

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Byron Rice Inland Construction/Back To Dirt
2 Hannah Arensman Fiets Maan Racing
3 Aidan Pounder Constellation Cycling
4 Silas Moorefield Liveit Xtreme
5 Devin Reavis DIY Junior Development Team p/b ABRC
6 Luke Thomas Hawleys Bicycle/Cross Creek Cycling Club
7 Irene Manning Storm Racing Team
8 Jack Miller Clemmons Bicycle
9 Jack Thornton inland construction
10 Megan Baxter Inland/C2
11 Dylan Lawson SV/Bike Source Racing Team
13 Jill Levinson

Men Masters 45+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Barney Baxter Mock Orange
2 Robert Colbert Mock Orange Racing
3 Rick Pyle na
4 Sonni Dyer Industry9 Cycling; p/b ABRC
5 Andrew Good Coolbreeze Cyclery
6 James Mead Giordana Clif Bar
7 Brian Conroy Charlotte Sports Cycling
8 Bruce Stauffer Cycle Works
9 Jeffrey Haase ABRC
10 Michael Ventola
11 Darren Fuller VeloShine Cycling Team
12 David Gerrer Crosstown Velo
13 Michael Mueller Berger Hardware Bikes
14 Robert Pugh Fiets Maan Racing
15 Kurt Massey Revolution Cycle Sport
16 Marty Cloer Bikesource
17 Cameron Brantley Asheville Cyclocross
18 David Hause Bitter Dose
19 Todd Davis KCOI Boulevard
20 William Macy Hearts racing club
21 Lonnie Brooks Cone Health / Cycles DeOro
22 James Clark Fiets Maan Racing
23 Arthur Danfy Spinx Bike Race Team
24 John Baxter Inland/C2
25 Paul Gamewell Fiets Maan Racing
26 Paul Paisant Mock Orange Bikes
27 Howard Rhyne Storm Racing Team
28 James Edwards Inland Construction
29 Henderson Mcginnis Hearts Racing Kens Bike Shop
30 Andrew Danfy Spinx Cycling Team
31 George Berger Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
32 James Shelton na
33 Bob Wright Chianheart p/b ABRC
34 Daryl Rains SmartStop/MOB

Men Masters 55+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Doug Shaw Crosstown Velo
2 David Stevens Raleigh All Stars/Constellation cycling
3 Mac Canon
4 Todd Thornton inland construction
5 Andrew Ammon Hearts racing club
6 Matt Jones Hawleys Bicycle World
7 Earl Anderson unattached
8 John Dohan
9 David Fuller Cycles deOro/Greensboro Velo

Men Masters CX4

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Stephen Faust
2 B C roberts
3 Mitchell Hopkins Cycletherapy Zimmer
4 Michael Stamey Velo16 BloodSweat&Gears
5 Charley Dean
6 Daniel Allen Clemmons Bicycle Racing
7 Aaron Wyatt
8 Daniel Hemp Abby construction/Boone bike
9 Gary Sterner Hup United
10 Joseph Cross Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
11 Corbitt Bourne Mule Hell Racing
12 Tomas Kelemen
13 Watson Powell Modry Evergreen Racing
14 Hansen Su
15 Sean Kerlin na
16 Jason Marshall Giordana Clif Bar
17 Dean Sutton Garneau Custom p/b Hutchinson
18 John Ventevogel
19 Jay Womack Guild of Calamitous Intent
20 Scott Moss Velo 16 BSG
21 Don Rose Team HammerCross
22 Jeff Martin
23 Dwayne Deese
24 Josh Miller Clemmons Bicycle
25 Greg Sheehan Brawley Drafters
26 Davy Overcash Live It Xtreme Sports
27 Todd Sykes
28 Ron Swenson Unattached
29 Robert Cole Brawley Drafters
30 Jeff Hare Cool Breeze Cyclery
31 Jay Forgione
32 Dan Robbins Velo 16 BSG
33 Charles Gaither
34 Gregory Chapman Queen City Bicycles
35 Kevin Webster Tailwind Cycle
36 Joey Carico MSG Cyclocross
37 Patrick Lackey
38 Marc Gustafson
39 Boyd Safrit
40 Chris Culp Kens Bike Shop Hearts Racing Club
41 Daren Layman
42 Richard Alexander
43 James Cole Veloshine Cycling Team
44 David Crews Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
45 Larry Bishop MSG Cyclocross
46 Bob Szymkiewicz
47 Jon Keiser Full Spectrum Racing
48 Jeff Brown
49 Wayne Dellamaestra Storm Racing Team
50 Steven White
51 Kelly Caudle Tarheel Cyclists
52 Chris Girou
53 Gregory Atchison Tricyclists BRC
54 David Brumfield Boone Velo
55 Gregg Marland
56 Thomas Brew Full Spectrum Racing FSR
57 Parrish Matthews
58 Mike Thomas Hawleys Bicycle/Cross Creek Cycling Club
59 Robert Coghill
60 Andy Brown
61 David Rice Inland Construction/Back To Dirt
62 Ken Williams
63 Paul Mckeithan
64 Michael Quinn Pirate race productions
65 Sverre Schiotz
66 Dane Snodgrass

Men Single Speed 00+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Westley Richards Clemmons Bicycle
2 Luke Woodard Trek Store Cincinnati/Virginia Tech
3 Thomas Vandevender Asheville Cycloross
4 Richard Stem Specialized Dumonde Tech
5 Cullen Cooper Revolting Cogs
6 Bruce Stauffer Cycle Works
7 Travis Beane Clemmons Bicycle Racing
8 Jack Brown Fiets Maan Racing
9 Tim Anderson
10 Joseph Emanuel
11 Carl Peltzer Clemmons Bike Shop
12 Ben Yanni Grassroots Bikes
13 Wojtek Dyszkiewicz Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
14 Paul Mckeithan Studio 7 Multisport
15 Todd Thornton inland construction
16 Kurt Schoppe
17 Kelley Montoya Cycletherapy
18 Matt Jones Hawleys Bicycle World
19 George Berger Birdsong Brewing p/b Common Market
20 Howard Rhyne Storm Racing Team
21 Jacob Pilkerton na
22 Earl Anderson unattached
23 Paul Paisant Mock Orange Bikes
24 Alison Rhyne Storm Racing Team
25 Chris Culp Kens Bike Shop Hearts Racing Club
26 Henderson Mcginnis Hearts Racing Kens Bike Shop
27 Shawn Moore Fiets Maan Racing
28 Josh Miller Clemmons Bicycle

Women CX4 00+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Betthney Oconnell CycleWorks Performance Bicycle Shop
2 Ann Groninger
3 Sally Edwards Inland Construction Company
4 Melissa Cooper Storm Racing Team
5 Jordan Salman Pisgah Tavern
6 Sarah Kraxberger Spokeswoman Syndicate p/b Par Cycles
7 Michelle Tope Full Spectrum Racing
8 Arleigh Jenkins
9 Ali Parascandola
10 Madonna Conroy na
11 Ann Kota CycleTherapy/CLM
12 Meredith Blake
13 Grace Bishop MSG Womens Cyclocross Team
14 Sherri Nevius
15 Darcy Grimes Abby Design & Construction/Boone Bike/Specialized
16 Megan Archer MSG Womens Team
17 Heather Gibbs
18 Meredith Church Boone bike / Abby Desin & Construction
19 Philicia Marion Cycleworks
20 Allison Foil Giordana-Clif Bar
21 Kyla Basher Grassroots Bikes
22 Stephanie Cole Giordana-Clif Bar
23 Kristy Goelzer
24 Kathleen Mckeithan Studio7Multisport
25 Bronwyn Russell
26 Meghan Shapiro Hearts Racing / Kens Bike Shop
27 Carey Keever Unattached

Women Pro CX1/2/3 00+

Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Allison Arensman Pepper Palace/Spin-Tech Training p/b ABRC
2 Emily Werner MOB Pro CX Team
3 Erica Zaveta Lees-McRae College
4 Katherine Shields MOB Pro CX Team
5 Jane Burlew Asheville Cycloross
6 Kimberly Flynn US Stove - Trek p/b Vantaggio
7 Hannah Arensman Fiets Maan Racing
8 Angelina Stevens Garneau Custom p/b Hutchinson
9 Deb Sweeney whitmore pain pathways
10 Cinthia Lehner Pepper Palace/Spin-Tech Training p/b ABRC
11 Sarah Matchett Cool Breezr Trek
12 Susan Helm-murtagh TriCyclists BRC
13 Kim Bishop MSG Womens Cyclocross Team
14 Julie Paisant Mock Orange Bikes
15 Jana Morris Giordana-Clif Bar
16 Erin Donohue Mock Orange Bikes
17 Lynn Pitson Carolina Masters Cycling
18 Mackenzie Filippi LMC Cycling
19 Irene Manning Storm Racing Team
20 Janet Trubey Pepper Palace/Spin-Tech Training p/b ABRC
21 Alison Rhyne Storm Racing Team
22 Lorri Warlick Cycle- Smart Grassroots
23 Nicole Miranda Brevard College
24 Kelly Hopkin NCCX