Results » Road » 2010

27th Annual Army Spring Classic

West Point, NY

Saturday, April 17, 2010

27th Annual Army Spring Classic Presented by USMA Cycling West Point, NY Saturday, April 17, 2010 to Sunday, April 18, 2010

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

The Army Spring Classic rocks!


ECCC Weekend Team Omnium

Place       School                                            Total        M-ITT     W-ITT     M-TTT     W-TTT     M-RR      W-RR      M-Crit    W-Crit
1           Dartmouth College                                 266          13        37        18        50        18        43        37        50
2           Yale University                                   245          43        32        9         37        37        37        18        32
3           University of Vermont                             240          50        18        37        15        43        9         50        18
4           Massachusetts Institute of Technology             228          8         50        43        32        2         50        0         43
5           Harvard University                                183          24        43        2         43        0         28        6         37
6           Pennsylvania State University                     168          37        8         50        0         0         24        21        28
7           University of Pennsylvania                        141          15        15        21        0         32        15        28        15
8           University of New Hampshire                       138          21        11        32        24        24        13        7         6
9           Columbia University-NYC                           109          3         11        5         28        9         32        0         21
10          Bucknell University                               101          0         5         13        21        28        0         32        2
11          Northeastern University                           99           0         28        8         18        0         21        0         24
12          University of Massachusetts-Amherst               95           32        0         0         0         50        0         13        0
13          US Military Academy                               85           0         4         4         13        15        5         43        1
14          Boston University                                 81           6         7         7         8         21        6         15        11
15          University of Pittsburgh                          69           28        0         28        6         7         0         0         0
16          University of Connecticut                         50           0         24        0         11        0         7         3         5
17          New York University                               48           18        0         11        0         8         0         11        0
18          New England Conservatory                          45           0         21        0         0         0         11        0         13
19          Cornell University                                43           0         6         4         7         0         18        4         4
20          Franklin and Marshall College                     40           4         0         15        0         4         9         8         0
21          Boston College                                    37           0         4         0         9         11        1         9         3
22          Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                  31           11        0         6         0         6         0         0         8
23          Villanova University                              25           1         0         0         0         0         0         24        0
24          Tufts University                                  24           0         0         24        0         0         0         0         0
25          Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway       24           0         13        0         0         0         2         0         9
26          Hamilton College                                  18           5         0         0         0         13        0         0         0
27          Middlebury College                                11           7         1         0         0         3         0         0         0
28          Princeton University                              9            9         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
29          McGill University                                 9            0         4         0         0         0         5         0         0
30          Wentworth Institute of Technology                 7            2         0         0         0         0         0         5         0
31          DeSales University                                7            0         0         0         0         0         0         0         7
32          Millersville University-Pennsylvania              6            0         0         0         0         5         1         0         0
33          Syracuse University                               5            0         0         0         0         0         5         0         0
34          Brown University                                  2            0         0         0         0         0         0         2         0
35          Worcester Polytechnic Institute                   1            0         0         0         0         0         0         1         0
36          Rochester Institute of Technology                 1            0         0         0         0         1         0         0         0
37          University of Delaware                            1            0         0         1         0         0         0         0         0


Men A        12 teams                                   15.0 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            Pennsylvania State University              0:31:17.70      110
2            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      0:31:25.70      92
3            University of Pittsburgh                   0:31:30.50      79
4            University of Pennsylvania                 0:31:44.00      68
5            University of Vermont                      0:32:36.50      58
6            Bucknell University                        0:32:40.50      49
7            Dartmouth College                          0:33:05.60      42
8            Boston University                          0:33:35.90      36
9            Franklin and Marshall College              0:34:17.60      31
10           Yale University                            0:35:45.20      26
11           Wentworth Institute of Technolo            0:35:49.40
12           US Military Academy                        0:36:08.80

Women A      10 teams                                   15.0 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            Dartmouth College                          0:36:24.80      110
2            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      0:38:02.70      92
3            Harvard University                         0:38:48.40      79
4            Columbia University-NYC                    0:40:26.20      68
5            Yale University                            0:40:30.40      58
6            Northeastern University                    0:40:47.70      49
7            US Military Academy                        0:42:53.00      42
8            University of Connecticut                  0:45:16.20      36
9            Boston University                          1:02:01.30      31
DNF          Pennsylvania State University              DNF

Men B        9 teams                                    15.0 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            University of Vermont                      0:34:24.60      65
2            University of New Hampshire                0:34:28.80      52
3            New York University                        0:34:29.70      43
4            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      0:34:49.00      36
5            Columbia University-NYC                    0:34:54.50      30
6            Dartmouth College                          0:34:56.20      24
7            Pennsylvania State University              0:36:07.20      19
8            Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute           0:36:17.00      16
9            Rochester Institute of Technolo            0:36:19.00

Women B      3 teams                                    7.5 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            University of New Hampshire                0:25:00.60      65
2            Bucknell University                        0:25:13.90      52
3            University of Vermont                      0:26:34.70      43

Men C        12 teams                                   7.5 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            Northeastern University                    0:21:29.10      42
2            Tufts University                           0:21:30.30      42
3            University of New Hampshire                0:21:31.00      33
4            Franklin and Marshall College              0:21:46.50      33
5            US Military Academy                        0:21:47.30      25
6            Yale University                            0:21:48.90      18
7            Cornell University                         0:21:51.20      25
8            Drexel University                          0:21:53.80      14
9            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      0:22:02.40
10           University of Delaware                     0:22:33.60      18
11           University of Vermont                      0:22:58.80      14
12           Boston University                          0:23:23.80

Women C      5 teams                                    7.5 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            Yale University                            0:25:17.60      42
2            Boston College                             0:25:58.40      33
3            Harvard University                         0:26:31.10      25
4            Cornell University                         0:27:30.30      18
5            University of Pittsburgh                   0:27:56.50      14

Men D        14 teams                                   7.5 miles

Place        Team                                       Time            Points
1            Tufts University                           0:22:44.30      27
2            Pennsylvania State University              0:22:45.60      27
3            Harvard University                         0:22:48.90      20
4            New York University                        0:22:58.00      14
5            University of Vermont                      0:23:21.40      10
6            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      0:23:27.80      20
7            University of Delaware                     0:23:36.50
8            Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute           0:23:38.00      14
9            Bucknell University                        0:23:40.20      10
10           US Military Academy                        0:24:13.50
11           Yale University                            0:24:36.00
12           University of Connecticut                  0:24:46.50
13           University of Pennsylvania                 0:25:16.50
14           Drexel University                          0:27:08.40


Men A                                 51 starters                80 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          47         Max             Korus                      University of Pennsylvania                          80
2          134        Jeremy          Durrin                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 70
3          115        Jacob           Bobrow                     University of Vermont                               63
4          23         Jeffrey         Salvitti                   Bucknell University                                 57
5          149        Douglass        Endrizzi                   Yale University                                     51
6          150        Synjen          Marrocco                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 45
7          136        Andrew          Meyer                      Boston College                                      40
8          10         Alex            Abarbanel-Grossman         Middlebury College                                  35
9          90         Nicholas        Reinert                    University of Pittsburgh                            30
10         93         Trevor          Eide                       Dartmouth College                                   26
11         28         Lee             Peters                     University of Vermont                               22
12         19         Aaron           Cravez                     Bucknell University                                 18
13         22         Gregory         Keith                      US Military Academy                                 15
14         50         Kyle            Bruley                     Boston University                                   12
15         6          Andrew          Seitz                      University of Pittsburgh                            9
16         103        Kyle            Gheres                     Pennsylvania State University                       7
17         52         Nathan          Kupperstock                Boston University                                   5
18         100        Steven          Derkits                    Pennsylvania State University                       3
19         7          Robert          Burnett                    Franklin and Marshall College                       2
20         18         Derek           Harnden                    University of Vermont                               1
21         98         Jonathan        Marshall                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
22         109        Waclaw          Godycki                    Cornell University
23         14         Jonathan        Awerbuch                   Yale University
24         128        Christopher     Wong                       Harvard University
25         40         Ross            Marklein                   University of Pennsylvania
26         5          Robert          Stumpf                     University of Pittsburgh
27         26         Ryan            O'Hara                     University of Connecticut
28         105        John            Rhoden                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
29         13         Mark            Theeman                    Northeastern University
30         49         Chris           Rodgers                    Pennsylvania State University
31         37         Evan            Cooper                     Tufts University
32         114        Tim             Humpton                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
33         25         Joseph          Grimm                      US Military Academy
34         111        Roberto         Torres-Aquiar              Pennsylvania State University
35         20         Aaron           Meyers                     Bucknell University
36         131        Jonathan        Dreher                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
37         129        Matthew         Nichols                    Dartmouth College
38         94         Arnaud          Borner                     Pennsylvania State University
39         48         Alex            Cox                        University of Vermont
40         137        Harrison        Harb                       University of New Hampshire
41         57         Owen            Pope                       University of Vermont
DNF        8          Christopher     Hamlin                     University of Vermont
DNF        9          Timothy         Manzella                   Drexel University
DNF        12         Arthur          Moran                      Wentworth Institute of Technology
DNF        27         Benjamin        Carbonetti                 University of Connecticut
DNF        41         Jeremy          Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University
DNF        104        Tristan         Baldwin                    University of Vermont
DNF        127        Andrew          Wheeler                    US Military Academy
DNF        130        Nikolai         Skievaski                  Boston University
DNF        145        Zachary         LaBry                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNF        148        Wyatt           Stoup                      Pennsylvania State University

Women A/B Combined

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Cat
1          52         Arielle         Filiberti                  Dartmouth College                                   A
2          61         Martha          Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology               A
3          73         Anna            McLoon                     Harvard University                                  A
4          74         Caroline        Savage                     Columbia University-NYC                             A
5          40         Yuri            Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology               A
6          66         Elle            Anderson                   Dartmouth College                                   A
7          42         Lauren          Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                       A
8          49         Sarah           Bowman                     Yale University                                     A
9          70         Jessica         Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                       A
10         48         Katy            Applin                     Northeastern University                             A
11         102        Cynthia         Nijenhuis                  Cornell University                                  B
12         51         Jena            Greaser                    University of Connecticut                           A
13         130        Amelia          Siani                      Yale University                                     B
14         124        Alexandra       Berndt                     New England Conservatory                            B
15         108        Jennie          Bender                     University of Vermont                               B
16         50         KimberlyAnn     Zubris                     Boston University                                   A
17         105        Isabella        Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                         B
18         115        Rebecca         Carew                      University of Pennsylvania                          B
19         126        Elske           Straver                    University of Pennsylvania                          B
20         127        Amy             Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                         B
21         134        Victoria        Bain                       McGill University                                   B
22         53         Aimee           Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                             A
23         36         Eun Young       Choi                       Harvard University                                  A
24         68         Morgan          Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                       A
25         101        Karina          DeMair                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         B
26         65         Kelsey          Hassin                     US Military Academy                                 A
27         106        Radka           Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                             B
28         131        Shane           Ferro                      Columbia University-NYC                             B
29         125        Nicole          Seekely                    Columbia University-NYC                             B
DNF        67         Claire          McKenna                    Dartmouth College                                   A
DNF        111        Jenny           Leavitt                    New York University                                 B
DNF        112        Rebekah         Morris                     Bucknell University                                 B

Women A                               17 starters                55 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          52         Arielle         Filiberti                  Dartmouth College                                   80
2          61         Martha          Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology               70
3          73         Anna            McLoon                     Harvard University                                  63
4          74         Caroline        Savage                     Columbia University-NYC                             57
5          40         Yuri            Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology               51
6          66         Elle            Anderson                   Dartmouth College                                   45
7          42         Lauren          Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                       40
8          49         Sarah           Bowman                     Yale University                                     35
9          70         Jessica         Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                       30
10         48         Katy            Applin                     Northeastern University                             26
11         51         Jena            Greaser                    University of Connecticut                           22
12         50         KimberlyAnn     Zubris                     Boston University                                   18
13         53         Aimee           Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                             15
14         36         Eun Young       Choi                       Harvard University                                  12
15         68         Morgan          Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                       9
16         65         Kelsey          Hassin                     US Military Academy                                 7
DNF        67         Claire          McKenna                    Dartmouth College

Women B                               15 starters                55 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          102        Cynthia         Nijenhuis                  Cornell University                                  48
2          130        Amelia          Siani                      Yale University                                     42
3          124        Alexandra       Berndt                     New England Conservatory                            36
4          108        Jennie          Bender                     University of Vermont                               32
5          105        Isabella        Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                         28
6          115        Rebecca         Carew                      University of Pennsylvania                          24
7          126        Elske           Straver                    University of Pennsylvania                          21
8          127        Amy             Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                         15
9          134        Victoria        Bain                       McGill University                                   12
10         101        Karina          DeMair                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         9
11         106        Radka           Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                             7
12         131        Shane           Ferro                      Columbia University-NYC                             5
13         125        Nicole          Seekely                    Columbia University-NYC                             3
DNF        111        Jenny           Leavitt                    New York University
DNF        112        Rebekah         Morris                     Bucknell University

Men B                                 54 starters                55 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          251        Stephen         Wright                     Hamilton College                                    48
2          332        Craig           Keasler                    Boston University                                   42
3          254        Patrick         Dunn                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                    36
4          277        Rodney          Kauffman                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania                32
5          252        Andrew          Mitstifer                  Franklin and Marshall College                       28
6          315        Joseph          Bylund                     Columbia University-NYC                             24
7          267        Spencer         Schaber                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology               21
8          337        Matthew         Means                      Bucknell University                                 15
9          280        John            Farrell                    University of Pennsylvania                          12
10         278        Gregory         Alexander                  Brown University                                    9
11         256        James           Heaney                     University of Pennsylvania                          7
12         324        Nick            Garcia                     US Military Academy                                 5
13         253        James           Thornton                   US Military Academy                                 3
14         235        Collin          Buesser                    Northeastern University                             2
15         348        Tim             Janson                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                    1
16         325        Brenden         Siekman                    US Military Academy
17         279        Sam             Hickey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
18         316        Garrett         Olsen                      Villanova University
19         327        John            Herrick                    University of Vermont
20         328        Raymond         Junkins                    Stevens Institute of Technology
21         319        Kevin           Curran                     Bucknell University
22         340        Michael         Honsberger                 McGill University
23         333        Ian             Rousseau                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
24         250        Daniel          Rossi                      Franklin and Marshall College
25         347        Radu            Jianu                      Brown University
26         281        Jacob           Sisson                     Cornell University
27         228        Carl            Kjellstrand                Middlebury College
28         310        Justin          Yeash                      Villanova University
29         260        Nathan          Davis                      University of Vermont
30         345        William         Blakeley                   Dartmouth College
31         270        Michael         Holmes                     Dartmouth College
32         273        Matthew         Sack                       New York University
33         224        Corey           Williams                   Columbia University-NYC
34         341        Thomas          Goetz                      Rochester Institute of Technology
35         272        Daniel          Hale                       University of Vermont
36         1073       Anna            McLoon                     Harvard University
37         343        Drew            Tyger                      Pennsylvania State University
38         320        Jeremy          May                        US Military Academy
39         225        Francesco       Leordina                   Columbia University-NYC
40         305        Hughes          Burridge                   Northeastern University
41         336        Ivan            Temnykh                    Pennsylvania State University
42         264        Patrick         Cafferky                   University of Vermont
43         326        Matthew         Holub                      University of New Hampshire
44         321        Joseph          Perez                      US Military Academy
45         312        Michael         Desmarais                  University of Vermont
46         313        Christopher     Mondiek                    Rochester Institute of Technology
47         248        Stephen         Thomasch                   Franklin and Marshall College
48         261        Harry           Chen                       Bucknell University
DNF        230        Aaron           Horvath                    Princeton University
DNF        301        Clint           Dager                      University of Delaware
DNF        303        Philip          Gasparovic                 University of Delaware
DNF        306        Karl            Honerlaw                   Boston College
DNF        314        James           Miceli                     Villanova University
DNF        329        Goran           Lynch                      University of Pennsylvania

Men C1                                38 starters                45 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          388        James           Bolognani                  University of New Hampshire                         32
2          443        Timothy         Stenovec                   New York University                                 24
3          415        Marc            MacLeod                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 18
4          362        Karl            Zahn                       University of Vermont                               15
5          393        James           Rose                       University of New Hampshire                         12
6          420        Scott           Igo                        University of Vermont                               9
7          410        Sean            Berry                      University of New Hampshire                         7
8          394        Nathan          Oriol                      University of New Hampshire                         5
9          391        Patrick         Galvin                     University of New Hampshire                         4
10         447        Joseph          Clemenzi                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 3
11         366        Darryl          McGrath                    Queens University                                   2
12         378        Antonio         Petrov                     Harvard University                                  1
13         454        Keith           Toombs                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
14         400        David           Miller                     New York University
15         422        Oliver          Lutz                       Cornell University
16         352        Eric            Adams                      University of Delaware
17         353        Brent           Heverly                    Drexel University
18         359        Gregory         Smaldone                   Cornell University
19         356        Garrick         Dixon                      Northeastern University
20         407        Eric            Panicucci                  Northeastern University
21         385        Spencer         Gilbert                    New York University
22         390        Jerome          Sanders                    University of Connecticut
23         384        Ben             Civiletti                  University of Vermont
24         434        Dominic         Caiazzo                    Northeastern University
25         396        Kevin           Emr                        Cornell University
26         409        James           Stoeckle                   Columbia University-NYC
27         417        Mariano         Garay                      Pennsylvania State University
28         386        Adam            Cohen                      University of Pittsburgh
29         440        David           Garguilo                   Boston University
30         367        Alexander       Parachini                  New York University
31         397        Nicholas        Calcagni                   Drexel University
32         445        Joshua          Saxe                       University of Vermont
33         354        Patrick         Twomey                     Queens University
34         734        Brett           Houser                     Drexel University
DNF        392        Andrew          Goodale                    University of New Hampshire
DNF        433        Michael         Farrar                     Northeastern University
DNF        444        Tod             Gentry                     Cornell University
DNF        446        George          Weiler                     University of Delaware

Men C2                                39 starters                45 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          528        Dan             Ipp                        Rochester Institute of Technology                   32
2          566        Paul            Trimby                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute                     24
3          543        Jesse           Manuel                     York Technical Institute                            18
4          560        Kevin           Rutherford                 US Military Academy                                 15
5          533        Adam            Bry                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology               12
6          536        Aaron           Swenson                    Dartmouth College                                   9
7          512        Matthew         Nole                       Boston College                                      7
8          572        Eric            Moon                       Millersville University-Pennsylvania                5
9          577        Eliot           Scymanski                  Franklin and Marshall College                       4
10         571        Patrick         Doumont                    US Military Academy                                 3
11         537        Andrew          Webster                    US Military Academy                                 2
12         569        Ben             Hemani                     Dartmouth College                                   1
13         527        Craig           Michaud                    Wentworth Institute of Technology
14         564        Taylor          Schwartz                   Tufts University
15         541        Justin          Pomerance                  Middlebury College
16         525        Cimarron        Wortham                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17         574        Jason           Herrling                   Rochester Institute of Technology
18         535        Daniel          Liebowitz                  Vassar College
19         544        Stephen         Rogacki                    US Military Academy
20         592        Zachary         Ybarra                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
21         514        Zachary         Browning                   Rochester Institute of Technology
22         516        James           Wolf                       Franklin and Marshall College
23         570        Austin          Gregory                    Hampshire College
24         499        John            Helfrich                   Hampshire College
25         503        Jonathan        Erickson                   Vassar College
26         518        YiPeng          Teoh                       Brown University
27         556        Derek           Boone                      Boston College
28         598        Andrew          Haggerty                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania
29         531        Nicholas        Walter                     Yale University
30         554        Matthew         Titus                      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
31         562        Isaac           Bleicher                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32         580        Armando         Peralta                    US Military Academy
33         534        Nathaniel       Dixon                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
34         567        George          Dyment                     Hampshire College
35         565        Christopher     Ritacco                    Yale University
36         573        Gregory         Wesolowich                 Millersville University-Pennsylvania
37         586        Peter           Davis                      Bucknell University
38         502        JJ              Cross                      Vassar College
DNF        505        Rock            Hwang                      Tufts University

Women C                               35 starters                45 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          202        Courtney        Gregor                     Franklin and Marshall College                       32
2          309        Erica           Blom                       Yale University                                     24
3          308        Natalie         Griffith                   Northeastern University                             18
4          235        Katie           Quinn                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology               15
5          274        Jaclyn          Dalessandro                Northeastern University                             12
6          262        Maja            Janas                      Harvard University                                  9
7          205        Courtney        Halista                    Boston College                                      7
8          240        Jamie           Ervin                      US Military Academy                                 5
9          300        Jennifer        Zeckendorf                 Yale University                                     4
10         253        Allison         Hugi                       Yale University                                     3
11         216        Gina            DiNunzio                   Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway         2
12         227        Caitlin         Masopust                   University of Connecticut                           1
13         317        McKayla         Dunfey                     Hamilton College
14         203        Taylor          Rojek                      DeSales University
15         229        Ashley          Nichols                    University of Vermont
16         330        Kristen         Railey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17         349        Stephanie       Reighart                   Dartmouth College
18         252        Shannon         Burke                      University of Vermont
19         211        Eileen          Evans                      Harvard University
20         223        Allison         Gehnrich                   University of New Hampshire
21         242        Lauren          Heiliger                   US Military Academy
22         204        Maureen         Regan                      Boston College
23         241        Rebecca         Thorsness                  Princeton University
24         277        Kimbra          Buerschaper                Boston College
25         295        Christina       Chnaider                   Boston University
26         251        Theresa         Maynard                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst
27         267        Carolyn         Carlstrom                  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
28         318        Cassandra       Wolcott                    Cornell University
29         213        Sophy           Lee                        Harvard University
30         320        Elena           Siani                      Cornell University
31         312        Kaytlin         Senatore                   Bucknell University
32         264        Bethany         Smith                      Queens University
33         243        Sonja           Butler                     US Military Academy
34         276        Tiahna          Harris                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
DNF        222        Tricia          Barstow                    University of New Hampshire

Men D1                                38 starters                30 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          750        Zheren          Yang                       Columbia University-NYC                             20
2          740        Taylor          Smith                      University of New Hampshire                         16
3          605        Christian       Anderson                   New York University                                 12
4          684        James           Petersen                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst                 8
5          723        Ernie           Lehman                     Pennsylvania State University                       5
6          738        Daniel          Boyle                      University of Vermont                               4
7          632        John            Bachman                    Harvard University                                  3
8          757        Benjamin        Oswald                     Cornell University                                  2
9          633        Christopher     Gilbert                    Harvard University                                  1
10         755        Mark            Donovan                    Drexel University
11         665        Justin          Tang                       Queens University
12         608        Marcos          Picchio                    Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
13         707        Joel            Norton                     Northeastern University
14         704        Byron           Hood                       Harvard University
15         656        Max             Petersen                   Cornell University
16         627        Eric            Emery                      Cornell University
17         694        Burton          Levine                     Pennsylvania State University
18         935        Ryan            Sullivan                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst
19         615        Andrew          Walker                     University of Delaware
20         602        Zhiguang        Ng                         New York University
21         737        John            Oliver                     University of Vermont
22         748        Alexander       Szela                      University of Delaware
23         683        Jonathan        Cusick                     University of Vermont
24         611        Cesar           Vega                       New York University
25         732        Colby           Samstag                    University of Pennsylvania
26         616        Peter           Ott                        University of Delaware
27         756        Jacob           Rubin                      University of Delaware
28         655        Adam            Scianna                    University of Connecticut
29         686        Liam            Twomey                     Queens University
30         674        Joe             Weiss                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst
31         658        Karl            Haloj                      University of Vermont
32         662        Robert          Winnett                    Boston University
33         620        Charles         Rumford                    Drexel University
34         631        Brendan         Diener                     Drexel University
35         621        Chatura         Atapattu                   Drexel University
DNF        642        Adrian          Lopez                      New York University
DNF        670        Joseph          Martinez                   Pennsylvania State University
DNF        695        Edward          Burger                     University of Connecticut

Men D2                                32 starters                30 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          996        Nicholas        Geiser                     Yale University                                     20
2          972        Eric            Fischer                    Yale University                                     16
3          877        Omar            Melikechi                  Dartmouth College                                   12
4          834        Brad            Hagedorn                   Dartmouth College                                   8
5          995        Patrick         Chimenti                   Tufts University                                    5
6          960        Thomas          Devane                     US Military Academy                                 4
7          962        Kevan           ORear                      US Military Academy                                 3
8          987        Nicholas        Ferra                      Franklin and Marshall College                       2
9          842        John            Romanishin                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology               1
10         882        Torey           Miller                     Rochester Institute of Technology
11         867        Erik            Gonsiorowski               Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
12         957        Lucas           Harris                     Hamilton College
13         999        Chris           Matteri                    Middlebury College
14         945        Douglas         Breault                    Tufts University
15         989        Cornelius       VanGalen                   Franklin and Marshall College
16         911        Matthew         Blackburn                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17         929        Joseph          Wilkos                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute
18         933        Alexander       Reich                      Millersville University-Pennsylvania
19         887        John            Kissock                    Bucknell University
20         857        Richard         Trierweiler                Dartmouth College
21         900        Patrick         Streeter                   Rochester Institute of Technology
22         968        Gil             Erlich                     Bucknell University
23         932        Thomas          McCade                     Millersville University-Pennsylvania
24         965        Zachary         Robinson                   US Military Academy
25         910        Zachary         Bailey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
26         974        Jonathan        Parham                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
27         833        Christopher     Townsley                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
DNF        849        Wade            Baldwin                    Bucknell University
DNF        868        Devin           Wagner                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
DNF        896        Benjamin        Davidson                   Rochester Institute of Technology
DNF        964        Max             Smith                      US Military Academy
DNF        981        Michael         Driscoll                   Bucknell University

Men Intro                             11 starters                30 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          915        Daniel          Blizzard                   Yale University                                     12
2          963        Sean            Owen                       Wentworth Institute of Technology                   7
3          745        Ryan            Williams                   New York University                                 5
4          637        Adrien          McCosker                   McGill University                                   3
5          690        Carl            Oswald                     Yale University                                     1
6          836        Mark            Chmelar                    Yale University
7          647        Miroslav        Grajewski                  University of Connecticut
8          711        Alexander       Brown                      University of Pennsylvania
9          501        Zachary         Zeilman                    Vassar College
10         758        Tyler           York                       New York University
11         741        Sean            Walsh                      Boston University

Women Intro                           8 starters                 30 minutes

Place      Bib        First           Last                       Team                                                Points
1          329        Kimberly        Junkins                    Syracuse University                                 12
2          260        Terri           Monserrat                  Millersville University-Pennsylvania                7
3          299        Amanda          White                      University of Connecticut                           5
4          625
5          327        Leah            Nagel                      Middlebury College                                  3
6          210        Rachel          Kurchin                    Yale University                                     1
7          200        Genna           Waldvogel                  University of Vermont
8          296        Caroline        Pardee                     Boston University


Sully beats Joe!

Men A                                                 47 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         115       0:11:20.00       Jacob            Bobrow                     University of Vermont                          80
2         128       0:11:27.60       Christopher      Wong                       Harvard University                             70
3         14        0:11:31.60       Jonathan         Awerbuch                   Yale University                                63
4         103       0:11:35.20       Kyle             Gheres                     Pennsylvania State University                  57
5         5         0:11:37.10       Robert           Stumpf                     University of Pittsburgh                       51
6         47        0:11:37.50       Max              Korus                      University of Pennsylvania                     45
7         52        0:11:43.20       Nathan           Kupperstock                Boston University                              40
8         134       0:11:44.80       Jeremy           Durrin                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst            35
9         18        0:11:47.20       Derek            Harnden                    University of Vermont                          30
10        8         0:11:54.60       Christopher      Hamlin                     University of Vermont                          26
11        90        0:11:55.60       Nicholas         Reinert                    University of Pittsburgh                       22
12        28        0:11:57.00       Lee              Peters                     University of Vermont                          18
13        131       0:12:01.30       Jonathan         Dreher                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology          15
14        23        0:12:02.90       Jeffrey          Salvitti                   Bucknell University                            12
15        100       0:12:05.30       Steven           Derkits                    Pennsylvania State University                  9
16        148       0:12:05.60       Wyatt            Stoup                      Pennsylvania State University                  7
17        57        0:12:07.70       Owen             Pope                       University of Vermont                          5
18        114       0:12:08.40       Tim              Humpton                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology          3
19        105       0:12:10.20       John             Rhoden                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology          2
20        94        0:12:11.40       Arnaud           Borner                     Pennsylvania State University                  1
21        6         0:12:12.50       Andrew           Seitz                      University of Pittsburgh
22        7         0:12:16.90       Robert           Burnett                    Franklin and Marshall College
23        93        0:12:17.80       Trevor           Eide                       Dartmouth College
24        26        0:12:18.50       Ryan             O'Hara                     University of Connecticut
25        25        0:12:22.70       Joseph           Grimm                      US Military Academy
26        27        0:12:23.50       Benjamin         Carbonetti                 University of Connecticut
27        40        0:12:23.70       Ross             Marklein                   University of Pennsylvania
28        145       0:12:24.80       Zachary          LaBry                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
29        41        0:12:25.00       Jeremy           Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University
30        10        0:12:30.10       Alex             Abarbanel-Grossman         Middlebury College
31        149       0:12:30.10       Douglass         Endrizzi                   Yale University
32        37        0:12:32.90       Evan             Cooper                     Tufts University
33        20        0:12:36.70       Aaron            Meyers                     Bucknell University
34        49        0:12:40.40       Chris            Rodgers                    Pennsylvania State University
35        50        0:12:45.50       Kyle             Bruley                     Boston University
36        98        0:12:47.90       Jonathan         Marshall                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
37        142       0:12:52.20       Nicolas          Ammerlaan                  University of Montreal
38        48        0:12:56.70       Alex             Cox                        University of Vermont
39        111       0:12:59.00       Roberto          Torres-Aquiar              Pennsylvania State University
40        150       0:13:00.40       Synjen           Marrocco                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst
41        129       0:13:03.60       Matthew          Nichols                    Dartmouth College
42        19        0:13:13.90       Aaron            Cravez                     Bucknell University
43        13        0:13:17.00       Mark             Theeman                    Northeastern University
44        22        0:13:19.60       Gregory          Keith                      US Military Academy
45        130       0:13:50.60       Nikolai          Skievaski                  Boston University
46        12        0:16:58.20       Arthur           Moran                      Wentworth Institute of Technology
DNF       136                        Andrew           Meyer                      Boston College

Women A                                               15 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         61        0:12:46.50       Martha           Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology          80
2         73        0:13:14.60       Anna             McLoon                     Harvard University                             70
3         66        0:13:34.20       Elle             Anderson                   Dartmouth College                              63
4         40        0:13:56.30       Yuri             Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology          57
5         49        0:14:04.50       Sarah            Bowman                     Yale University                                51
6         51        0:14:41.80       Jena             Greaser                    University of Connecticut                      45
7         67        0:14:57.60       Claire           McKenna                    Dartmouth College                              40
8         36        0:15:13.80       Eun Young        Choi                       Harvard University                             35
9         48        0:15:17.40       Katy             Applin                     Northeastern University                        30
10        50        0:15:25.90       KimberlyAnn      Zubris                     Boston University                              26
11        70        0:15:35.60       Jessica          Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                  22
12        53        0:15:43.80       Aimee            Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                        18
13        65        0:16:17.70       Kelsey           Hassin                     US Military Academy                            15
14        74        0:16:19.00       Caroline         Savage                     Columbia University-NYC                        12
15        68        0:17:19.60       Morgan           Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                  9

Men B                                                 43 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         230       0:11:42.10       Aaron            Horvath                    Princeton University                           48
2         228       0:12:02.30       Carl             Kjellstrand                Middlebury College                             42
3         251       0:12:04.80       Stephen          Wright                     Hamilton College                               36
4         348       0:12:13.00       Tim              Janson                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute               32
5         327       0:12:16.20       John             Herrick                    University of Vermont                          28
6         314       0:12:16.70       James            Miceli                     Villanova University                           24
7         225       0:12:28.50       Francesco        Leordina                   Columbia University-NYC                        21
8         267       0:12:39.10       Spencer          Schaber                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology          15
9         303       0:12:41.00       Philip           Gasparovic                 University of Delaware                         12
10        273       0:12:43.00       Matthew          Sack                       New York University                            9
11        152       0:12:43.20       Evan             Murphy                     Rhode Island School of Design                  7
12        235       0:12:43.40       Collin           Buesser                    Northeastern University                        5
13        313       0:12:44.20       Christopher      Mondiek                    Rochester Institute of Technology              3
14        280       0:12:45.20       John             Farrell                    University of Pennsylvania                     2
15        336       0:12:51.40       Ivan             Temnykh                    Pennsylvania State University                  1
16        250       0:12:54.70       Daniel           Rossi                      Franklin and Marshall College
17        345       0:12:56.30       William          Blakeley                   Dartmouth College
18        256       0:12:57.50       James            Heaney                     University of Pennsylvania
19        301       0:13:01.80       Clint            Dager                      University of Delaware
20        306       0:13:05.40       Karl             Honerlaw                   Boston College
21        333       0:13:09.50       Ian              Rousseau                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
22        329       0:13:15.70       Goran            Lynch                      University of Pennsylvania
23        272       0:13:16.10       Daniel           Hale                       University of Vermont
24        341       0:13:20.10       Thomas           Goetz                      Rochester Institute of Technology
25        337       0:13:21.50       Matthew          Means                      Bucknell University
26        277       0:13:22.90       Rodney           Kauffman                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania
27        325       0:13:27.80       Brenden          Siekman                    US Military Academy
28        260       0:13:30.20       Nathan           Davis                      University of Vermont
29        343       0:13:31.30       Drew             Tyger                      Pennsylvania State University
30        340       0:13:33.70       Michael          Honsberger                 McGill University
31        253       0:13:35.40       James            Thornton                   US Military Academy
32        332       0:13:35.40       Craig            Keasler                    Boston University
33        224       0:13:43.30       Corey            Williams                   Columbia University-NYC
34        319       0:13:46.20       Kevin            Curran                     Bucknell University
35        264       0:13:47.70       Patrick          Cafferky                   University of Vermont
36        248       0:13:57.80       Stephen          Thomasch                   Franklin and Marshall College
37        328       0:14:01.00       Raymond          Junkins                    Stevens Institute of Technology
38        279       0:14:02.10       Sam              Hickey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
39        254       0:14:13.40       Patrick          Dunn                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
40        261       0:14:15.10       Harry            Chen                       Bucknell University
41        252       0:14:33.80       Andrew           Mitstifer                  Franklin and Marshall College
42        310       0:14:38.80       Justin           Yeash                      Villanova University
43        312       0:15:56.10       Michael          Desmarais                  University of Vermont

Women B                                               14 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         124       0:14:32.60       Alexandra        Berndt                     New England Conservatory                       48
2         108       0:15:23.50       Jennie           Bender                     University of Vermont                          42
3         101       0:15:24.20       Karina           DeMair                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway    36
4         115       0:15:28.00       Rebecca          Carew                      University of Pennsylvania                     32
5         105       0:15:37.80       Isabella         Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                    28
6         102       0:15:39.40       Cynthia          Nijenhuis                  Cornell University                             24
7         112       0:16:02.70       Rebekah          Morris                     Bucknell University                            21
8         134       0:16:05.80       Victoria         Bain                       McGill University                              15
9         126       0:16:27.00       Elske            Straver                    University of Pennsylvania                     12
10        111       0:16:41.70       Jenny            Leavitt                    New York University                            9
11        130       0:16:42.70       Amelia           Siani                      Yale University                                7
12        127       0:16:53.30       Amy              Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                    5
13        106       0:17:09.90       Radka            Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                        3
14        116       0:17:55.50       Emily            Novak                      Bucknell University                            2

Men C1                                                31 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         391       0:11:57.80       Patrick          Galvin                     University of New Hampshire                    32
2         443       0:12:06.10       Timothy          Stenovec                   New York University                            24
3         447       0:12:15.00       Joseph           Clemenzi                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst            18
4         388       0:12:21.50       James            Bolognani                  University of New Hampshire                    15
5         415       0:13:02.20       Marc             MacLeod                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst            12
6         417       0:13:08.70       Mariano          Garay                      Pennsylvania State University                  9
7         400       0:13:09.00       David            Miller                     New York University                            7
8         361       0:13:11.10       Matthew          Lewis                      Columbia University-NYC                        5
9         410       0:13:13.60       Sean             Berry                      University of New Hampshire                    4
10        362       0:13:18.50       Karl             Zahn                       University of Vermont                          3
11        422       0:13:21.80       Oliver           Lutz                       Cornell University                             2
12        420       0:13:23.10       Scott            Igo                        University of Vermont                          1
13        394       0:13:29.00       Nathan           Oriol                      University of New Hampshire
14        352       0:13:33.10       Eric             Adams                      University of Delaware
15        396       0:13:35.60       Kevin            Emr                        Cornell University
16        454       0:13:37.60       Keith            Toombs                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
17        385       0:13:41.50       Spencer          Gilbert                    New York University
18        366       0:13:44.50       Darryl           McGrath                    Queens University
19        378       0:13:45.90       Antonio          Petrov                     Harvard University
20        359       0:13:47.70       Gregory          Smaldone                   Cornell University
21        434       0:13:53.20       Dominic          Caiazzo                    Northeastern University
22        354       0:14:11.70       Patrick          Twomey                     Queens University
23        444       0:14:13.50       Tod              Gentry                     Cornell University
24        393       0:14:15.20       James            Rose                       University of New Hampshire
25        390       0:14:23.60       Jerome           Sanders                    University of Connecticut
26        367       0:14:24.50       Alexander        Parachini                  New York University
27        397       0:14:41.00       Nicholas         Calcagni                   Drexel University
28        446       0:14:47.90       George           Weiler                     University of Delaware
29        384       0:14:49.20       Ben              Civiletti                  University of Vermont
30        440       0:14:56.20       David            Garguilo                   Boston University
31        445       0:15:43.90       Joshua           Saxe                       University of Vermont

Men C2                                                30 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         577       0:12:44.20       Eliot            Scymanski                  Franklin and Marshall College                  32
2         536       0:12:59.50       Aaron            Swenson                    Dartmouth College                              24
3         526       0:13:07.70       Alex             Grant                      Tufts University                               18
4         527       0:13:08.10       Craig            Michaud                    Wentworth Institute of Technology              15
5         533       0:13:10.80       Adam             Bry                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology          12
6         571       0:13:18.30       Patrick          Doumont                    US Military Academy                            9
7         569       0:13:28.10       Ben              Hemani                     Dartmouth College                              7
8         512       0:13:28.70       Matthew          Nole                       Boston College                                 5
9         566       0:13:35.50       Paul             Trimby                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute                4
10        539       0:13:37.10       David            Hocker                     Princeton University                           3
11        516       0:13:37.40       James            Wolf                       Franklin and Marshall College                  2
12        564       0:13:39.20       Taylor           Schwartz                   Tufts University                               1
13        531       0:13:45.50       Nicholas         Walter                     Yale University
14        525       0:13:45.60       Cimarron         Wortham                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15        572       0:13:51.20       Eric             Moon                       Millersville University-Pennsylvania
16        543       0:13:52.50       Jesse            Manuel                     York Technical Institute
17        560       0:13:59.00       Kevin            Rutherford                 US Military Academy
18        518       0:14:09.50       YiPeng           Teoh                       Brown University
19        541       0:14:10.70       Justin           Pomerance                  Middlebury College
20        514       0:14:10.90       Zachary          Browning                   Rochester Institute of Technology
21        598       0:14:12.20       Andrew           Haggerty                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania
22        755       0:14:16.60       Mark             Donovan                    Drexel University
23        574       0:14:26.90       Jason            Herrling                   Rochester Institute of Technology
24        505       0:15:07.80       Rock             Hwang                      Tufts University
25        592       0:15:09.00       Zachary          Ybarra                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
26        534       0:15:32.20       Nathaniel        Dixon                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
27        498       0:15:59.60       Scott            Henry                      Bucknell University
28        586       0:16:00.30       Peter            Davis                      Bucknell University
29        565       0:16:15.50       Christopher      Ritacco                    Yale University
DNF       537                        Andrew           Webster                    US Military Academy

Women C                                               28 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         308       0:15:39.30       Natalie          Griffith                   Northeastern University                        32
2         262       0:15:41.30       Maja             Janas                      Harvard University                             24
3         309       0:15:48.50       Erica            Blom                       Yale University                                18
4         205       0:16:15.70       Courtney         Halista                    Boston College                                 15
5         235       0:16:26.00       Katie            Quinn                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology          12
6         227       0:16:27.80       Caitlin          Masopust                   University of Connecticut                      9
7         202       0:16:35.90       Courtney         Gregor                     Franklin and Marshall College                  7
8         274       0:17:11.80       Jaclyn           Dalessandro                Northeastern University                        5
9         349       0:17:16.40       Stephanie        Reighart                   Dartmouth College                              4
10        241       0:17:40.70       Rebecca          Thorsness                  Princeton University                           3
11        315       0:17:42.00       Shannon          Casey                      University of Pittsburgh                       2
12        213       0:17:42.60       Sophy            Lee                        Harvard University                             1
13        204       0:17:54.00       Maureen          Regan                      Boston College
14        229       0:18:02.70       Ashley           Nichols                    University of Vermont
15        242       0:18:05.30       Lauren           Heiliger                   US Military Academy
16        211       0:18:10.10       Eileen           Evans                      Harvard University
17        317       0:18:15.30       McKayla          Dunfey                     Hamilton College
18        253       0:18:15.40       Allison          Hugi                       Yale University
19        252       0:18:30.50       Shannon          Burke                      University of Vermont
20        223       0:18:41.90       Allison          Gehnrich                   University of New Hampshire
21        240       0:18:46.60       Jamie            Ervin                      US Military Academy
22        264       0:18:57.70       Bethany          Smith                      Queens University
23        203       0:19:23.10       Taylor           Rojek                      DeSales University
24        243       0:19:41.40       Sonja            Butler                     US Military Academy
25        312       0:19:53.40       Kaytlin          Senatore                   Bucknell University
26        258       0:20:11.70       Marie            Weber                      Dartmouth College
27        267       0:20:12.90       Carolyn          Carlstrom                  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
28        276       0:20:42.40       Tiahna           Harris                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Men D1                                                29 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         605       0:13:39.20       Christian        Anderson                   New York University                            20
2         684       0:13:51.50       James            Petersen                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst            16
3         740       0:14:07.90       Taylor           Smith                      University of New Hampshire                    12
4         732       0:14:09.00       Colby            Samstag                    University of Pennsylvania                     8
5         683       0:14:22.30       Jonathan         Cusick                     University of Vermont                          5
6         750       0:14:25.90       Zheren           Yang                       Columbia University-NYC                        4
7         723       0:14:40.00       Ernie            Lehman                     Pennsylvania State University                  3
8         611       0:14:44.70       Cesar            Vega                       New York University                            2
9         627       0:14:51.10       Eric             Emery                      Cornell University                             1
10        748       0:14:51.70       Alexander        Szela                      University of Delaware
11        632       0:14:52.00       John             Bachman                    Harvard University
12        686       0:14:58.20       Liam             Twomey                     Queens University
13        757       0:14:59.20       Benjamin         Oswald                     Cornell University
14        602       0:15:05.80       Zhiguang         Ng                         New York University
15        615       0:15:06.70       Andrew           Walker                     University of Delaware
16        756       0:15:07.50       Jacob            Rubin                      University of Delaware
17        745       0:15:10.30       Ryan             Williams                   New York University
18        656       0:15:42.60       Max              Petersen                   Cornell University
19        665       0:15:43.40       Justin           Tang                       Queens University
20        704       0:15:52.10       Byron            Hood                       Harvard University
21        935       0:15:56.70       Ryan             Sullivan                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst
22        674       0:16:08.80       Joe              Weiss                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst
23        655       0:16:12.00       Adam             Scianna                    University of Connecticut
24        658       0:16:17.80       Karl             Haloj                      University of Vermont
25        616       0:16:20.70       Peter            Ott                        University of Delaware
26        642       0:16:51.60       Adrian           Lopez                      New York University
27        619       0:16:57.30       Andrew           Vogeler                    University of Pittsburgh
28        737       0:17:08.70       John             Oliver                     University of Vermont
29        662       0:17:45.90       Robert           Winnett                    Boston University

Men D2                                                30 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         867       0:13:02.00       Erik             Gonsiorowski               Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute               20
2         877       0:13:13.70       Omar             Melikechi                  Dartmouth College                              16
3         972       0:13:27.70       Eric             Fischer                    Yale University                                12
4         996       0:13:28.50       Nicholas         Geiser                     Yale University                                8
5         960       0:13:53.70       Thomas           Devane                     US Military Academy                            5
6         834       0:14:06.20       Brad             Hagedorn                   Dartmouth College                              4
7         857       0:14:14.80       Richard          Trierweiler                Dartmouth College                              3
8         987       0:14:21.10       Nicholas         Ferra                      Franklin and Marshall College                  2
9         945       0:14:22.10       Douglas          Breault                    Tufts University                               1
10        882       0:14:32.70       Torey            Miller                     Rochester Institute of Technology
11        868       0:14:40.60       Devin            Wagner                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
12        962       0:14:55.40       Kevan            ORear                      US Military Academy
13        999       0:15:02.90       Chris            Matteri                    Middlebury College
14        887       0:15:03.90       John             Kissock                    Bucknell University
15        842       0:15:17.00       John             Romanishin                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
16        964       0:15:24.40       Max              Smith                      US Military Academy
17        929       0:15:28.00       Joseph           Wilkos                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute
18        965       0:15:35.50       Zachary          Robinson                   US Military Academy
19        989       0:15:50.90       Cornelius        VanGalen                   Franklin and Marshall College
20        957       0:16:02.30       Lucas            Harris                     Hamilton College
21        900       0:16:06.20       Patrick          Streeter                   Rochester Institute of Technology
22        911       0:16:14.50       Matthew          Blackburn                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
23        865       0:16:42.00       James            Stanat                     Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
24        932       0:16:49.40       Thomas           McCade                     Millersville University-Pennsylvania
25        968       0:17:20.30       Gil              Erlich                     Bucknell University
26        954       0:17:21.90       David            DeWitt                     Yale University
27        833       0:17:45.60       Christopher      Townsley                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
28        896       0:17:50.20       Benjamin         Davidson                   Rochester Institute of Technology
29        910       0:18:35.80       Zachary          Bailey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
30        974       0:18:47.00       Jonathan         Parham                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Men Intro                                             10 starters                2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         963       0:14:12.20       Sean             Owen                       Wentworth Institute of Technology              12
2         915       0:14:54.00       Daniel           Blizzard                   Yale University                                7
3         637       0:15:39.40       Adrien           McCosker                   McGill University                              5
4         690       0:16:19.40       Carl             Oswald                     Yale University                                3
5         647       0:17:03.80       Miroslav         Grajewski                  University of Connecticut                      1
6         711       0:17:09.40       Alexander        Brown                      University of Pennsylvania
7         758       0:17:44.50       Tyler            York                       New York University
8         836       0:17:59.10       Mark             Chmelar                    Yale University
9         741       0:20:50.30       Sean             Walsh                      Boston University
10        670       0:27:23.70       Joseph           Martinez                   Pennsylvania State University

Women Intro                                           5 starters                 2.5 miles

Place     Bib       Time             First            Last                       Team                                           Points
1         755       0:19:07.50
2         327       0:20:47.10       Leah             Nagel                      Middlebury College                             12
3         625       0:21:25.20
4         210       0:23:25.50       Rachel           Kurchin                    Yale University                                7
5         200       0:24:38.00       Genna            Waldvogel                  University of Vermont                          5


Men A                                       48 starters                60 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           28          Lee                 Peters                     University of Vermont                            70
2           93          Trevor              Eide                       Dartmouth College                                64
3           47          Max                 Korus                      University of Pennsylvania                       58
4           111         Roberto             Torres-Aquiar              Pennsylvania State University                    52
5           18          Derek               Harnden                    University of Vermont                            46
6           134         Jeremy              Durrin                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst              41
7           23          Jeffrey             Salvitti                   Bucknell University                              36
8           52          Nathan              Kupperstock                Boston University                                31
9           136         Andrew              Meyer                      Boston College                                   27
10          27          Benjamin            Carbonetti                 University of Connecticut                        23
11          149         Douglass            Endrizzi                   Yale University                                  19
12          20          Aaron               Meyers                     Bucknell University                              15
13          109         Waclaw              Godycki                    Cornell University                               12
14          128         Christopher         Wong                       Harvard University                               9
15          50          Kyle                Bruley                     Boston University                                7
16          5           Robert              Stumpf                     University of Pittsburgh                         5
17          104         Tristan             Baldwin                    University of Vermont                            4
18          26          Ryan                O'Hara                     University of Connecticut                        3
19          150         Synjen              Marrocco                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst              2
20          94          Arnaud              Borner                     Pennsylvania State University                    1
21          142         Nicolas             Ammerlaan                  University of Montreal
22          8           Christopher         Hamlin                     University of Vermont
23          98          Jonathan            Marshall                   Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
24          90          Nicholas            Reinert                    University of Pittsburgh
25          19          Aaron               Cravez                     Bucknell University
26          6           Andrew              Seitz                      University of Pittsburgh
27          103         Kyle                Gheres                     Pennsylvania State University
28          126         Patrick             Barter                     Dartmouth College
29          131         Jonathan            Dreher                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
30          130         Nikolai             Skievaski                  Boston University
31          14          Jonathan            Awerbuch                   Yale University
32          9           Timothy             Manzella                   Drexel University
33          49          Chris               Rodgers                    Pennsylvania State University
34          145         Zachary             LaBry                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
35          148         Wyatt               Stoup                      Pennsylvania State University
36          41          Jeremy              Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University
37          127         Andrew              Wheeler                    US Military Academy
38          37          Evan                Cooper                     Tufts University
39          22          Gregory             Keith                      US Military Academy
40          115         Jacob               Bobrow                     University of Vermont
41          12          Arthur              Moran                      Wentworth Institute of Technology
42          129         Matthew             Nichols                    Dartmouth College
43          100         Steven              Derkits                    Pennsylvania State University
44          57          Owen                Pope                       University of Vermont
45          13          Mark                Theeman                    Northeastern University
DNF         10          Alex                Abarbanel-Grossman         Middlebury College
DNF         40          Ross                Marklein                   University of Pennsylvania
DNF         48          Alex                Cox                        University of Vermont

Women A/B Combined

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Cat
1           52          Arielle             Filiberti                  Dartmouth College                                A
2           48          Katy                Applin                     Northeastern University                          A
3           61          Martha              Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology            A
4           73          Anna                McLoon                     Harvard University                               A
5           42          Lauren              Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                    A
6           66          Elle                Anderson                   Dartmouth College                                A
7           36          Eun Young           Choi                       Harvard University                               A
8           50          KimberlyAnn         Zubris                     Boston University                                A
9           49          Sarah               Bowman                     Yale University                                  A
10          40          Yuri                Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology            A
11          70          Jessica             Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                    A
12          53          Aimee               Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                          A
13          51          Jena                Greaser                    University of Connecticut                        A
14          108         Jennie              Bender                     University of Vermont                            B
15          74          Caroline            Savage                     Columbia University-NYC                          A
16          124         Alexandra           Berndt                     New England Conservatory                         B
17          67          Claire              McKenna                    Dartmouth College                                A
18          115         Rebecca             Carew                      University of Pennsylvania                       B
19          65          Kelsey              Hassin                     US Military Academy                              A
20          101         Karina              DeMair                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway      B
21          130         Amelia              Siani                      Yale University                                  B
22          102         Cynthia             Nijenhuis                  Cornell University                               B
23          125         Nicole              Seekely                    Columbia University-NYC                          B
24          112         Rebekah             Morris                     Bucknell University                              B
25          105         Isabella            Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                      B
26          127         Amy                 Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                      B
27          134         Victoria            Bain                       McGill University                                B
28          68          Morgan              Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                    A
29          106         Radka               Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                          B
30          119         Elizabeth           Marcello                   Columbia University-NYC                          B
DNF         131         Shane               Ferro                      Columbia University-NYC                          B
DNF         126         Elske               Straver                    University of Pennsylvania                       B

Women A                                     17 starters                50 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           52          Arielle             Filiberti                  Dartmouth College                                70
2           48          Katy                Applin                     Northeastern University                          64
3           61          Martha              Buckley                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology            58
4           73          Anna                McLoon                     Harvard University                               52
5           42          Lauren              Shirock                    Pennsylvania State University                    46
6           66          Elle                Anderson                   Dartmouth College                                41
7           36          Eun Young           Choi                       Harvard University                               36
8           50          KimberlyAnn         Zubris                     Boston University                                31
9           49          Sarah               Bowman                     Yale University                                  27
10          40          Yuri                Matsumoto                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology            23
11          70          Jessica             Kutz                       Pennsylvania State University                    19
12          53          Aimee               Layton                     Columbia University-NYC                          15
13          51          Jena                Greaser                    University of Connecticut                        12
14          74          Caroline            Savage                     Columbia University-NYC                          9
15          67          Claire              McKenna                    Dartmouth College                                7
16          65          Kelsey              Hassin                     US Military Academy                              5
17          68          Morgan              Farnsworth                 Pennsylvania State University                    4

Women B                                     15 starters                50 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           108         Jennie              Bender                     University of Vermont                            41
2           124         Alexandra           Berndt                     New England Conservatory                         35
3           115         Rebecca             Carew                      University of Pennsylvania                       31
4           101         Karina              DeMair                     Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway      27
5           130         Amelia              Siani                      Yale University                                  23
6           102         Cynthia             Nijenhuis                  Cornell University                               18
7           125         Nicole              Seekely                    Columbia University-NYC                          15
8           112         Rebekah             Morris                     Bucknell University                              13
9           105         Isabella            Oleksy                     University of New Hampshire                      11
10          127         Amy                 Schwarzenberg              University of New Hampshire                      9
11          134         Victoria            Bain                       McGill University                                7
12          106         Radka               Pickova                    Columbia University-NYC                          5
13          119         Elizabeth           Marcello                   Columbia University-NYC                          3
DNF         131         Shane               Ferro                      Columbia University-NYC
DNF         126         Elske               Straver                    University of Pennsylvania

Men B                                       55 starters                50 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           324         Nick                Garcia                     US Military Academy                              41
2           316         Garrett             Olsen                      Villanova University                             35
3           337         Matthew             Means                      Bucknell University                              31
4           325         Brenden             Siekman                    US Military Academy                              27
5           278         Gregory             Alexander                  Brown University                                 23
6           254         Patrick             Dunn                       Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                 18
7           249         Charles             Salzer                     Franklin and Marshall College                    15
8           332         Craig               Keasler                    Boston University                                13
9           253         James               Thornton                   US Military Academy                              11
10          303         Philip              Gasparovic                 University of Delaware                           9
11          310         Justin              Yeash                      Villanova University                             7
12          152         Evan                Murphy                     Rhode Island School of Design                    5
13          917         Daniel              Seehausen                  Connecticut College                              3
14          336         Ivan                Temnykh                    Pennsylvania State University                    2
15          250         Daniel              Rossi                      Franklin and Marshall College                    1
16          224         Corey               Williams                   Columbia University-NYC
17          326         Matthew             Holub                      University of New Hampshire
18          347         Radu                Jianu                      Brown University
19          261         Harry               Chen                       Bucknell University
20          260         Nathan              Davis                      University of Vermont
21          267         Spencer             Schaber                    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
22          277         Rodney              Kauffman                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania
23          321         Joseph              Perez                      US Military Academy
24          251         Stephen             Wright                     Hamilton College
25          306         Karl                Honerlaw                   Boston College
26          301         Clint               Dager                      University of Delaware
27          327         John                Herrick                    University of Vermont
28          328         Raymond             Junkins                    Stevens Institute of Technology
29          235         Collin              Buesser                    Northeastern University
30          314         James               Miceli                     Villanova University
31          279         Sam                 Hickey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
32          228         Carl                Kjellstrand                Middlebury College
33          345         William             Blakeley                   Dartmouth College
34          333         Ian                 Rousseau                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
35          273         Matthew             Sack                       New York University
36          348         Tim                 Janson                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
37          1073        Anna                McLoon                     Harvard University
38          340         Michael             Honsberger                 McGill University
39          315         Joseph              Bylund                     Columbia University-NYC
40          225         Francesco           Leordina                   Columbia University-NYC
41          319         Kevin               Curran                     Bucknell University
42          272         Daniel              Hale                       University of Vermont
43          252         Andrew              Mitstifer                  Franklin and Marshall College
44          341         Thomas              Goetz                      Rochester Institute of Technology
45          329         Goran               Lynch                      University of Pennsylvania
46          313         Christopher         Mondiek                    Rochester Institute of Technology
47          305         Hughes              Burridge                   Northeastern University
48          312         Michael             Desmarais                  University of Vermont
49          343         Drew                Tyger                      Pennsylvania State University
50          270         Michael             Holmes                     Dartmouth College
DNF         230         Aaron               Horvath                    Princeton University
DNF         248         Stephen             Thomasch                   Franklin and Marshall College
DNF         256         James               Heaney                     University of Pennsylvania
DNF         264         Patrick             Cafferky                   University of Vermont
DNF         280         John                Farrell                    University of Pennsylvania

Men C1                                      37 starters                35 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           566         Paul                Trimby                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute                  22
2           422         Oliver              Lutz                       Cornell University                               16
3           378         Antonio             Petrov                     Harvard University                               13
4           443         Timothy             Stenovec                   New York University                              10
5           410         Sean                Berry                      University of New Hampshire                      9
6           391         Patrick             Galvin                     University of New Hampshire                      8
7           394         Nathan              Oriol                      University of New Hampshire                      6
8           407         Eric                Panicucci                  Northeastern University                          5
9           420         Scott               Igo                        University of Vermont                            4
10          393         James               Rose                       University of New Hampshire                      3
11          390         Jerome              Sanders                    University of Connecticut                        2
12          433         Michael             Farrar                     Northeastern University                          1
13          385         Spencer             Gilbert                    New York University
14          409         James               Stoeckle                   Columbia University-NYC
15          447         Joseph              Clemenzi                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst
16          366         Darryl              McGrath                    Queens University
17          440         David               Garguilo                   Boston University
18          367         Alexander           Parachini                  New York University
19          444         Tod                 Gentry                     Cornell University
20          415         Marc                MacLeod                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst
21          434         Dominic             Caiazzo                    Northeastern University
22          352         Eric                Adams                      University of Delaware
23          734         Brett               Houser                     Drexel University
24          397         Nicholas            Calcagni                   Drexel University
25          396         Kevin               Emr                        Cornell University
26          454         Keith               Toombs                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
27          384         Ben                 Civiletti                  University of Vermont
28          361         Matthew             Lewis                      Columbia University-NYC
29          388         James               Bolognani                  University of New Hampshire
30          362         Karl                Zahn                       University of Vermont
31          356         Garrick             Dixon                      Northeastern University
32          400         David               Miller                     New York University
33          359         Gregory             Smaldone                   Cornell University
34          417         Mariano             Garay                      Pennsylvania State University
35          445         Joshua              Saxe                       University of Vermont
36          354         Patrick             Twomey                     Queens University
37          446         George              Weiler                     University of Delaware

Men C2                                      36 starters                35 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           527         Craig               Michaud                    Wentworth Institute of Technology                22
2           528         Dan                 Ipp                        Rochester Institute of Technology                16
3           536         Aaron               Swenson                    Dartmouth College                                13
4           577         Eliot               Scymanski                  Franklin and Marshall College                    10
5           562         Isaac               Bleicher                   Massachusetts Institute of Technology            9
6           544         Stephen             Rogacki                    US Military Academy                              8
7           556         Derek               Boone                      Boston College                                   6
8           505         Rock                Hwang                      Tufts University                                 5
9           512         Matthew             Nole                       Boston College                                   4
10          560         Kevin               Rutherford                 US Military Academy                              3
11          543         Jesse               Manuel                     York Technical Institute                         2
12          545         Christopher         Burgart                    Boston College                                   1
13          571         Patrick             Doumont                    US Military Academy
14          592         Zachary             Ybarra                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15          498         Scott               Henry                      Bucknell University
16          537         Andrew              Webster                    US Military Academy
17          541         Justin              Pomerance                  Middlebury College
18          580         Armando             Peralta                    US Military Academy
19          514         Zachary             Browning                   Rochester Institute of Technology
20          572         Eric                Moon                       Millersville University-Pennsylvania
21          554         Matthew             Titus                      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
22          586         Peter               Davis                      Bucknell University
23          573         Gregory             Wesolowich                 Millersville University-Pennsylvania
24          531         Nicholas            Walter                     Yale University
25          526         Alex                Grant                      Tufts University
26          564         Taylor              Schwartz                   Tufts University
27          518         YiPeng              Teoh                       Brown University
28          574         Jason               Herrling                   Rochester Institute of Technology
29          539         David               Hocker                     Princeton University
30          598         Andrew              Haggerty                   Millersville University-Pennsylvania
31          552         Matthew             Warbrick                   Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
32          569         Ben                 Hemani                     Dartmouth College
33          565         Christopher         Ritacco                    Yale University
DNF         516         James               Wolf                       Franklin and Marshall College
DNF         533         Adam                Bry                        Massachusetts Institute of Technology
DNF         596         Michael             Gaskin                     Middlebury College

Women C                                     35 starters                35 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           267         Carolyn             Carlstrom                  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                 22
2           330         Kristen             Railey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology            16
3           203         Taylor              Rojek                      DeSales University                               13
4           262         Maja                Janas                      Harvard University                               10
5           277         Kimbra              Buerschaper                Boston College                                   9
6           253         Allison             Hugi                       Yale University                                  8
7           309         Erica               Blom                       Yale University                                  6
8           205         Courtney            Halista                    Boston College                                   5
9           240         Jamie               Ervin                      US Military Academy                              4
10          202         Courtney            Gregor                     Franklin and Marshall College                    3
11          295         Christina           Chnaider                   Boston University                                2
12          317         McKayla             Dunfey                     Hamilton College                                 1
13          241         Rebecca             Thorsness                  Princeton University
14          235         Katie               Quinn                      Massachusetts Institute of Technology
15          274         Jaclyn              Dalessandro                Northeastern University
16          213         Sophy               Lee                        Harvard University
17          216         Gina                DiNunzio                   Rutgers University-New Brunswick/Piscataway
18          308         Natalie             Griffith                   Northeastern University
19          229         Ashley              Nichols                    University of Vermont
20          349         Stephanie           Reighart                   Dartmouth College
21          211         Eileen              Evans                      Harvard University
22          227         Caitlin             Masopust                   University of Connecticut
23          264         Bethany             Smith                      Queens University
24          252         Shannon             Burke                      University of Vermont
25          223         Allison             Gehnrich                   University of New Hampshire
26          242         Lauren              Heiliger                   US Military Academy
27          204         Maureen             Regan                      Boston College
28          258         Marie               Weber                      Dartmouth College
29          251         Theresa             Maynard                    University of Massachusetts-Amherst
30          243         Sonja               Butler                     US Military Academy
31          312         Kaytlin             Senatore                   Bucknell University
32          276         Tiahna              Harris                     University of Massachusetts-Amherst
33          315         Shannon             Casey                      University of Pittsburgh
34          270
35          218         Amy                 Dzura                      University of Pittsburgh

Men D1                                      33 starters                25 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           738         Daniel              Boyle                      University of Vermont                            12
2           750         Zheren              Yang                       Columbia University-NYC                          9
3           684         James               Petersen                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst              7
4           704         Byron               Hood                       Harvard University                               6
5           605         Christian           Anderson                   New York University                              5
6           632         John                Bachman                    Harvard University                               4
7           755         Mark                Donovan                    Drexel University                                3
8           602         Zhiguang            Ng                         New York University                              2
9           723         Ernie               Lehman                     Pennsylvania State University                    1
10          707         Joel                Norton                     Northeastern University
11          662         Robert              Winnett                    Boston University
12          611         Cesar               Vega                       New York University
13          756         Jacob               Rubin                      University of Delaware
14          683         Jonathan            Cusick                     University of Vermont
15          655         Adam                Scianna                    University of Connecticut
16          665         Justin              Tang                       Queens University
17          656         Max                 Petersen                   Cornell University
18          732         Colby               Samstag                    University of Pennsylvania
19          686         Liam                Twomey                     Queens University
20          737         John                Oliver                     University of Vermont
21          658         Karl                Haloj                      University of Vermont
22          935         Ryan                Sullivan                   University of Massachusetts-Amherst
23          631         Brendan             Diener                     Drexel University
24          674         Joe                 Weiss                      University of Massachusetts-Amherst
25          642         Adrian              Lopez                      New York University
26          621         Chatura             Atapattu                   Drexel University
DNF         615         Andrew              Walker                     University of Delaware
DNF         616         Peter               Ott                        University of Delaware
DNF         620         Charles             Rumford                    Drexel University
DNF         627         Eric                Emery                      Cornell University
DNF         694         Burton              Levine                     Pennsylvania State University
DNF         740         Taylor              Smith                      University of New Hampshire
DNF         748         Alexander           Szela                      University of Delaware

Men D2                                      32 starters                25 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           987         Nicholas            Ferra                      Franklin and Marshall College                    12
2           996         Nicholas            Geiser                     Yale University                                  9
3           960         Thomas              Devane                     US Military Academy                              7
4           972         Eric                Fischer                    Yale University                                  6
5           999         Chris               Matteri                    Middlebury College                               5
6           962         Kevan               ORear                      US Military Academy                              4
7           842         John                Romanishin                 Massachusetts Institute of Technology            3
8           877         Omar                Melikechi                  Dartmouth College                                2
9           867         Erik                Gonsiorowski               Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                 1
10          981         Michael             Driscoll                   Bucknell University
11          968         Gil                 Erlich                     Bucknell University
12          957         Lucas               Harris                     Hamilton College
13          887         John                Kissock                    Bucknell University
14          945         Douglas             Breault                    Tufts University
15          868         Devin               Wagner                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
16          911         Matthew             Blackburn                  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
17          929         Joseph              Wilkos                     Worcester Polytechnic Institute
18          932         Thomas              McCade                     Millersville University-Pennsylvania
19          964         Max                 Smith                      US Military Academy
20          834         Brad                Hagedorn                   Dartmouth College
21          857         Richard             Trierweiler                Dartmouth College
22          933         Alexander           Reich                      Millersville University-Pennsylvania
23          989         Cornelius           VanGalen                   Franklin and Marshall College
24          974         Jonathan            Parham                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
25          910         Zachary             Bailey                     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
26          965         Zachary             Robinson                   US Military Academy
27          900         Patrick             Streeter                   Rochester Institute of Technology
28          865         James               Stanat                     Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
29          896         Benjamin            Davidson                   Rochester Institute of Technology
DNF         633         Christopher         Gilbert                    Harvard University
DNF         849         Wade                Baldwin                    Bucknell University
DNF         986         Hans                Kaestner                   Franklin and Marshall College

Men Intro                                   13 starters                20 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           963         Sean                Owen                       Wentworth Institute of Technology                7
2           915         Daniel              Blizzard                   Yale University                                  5
3           690         Carl                Oswald                     Yale University                                  3
4           637         Adrien              McCosker                   McGill University                                2
5           836         Mark                Chmelar                    Yale University                                  1
6           745         Ryan                Williams                   New York University
7           670         Joseph              Martinez                   Pennsylvania State University
8           719         Anthony             Altimore                   University of Pennsylvania
9           741         Sean                Walsh                      Boston University
10          937         John                Powell                     Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
11          856         James               Scouras                    Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
12          711         Alexander           Brown                      University of Pennsylvania
13          647         Miroslav            Grajewski                  University of Connecticut

Women Intro                                 8 starters                 20 minutes

Place       Bib         First               Last                       Team                                             Points
1           755
2           260         Terri               Monserrat                  Millersville University-Pennsylvania             7
3           299         Amanda              White                      University of Connecticut                        5
4           625
5           327         Leah                Nagel                      Middlebury College                               3
6           210         Rachel              Kurchin                    Yale University                                  2
7           200         Genna               Waldvogel                  University of Vermont                            1
8           296         Caroline            Pardee                     Boston University


Men A

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           47          Max            Korus                University of Pennsylvania                 5
2           48          Alex           Cox                  University of Vermont                      3
3           100         Steven         Derkits              Pennsylvania State University              2
4           93          Trevor         Eide                 Dartmouth College                          1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           48          Alex           Cox                  University of Vermont                      5
2           47          Max            Korus                University of Pennsylvania                 3
3           134         Jeremy         Durrin               University of Massachusetts-Amherst        2
4           28          Lee            Peters               University of Vermont                      1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           47          Max            Korus                University of Pennsylvania                 5
2           28          Lee            Peters               University of Vermont                      3
3           48          Alex           Cox                  University of Vermont                      2
4           134         Jeremy         Durrin               University of Massachusetts-Amherst        1

Sprint #4
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           6           Andrew         Seitz                University of Pittsburgh                   5
2           47          Max            Korus                University of Pennsylvania                 3
3           48          Alex           Cox                  University of Vermont                      2
4           5           Robert         Stumpf               University of Pittsburgh                   1

Sprint #5
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           47          Max            Korus                University of Pennsylvania                 5
2           8           Christopher    Hamlin               University of Vermont                      3
3           18          Derek          Harnden              University of Vermont                      2
4           111         Roberto        Torres-Aquiar        Pennsylvania State University              1

Sprint #6
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           12          Arthur         Moran                Wentworth Institute of Technology          5
2           18          Derek          Harnden              University of Vermont                      3
3           47          Max            Korus                University of Pennsylvania                 2
4           134         Jeremy         Durrin               University of Massachusetts-Amherst        1

Women A

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           49          Sarah          Bowman               Yale University                            10
2           61          Martha         Buckley              Massachusetts Institute of Technology      6
3           66          Elle           Anderson             Dartmouth College                          4
4           42          Lauren         Shirock              Pennsylvania State University              2

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           40          Yuri           Matsumoto            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      5
2           51          Jena           Greaser              University of Connecticut                  3
3           53          Aimee          Layton               Columbia University-NYC                    2
4           42          Lauren         Shirock              Pennsylvania State University              1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           61          Martha         Buckley              Massachusetts Institute of Technology      5
2           40          Yuri           Matsumoto            Massachusetts Institute of Technology      3
3           42          Lauren         Shirock              Pennsylvania State University              2
4           49          Sarah          Bowman               Yale University                            1

Sprint #4
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           67          Claire         McKenna              Dartmouth College                          10
2           70          Jessica        Kutz                 Pennsylvania State University              6
3           61          Martha         Buckley              Massachusetts Institute of Technology      4
4           52          Arielle        Filiberti            Dartmouth College                          2

Men B

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           273         Matthew        Sack                 New York University                        5
2           316         Garrett        Olsen                Villanova University                       3
3           310         Justin         Yeash                Villanova University                       2
4           917         Daniel         Seehausen            Connecticut College                        1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           316         Garrett        Olsen                Villanova University                       5
2           333         Ian            Rousseau             Massachusetts Institute of Technology      3
3           306         Karl           Honerlaw             Boston College                             2
4           301         Clint          Dager                University of Delaware                     1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           316         Garrett        Olsen                Villanova University                       5
2           260         Nathan         Davis                University of Vermont                      3
3           306         Karl           Honerlaw             Boston College                             2
4           310         Justin         Yeash                Villanova University                       1

Sprint #4
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           321         Joseph         Perez                US Military Academy                        5
2           316         Garrett        Olsen                Villanova University                       3
3           272         Daniel         Hale                 University of Vermont                      2
4           310         Justin         Yeash                Villanova University                       1

Women B

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           115         Rebecca        Carew                University of Pennsylvania                 5
2           119         Elizabeth      Marcello             Columbia University-NYC                    3
3           125         Nicole         Seekely              Columbia University-NYC                    2
4           134         Victoria       Bain                 McGill University                          1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           115         Rebecca        Carew                University of Pennsylvania                 5
2           124         Alexandra      Berndt               New England Conservatory                   3
3           130         Amelia         Siani                Yale University                            2
4           108         Jennie         Bender               University of Vermont                      1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           125         Nicole         Seekely              Columbia University-NYC                    5
2           115         Rebecca        Carew                University of Pennsylvania                 3
3           130         Amelia         Siani                Yale University                            2
4           124         Alexandra      Berndt               New England Conservatory                   1

Sprint #4
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           108         Jennie         Bender               University of Vermont                      5
2           115         Rebecca        Carew                University of Pennsylvania                 3
3           105         Isabella       Oleksy               University of New Hampshire                2
4           125         Nicole         Seekely              Columbia University-NYC                    1

Men C1

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           443         Timothy        Stenovec             New York University                        5
2           391         Patrick        Galvin               University of New Hampshire                3
3           378         Antonio        Petrov               Harvard University                         2
4           396         Kevin          Emr                  Cornell University                         1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           443         Timothy        Stenovec             New York University                        5
2           410         Sean           Berry                University of New Hampshire                3
3           393         James          Rose                 University of New Hampshire                2
4           391         Patrick        Galvin               University of New Hampshire                1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           443         Timothy        Stenovec             New York University                        5
2           410         Sean           Berry                University of New Hampshire                3
3           422         Oliver         Lutz                 Cornell University                         2
4           391         Patrick        Galvin               University of New Hampshire                1

Men C2

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           565         Christopher    Ritacco              Yale University                            5
2           571         Patrick        Doumont              US Military Academy                        3
3           554         Matthew        Titus                Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute           2
4           528         Dan            Ipp                  Rochester Institute of Technology          1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           537         Andrew         Webster              US Military Academy                        5
2           536         Aaron          Swenson              Dartmouth College                          3
3           573         Gregory        Wesolowich           Millersville University-Pennsylvania       2
4           580         Armando        Peralta              US Military Academy                        1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           592         Zachary        Ybarra               Massachusetts Institute of Technology      5
2           564         Taylor         Schwartz             Tufts University                           3
3           526         Alex           Grant                Tufts University                           2
4           543         Jesse          Manuel               York Technical Institute                   1

Women C

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           203         Taylor         Rojek                DeSales University                         5
2           267         Carolyn        Carlstrom            Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute           3
3           309         Erica          Blom                 Yale University                            2
4           202         Courtney       Gregor               Franklin and Marshall College              1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           262         Maja           Janas                Harvard University                         5
2           253         Allison        Hugi                 Yale University                            3
3           202         Courtney       Gregor               Franklin and Marshall College              2
4           213         Sophy          Lee                  Harvard University                         1

Sprint #3
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           203         Taylor         Rojek                DeSales University                         5
2           262         Maja           Janas                Harvard University                         3
3           202         Courtney       Gregor               Franklin and Marshall College              2
4           235         Katie          Quinn                Massachusetts Institute of Technology      1

Men D1

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           662         Robert         Winnett              Boston University                          5
2           632         John           Bachman              Harvard University                         3
3           611         Cesar          Vega                 New York University                        2
4           738         Daniel         Boyle                University of Vermont                      1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           611         Cesar          Vega                 New York University                        5
2           707         Joel           Norton               Northeastern University                    3
3           655         Adam           Scianna              University of Connecticut                  2
4           704         Byron          Hood                 Harvard University                         1

Men D2

Sprint #1
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           996         Nicholas       Geiser               Yale University                            5
2           960         Thomas         Devane               US Military Academy                        3
3           962         Kevan          ORear                US Military Academy                        2
4           834         Brad           Hagedorn             Dartmouth College                          1

Sprint #2
Place       Bib         First          Last                 Team                                       Points
1           996         Nicholas       Geiser               Yale University                            5
2           987         Nicholas       Ferra                Franklin and Marshall College              3
3           962         Kevan          ORear                US Military Academy                        2
4           842         John           Romanishin           Massachusetts Institute of Technology      1