These results are provided for informational purposes only. Please note that the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made to these results.

Cat 4

(54 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Devin Higgins 0:49:25
2 Jason Cicero Expo/Superior Energy st
3 Chris Grady Arc En Ciel st
4 Kenneth Thoman Comprehensive Racing/Salem Cycle st
5 Chris Gonce Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV st
6 Curt Comber Threshold Cycling st
7 Zachary Labry Threshold Cycling st
8 Nick Liddell Threshold Cycling st
9 Curtis Singmaster Refunds Now st
10 Edward Brightman bikeworks/hallamore st
11 Rich Olivier Fitchburg Cycling Club/Grassroots st
12 Tommy Goguen TEAM CF st
13 Alex Chaleff MIT st
14 Uri Halevi International Bicycle st
15 Cameron Mccormack HotTubes st
16 Michael Brier Refunds Now st
17 Matthew Miller Threshold Cycling st
18 Ian Rousseau MIT/FXDD st
19 Nicholas Tham ming qiang MIT st
20 Adam Schwarzweller st
21 James Harnois Mystic Velo Club st
22 Jay Trojan Century Drywall Inc. st
23 David Miller Smaltibikes /Cape Cod Cyclist st
24 Jonathan Delcolle Bikeworks/Hallamore/SVC st
25 Jim Paolantonio North Atlantic Velo st
26 Ian Mcfarland Mystic Velo Club/Connaughty Chiropractic st
27 Chip O'lari Mystic Velo Club st
28 John Weaver Mystic Velo Club st
29 Vic Brown iii Threshold Cycling st
30 Nathan Turillo Refunds Now st
31 Geoff Williams Refunds Now - Providence Velo Club st
32 Scott Kleekamp Boston College Cycling st
33 Anson Ross U.S. ARMY/Central Wheel- GHCC st
34 Stefan Wawersik Minuteman Road Club st
35 Andrew Kennedy Cambridge Bicycle / st
36 Jeffrey Bramhall Threshold Cycling st
37 George Shaw International Bicycle st
38 Bill Jacobson CCB st
39 Shawn Stafford Unattached st
40 Michael Harvey NBX st
41 Andrew Grosenbaugh CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCornerCycle st
42 Brooks Rorke Laurel Bicycle Club st
43 Michael Foley Northampton Cycling Club (NCC) st
44 Michael Cook Minuteman Road Club st
45 Kenneth Hamel Cyclonauts Racers st
46 Zachary Ybarra MIT st
47 Casey King Union Velo st
48 Brendan Mccormack HotTubes st
49 Austen Novis Arc En Ciel Racing Team st
50 Arjun Sudhir st

Cat 5

(34 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Chris Carper MIT 0:40:51
2 Bradley Smith Threshold Cycling st
3 Anthony Clark st
4 Gregory Alexander Brown University st
5 Ned Connelly Cox Communications st
6 Yi peng Teoh Brown University st
7 Alejandro Cifuentes-lorenzen n st
8 Young-kershaw Duane Deathrow Velo st
9 Stephen Pierce Firehouse Bicycles st
10 Nicholas Wheeler Noreast Cycling st
11 Chris Puleo Deathrow Velo st
12 John Romanishin MIT Cycling/FXDD st
13 Andrew Cooper FxD Coaching st
14 Wes Deane Block Island Velo Club st
15 Keith Haskell Mystic Velo Club st
16 Kevin Brant Grace Bicycles Velo Club st
17 Greg Louro Bikeworks/Hallamore st
18 Robert Hoenick Bikeworks/Hallamore st
19 Mitchell Favreau Mystic Velo Club st
20 Paul Saucier None st
21 Anthony Geruso Bikeworks/Hallamore st
22 Justin Ringling st
23 Michael Bolger Travis Cycle st
24 Travis Wenkalman Grace Bicycles Velo Club st
25 Jason Nelson Grace Bicycles Velo Club st
26 Peter Goguen TEAM CF st
27 Chieh chih Chiang Brown University st
28 Jason Andrew Quinebaug Valley Velo st
29 Richard Walsh Grace Bicycles Velo Club st
30 Ryan Noonan lap
31 Louis Pavao lap
32 Damien Wimbush Back Bay Cycling Club lap
33 Thomas Ferrira jr lap


(5 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Ian Keough CL Noonan/Bay Hill Capital/Corner Cycle 0:43:18
2 Eric O'grady Greater Hartford Cycling Club/Central Wheel 0:43:18
3 Kara Mullaly Capital Velo Club 0:43:18
4 Keith Mullaly Capital Velo Club 0:43:18
5 Tom Dudzik Eastern Bloc / Benidorm Bikes 0:43:18

Master 35+

(59 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Kyle Wolfe Finkraft Endurance Sports Coaching 0:58:17
2 Mark Mccormack Team FUJI/Clif Bar st
3 David Potter Arc En Ciel st
4 Bill Yabroudy NBX Bikes/Quadfire Racing st
5 Todd Buckley Arc En Ciel Racing Team st
6 Kyle Smith Embrocation Cycling Journal 0:00:45
7 Scott Washburn Cycle Lodge 0:00:50
8 William Peabody cycle lodge st
9 Thad Lavallee cycle taiwan st
10 Trent Sullivan CVC/Subaru of New England st
11 Bill Mark NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b Apex Technology st
12 Ted Shanstrom Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
13 Tony Hill Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
14 Murat Altinbasak M1 Racing/ st
15 Gary Aspnes Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp. st
16 Jonathan Bold Corner Cycle st
17 Unknown Rider st
18 Peter Sweeney DeathRow Velo st
19 Unknown Rider st
20 Duane Skofield BOB-Goodale' s Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/T st
21 Tobi Schultze Team FUJI Clif Bar st
22 Mark Gunsalus Team FUJI/Clif Bar st
23 Douglas Delap Mystic Velo Club st
24 Mark Dutka Mystic Velo st
25 John Corriveau BOB-Goodale' s Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/T st
26 Jim Peters NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech st
27 Joseph Rano Gear Works/Spin Arts st
28 Mark Suprenant Team Type 1 st
29 Pete Rumsey Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
30 David Kellogg Arc En Ciel st
31 Eric Pearce Cyclonauts Racers st
32 Jonathan Lowenstein NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech. st
33 Craig Harrison Sunapee/Continental Paving Racing Team st
34 Paul Lynch Cycle Lodge st
35 George Shaw International Bicycle Centers st
36 Wade Summers Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp st
37 Mike Maloney Cyclonauts Racers st
38 Christopher White BOB-Goodale'sBike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Ted st
39 Armand Pantalone BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Te st
40 Michael Dameron Swamp Yankee Road Club st
41 Rebecca Blatt Central Wheel/USA Army st
42 Adam Sternfield M1 Racing/ st
43 Stephen Ivester Gear Works/Spin Arts st
44 Francis Monforte Specialized Designs for Women/Bicycle Haus st
45 Timothy Shea BOB-Goodale' s Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/T st
46 Silke Wunderwald Team Kenda st
47 Eiric Marro BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Te st

Master 45+

(68 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 David Kellogg Arc En Ciel 1:28:16
2 Mike Pavlov CCB / Wheelworks st
3 John Stonebarger MBRC/Bicycle Link 0:00:14
4 Randy Rusk Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
5 Paul Curley Gear Works/Spin Arts Cyclery 0:00:18
6 Bill Mark NBX/Narragansett Beer p/b Apex Technology st
7 Tobi Schultze Team FUJI Clif Bar st
8 Jonathan Bold Corner Cycle st
9 Mark Suprenant Team Type 1 st
10 David Johnson Mystic Velo Club st
11 Todd Buckley Arc En Ciel Racing Team st
12 Tony Hill Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
13 Eric Pearce Cyclonauts Racers st
15 David Foley BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Te st
16 Stuart Beaulieu Essex County Velo st
17 Lionel Trahan st
18 Edward Deming Mystic Velo Club st
19 Bill Doonan Millwork One Racing - TWD Surfaces st
20 Brian Murphy Blue Hills Cycling Club st
21 Joseph Rano Gear Works/Spin Arts st
22 Paul Lynch Cycle Lodge st
23 Kelly Parsons Mystic Velo Club st
24 John Grenier Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar st
25 Ted Shanstrom Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
26 Walter Lane Mystic Velo Club st
27 Paul Anderson Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
28 Chris Gonce Kelly Benefit Strategies/LSV st
29 Bruce Mccowan Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team st
30 Craig Harrison Sunapee/Continental Paving Racing Team st
31 Eiric Marro BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Te st
32 Chris Dale NBX/Narragansett Beer st
33 Steve Fortier NHCC/Team NH st
34 Mark Hagen CCB/Volkswagen st
35 William Sawyer Gearworks - Spinarts st
36 David Uchenick Arc en ciel st
37 Armand Pantalone BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Te st
38 Bo Fuller NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b A st
39 Adam Sternfield M1 Racing/ st
40 Mike Maloney Cyclonauts Racers st
41 Mark Dutka Mystic Velo st
42 Mark Lescault TEAM Gearworks/Spinarts st
43 Rex Brewer Arc en Ciel st
44 Bob Bisson Gear Works/Spin Arts st
45 Michael Dameron Swamp Yankee Road Club st
46 Timothy Shea BOB-Goodale' s Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/T st

Master 55+

(19 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Paul Curley Gearworks/Spinarts 0:52:46
2 Edward Deming Mystic Velo Club st
3 Mark Hagen CCB/Volkswagen st
4 Chip O'lari Mystic Velo st
5 Dusty Adams 0:02:12
6 William Sawyer Gearworks - Spinarts st
7 Michael Miller Masters Velo Club st
8 Mieczyslaus Burzynski B.O.B.Goodale's BikeSpeedMerchantAreoTedWojcik st
9 Bob Ludecke laurel bike club st
10 Bruce Mccowan Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA st
11 James Themig Mystic Velo Club st
12 Buzz Gardner Laurel Bicycle Club st
13 Richard Martin Masters Velo st
14 Steven Toplitz Northeast Roadmasters st
15 David Martini Arc En Ciel Racing Team st
16 Richard Froh Unattached st
17 Larry Stachowiak CCB/Wheelworks lap
18 David Reed Mystic Velo Club lap


(66 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Adam Myerson Team Mountain Khakis fueled by Jittery Joe's 1:28:16
2 Mark Mccormack Team FUJI/Clif Bar st
3 Daniel Greenfield Wheelhouse / NCC Cycling Team st
4 Alec Donahue Wheelhouse / NCC Cycling Team st
5 Peter Petrillo CVC/Subaru of New England st
6 Amos Brumble CCB 0:00:06
7 Matthew Kressy M1 Racing/ 0:00:16
8 Shawn Mccormack Team FUJI/Clif Bar st
9 Stephen Gray IRSMEDIC/Berlin Bike/Best Cleaners st
10 Kevin Yarde Bicycle/Best Cleaners st
11 Luciano Pavan Fitchburg Cycling Club st
12 Unknown Rider st
13 Michael Shireman Union Velo st
14 Connor Sallee Echappe Equipment/CRCA st
15 Gary Aspnes Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp. st
16 John Grenier Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar st
17 Peter Bell Minuteman st
18 Jesse Chebot Third Pillar Racing st
19 Chris Coutu MetLife p/b groSolar st
20 Jeremy Durrin Wheelhouse / NCC st
21 Sean O'rourke Battley Harley-Davidson/Sonoma Restaurant/Teai st
22 Murat Altinbasak M1 Racing/ st
23 Mark Gunsalus Team FUJI/Clif Bar st
24 Evan Kirk CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCornerCycle st
25 Kyle Wolfe Finkraft Endurance Sports Coaching st
26 Manny Goguen TEAM CF st
27 Kyle Smith Embrocation Cycling Journal st
28 Gary Birkhamshaw st
29 Unknown Rider st
30 Jim Thomas NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental st
31 Morgan Hiller TEAM CF st
32 Brad Warren Wheelhouse / NCC Cycling Team st
33 Mukunda Feldman Wheelhouse / NCC Cycling Team st
34 Noah Harwood st
35 Daniel Ouellette Optimum Performance st
36 Leo Desforges Threshold Cycling st
37 Massimiliano Accaputo CVC / Subaru of New England st
38 Adam Sullivan Wheelhouse / NCC st
39 Dwayne Melton Mystic Velo Club st
40 Nick Pignatello iii CLR Road Racing st
41 Jonathan Lowenstein NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech. st
42 Matthew Spaits Cambridge Bicycle st
43 David Uchenick Arc en ciel st
44 Spike Mclaughlin Horst-Benidorm-PRC Cycling Team st
45 Aliaksandr Bialiauski CCB st
46 Yahor Buben CCB st
47 Bill Shattuck Corner Cycle st
48 Johnson Herman One Team Racing st
49 Peter Shapiro NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental st
50 Frank Mccormack Team FUJI/Clif Bar st
51 David Fierro NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental st

Women 1234

(25 starters)
Pl First Name Last Name Team Time
1 Silke Wunderwald Team Kenda 0:47:25
2 Bridget Petrillo CVC/Subaru of New England 0:00:37
3 Laura Summers Central Wheel st
4 Rebecca Blatt Central Wheel/USA Army st
5 Amy Mcguire Wheelworks Racing st
6 Katherine Snell NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental st
7 Kate Leppanen Quad Cycles st
8 Nicole Freedman Wheelworks Racing st
9 Hope Strode Wheelworks Racing lap
10 Laura Mullaly CVC/Subaru New England lap
11 Karla Labbe Stage 5 lap
12 Katie Mullaly CVC/Subaru New England lap
13 Lyn Mccabe Bethel Cycle lap
14 Denise Mitchell-dignan Mystic Velo Club lap
15 Carrie Hansen Specialized Designs for Women/Bicycle Haus lap
16 Jackie O'grady Greater Hartford Cycling Club/Central Wheel lap
17 Eliza Nguyen Mystic Velo Club lap
18 Kelsea Mullaly CVC/Subaru New England lap
19 Grace Vandal Mystic Velo lap
20 Jennifer Lacker Mystic Velo lap
21 Sari Guttin unattached lap
22 Nancy Mcbride Mystic Velo lap
23 Katherine Chamrin Mystic Velo Club lap