Mengoni Gran Prix

New York, NY

Saturday, September 28, 2002

Mengoni Gran Prix
New York, NY
September 28, 2002

Results Courtesy of PEP Results

Men Pro/1/2/3                             118 Starters                         43 Miles
1    Joseph          Papp                 UPMC Fuji Cycling                    1:32:57
2    Jan             Schilder             Team Moes-WN/Holland
3    Todd            Herriott             Think Racing/CRCA                    at :08
4    Rob             Rigg                 CRCA Dash/Renaissance                :26
5    Ciaran          Power                Navigators Cycling Team              :50
6    Frank           Van Rooijen          Team Moes-WIN/Holland                1:08
7    Adam            Myerson              G.S. Mengoni
8    Gerardo         Castro               UPMC Fuji
9    Melito          Heredia              Toga
10   Eugene A.       Boronow              Century- SBCG
11   Thomas          Leaper               Navigators Cycling Team
12   Marty           Nothstein            Navigators Cycling Team              1:12
13   Vassili         Davidenko            Navigators Cycling Team
14   Wilson          Vasquez              G.S. Mengoni
15   Gregorio        Bare                 UPMC Fuji
16   Jurandir        de Almeida           Ready Pac
17   Roselvert       marte                gap
18   Anthony         Alessio              CRCA/REMAX
19   Wouter          Mol                  Team Moes-WIN/Holland
20   Fred            Horwood              Gotham/CRCA
21   chris           chong tenn           High Gear/Watchung Wheelmen
22   Abdul           Kabia                CTS
23   Paul            Choo-wee-naam        Team TAM
24   Ross            Krause               G.S. Mengoni
25   Mike            Pudlinsky            CRCA/Think Racing
26   Anthony         Taylor               Kissena Elite Cycling Team
27   Gary S.         Keblish              Century-SBCG
28   Peter           Barlin               Think Racing/CRCA
29   inson           wood                 ECAPS/CRCA
30   john            IDONE                remax/crca
31   juan            pimentel             sony/global locate
32   brian           doroshuk             northeastern hardware
33   Juan            Castro               Ideal Tile/Brielle Cyclery
34   Bernard         McGarry              cts/cranford bike team
35   Troy            Kimball              Westwood Velo Cycling Team
36   karl            RAHN                 team bicycle therapy
37   haig            marino               kreb cycle/east end cycling team
38   Walter          Quesada              Weswood Velo
39   Todd            German               CRCA/SOHO Capital
40   Jared           Bunde                Kissena
41   michael         prokopec             MIYA SHOJI
42   Todd            Sammann    
43   HORACE          BURROWES             MONEY GRAM
44   Raymond         Zeimet               Zyrtec Cycling Team
45   Michael         Henson               Century Road Club Association/Think Racing
46   Tony            Pechenik             CRCA / GAP
47   Jason           Baer                 GS Mengoni
48   Stephen         Badger               ReMax/CRCA
49   Robert          Lattanzi             Miya Shoji
50   Donny           Lopez                Ideal Tile
51   Rik             Sijm                 Team Moes-WIN/Holland
52   Larry           Detris               East Coast Velo
53   Anthony         Canger               CRCA/Miya Shoji
54   Jonathan        Lowenstein           Arc En Ceil Racing Team
55   Scott           Gregoire             Century Road Club Assn.
56   James           McDade               CRCA
57   Kenneth         Lundgren             Westwood Velo
58   Marc            Mauceri              CRCA-AXIS/FURNITURE CO.
59   Scott           Keller               CTS - Cranford
60   Pete            O'Mara               Ideal Tile
61   Doug            O Neill              CTS
62   Jose            Collado              Global Locate / Sony Music
63   Christian       Young                Ideal Tile / Brielle Cyclery
64   Richard         Gonzalez             Montclair Cyclists
65   roger           aspholm              thinkracing
66   Paul            Carbonara
67   Brian           Keating              Ispo/Lotusan/Keating Cycling Team
68   Mariusz         Brinken              Kissena Sports
69   Darren          Jeffries             Lombardi/
70   stephen         harvey               century road club
71   Chad            Davis                Think Racing/CRCA
72   gregory         lee                  century road club
73   rafael          diaz-granados_       century road club association/gap
74   Patrick         Gellineau            Team Squiggle
75   Kevin           Bouchard-Hall        G.S. Mengoni
76   Craig           Upton                CRCA/ThinkRacing
77   Stephen         Jamison              CRCA - Miya Shoji
78   Bradford        Knipes               Amherst Racing Club
79   Siro            Camponogara          Navigators Cycling Team
80   Kevin           McNeill              Global Locate/MHB Cycling
81   David           Sommerville          CRCA Think Racing
82   Eric            Ragot                Kissena Cycling Club
83   Steven          Ward                 Team Colavita/MBS
84   Charlie         Issendorf            G.S. Mengoni
85   Edward          Beamon               Navigators Cycling Team

Women 1/2/3                               23 Starters                          25 Miles
1    Ashley          Kimmet               Serotta                              1:03:37
2    Catherine       Powers               Terry Precision
3    Caryl           Gale                 San Diego Cyclo Vets
4    Frances         Harrison             Setanta/CRCA
5    randy           sharp                axis racing/century road club
6    Nina            Strika               CRCA/RLX Polo Sport
7    Ann Marie       Miller               Verizon
8    Sophie          St-jacques           TREK PLUS Women cycling team
9    sarah           sauvayre             CRCA/Women's Sports and Fitness
10   Bronwyn         Law-Viljoen
11   Hanna           Vazquez              womens sports and fitness/Setanta/CRCA
12   Elizabeth       Tyrell               Somersel Wheelman
13   Elizabeth       Renaud               CRCA/Women's Sports & Fitness
14   Hiroko          Shimada              Verizon Wireless-Cervelo
15   Kristen         LaSasso              CRCA/RLX POLO SPORT
16   julie           walsh
17   jane            berger               CRCA/Axis