Results » Road » 2003

HVCC Race Weekend

Saturday, July 19, 2003

HVCC Race Weekend
Downtown Poughkeepsie Criterium
Saturday July 19, 2003

These results are provided for informational purposes only.� Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro12 Crit
1     Bobby        Bailey          unattached                                           Williston           VT
2     Jean Paul    Desrosiers Jr   HAWLEY-ATABIKE.COM                                   Greenwich           CT
3     Waclaw       Godycki         Ideal Tile                                           New York            NY
4     Josh         Gewirtz         Fioradifrutta/Wheelworks                             Bethany             CT
5     Craig        Upton           CRCA/BREITLING/TRADEWARE                             New York            NY
6     Jason        Baer            Hawley ATA Cycles                                    Burlington          VT
7     Eugene       Boronow         G.S. Mengoni                                         Jamaica             NY
8     Todd         Scheske         Handlebars Cycle Co                                  Rochester           NY
9     Jeremy       Powers          NCC/                                      Niantic             CT
10    scott        bodin           bethel                                               nanuet              NY
11    Kevin        Molloy          CRCA/Sakonnet                                        new york            NY
12    Robby        Ketchell        Team Nerac.Com                                       Wilmington          NY
13    Lee          Rosenthal       Fort Lewis College                                   N. Massapequa       NY
14    Eric         Fleming         Pro Cycles-Giant                                     Watertown           MA
15    Leigh        Sorrells        Fioradifrutta/Ridgefield Bank                        Danbury             CT
16    Michael      Henson          CRCA/BREITLING/TRADEWARE                             New York            NY
17    David        Werling         Team Nerac.Com                                       Tolland             CT
18    Rob          Rigg            CRCA/Sakonnet                                        NYC                 NY
19    Andy         Guptill         unattached                                           Hannacroix          NY
20    Dan          Cassidy         Louis Garneau Racing                                 Wayne               PA
21    KARL         RAHN            TEAM SAKONNET                                        NY                  NY
22    John         Law             US Armed Forces                                      Granville           OH
23    Adam         Hodges Myerson  Sportsbook                                           Somerville          MA
24    Kevin        Bouchard-Hall   Hawley ATA-Cycles                                    Burlington          VT
25    Igor         Misicki         CRCA                                                 New York            NY
26    Bret         Williamson      Hawley/ata cycles                                    Killington          VT
27    Hans         Strasser        Preferred Care                                       Webster             NY
28    Ian          Beilby          Louis Garneau Racing                                 Slingerlands        NY

W123 Crit
1     yvonne       ilton           verizon wireless-cervelo                             cambridge           MA
2     Shannon      Hutchison       Colavita Bolla                                       Atlanta             GA
3     Ann Marie    Miller          Verizon Wireless Cervelo                             New York            NY
4     Frances      Harrison        CRCA/Sanchez Metro                                   New York            NY
5     Julie        Upton           CRCA-EAS/Fitness Magazine                            New York            NY
6     Laura        Summers         Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Southington         CT
7     Caryl        Gale            EAS/FITNESS-CRCA                                     Hoboken             NJ
8     Julie        Monagle         Verizon Wireless-Cervelo                             Watertown           MA
9     Laura        Schmidt         Terry Precision                                      Syracuse            NY
10    Anna         Milkowski       Gearworks/SpinArts                                   Putney              VT
11    Elizabeth    Renaud          CRCA/Sanchez Metro                                   New York            NY
12    Elisa        Gagnon          Terry Precision                                      Roxbury             CT
13    Amanda       Lawrence        CCB/VW                                               Manchester          CT
14    mackenzie    dickey                                                               Worcester           MA
15    Shani        Bloch           Verizon Wireless                                     Watertown           MA
16    Midori       Nakamura        Sanchez-Metro/CRCA                                   Brooklyn            NY
17    Heather      Park            IF/Wheelworks                                        Southbury           CT
18    Michele      Smith           Hudson Valley Velo Club/HVVC                         Woodstock           NY
19    Kathleen     Shaw            VerizonWireless-Cervelo                              Canton              CT
20    Becky        Koh             CRCA/Radical Media                                   New York            NY
21    Janice       Sibilia         Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Hopewell Junction   NY
22    Rosanne      Lent                                                                 Keene Valley        NY
23    Regina       Hammond         CRCA                                                 New York            NY

W4 Crit
1     Cindy        Ma              Sanchez-Metro/CRCA                                   New York            NY
2     Cheryl       Smith           Bethel Cycle                                         Stamford            CT
3     Jaimie       Epstein         CRCA/Radical Media                                   New York            NY
4     tracy        elmes           BRC/ATA cycles                                       webster             MA
5     Robin        Read            CRCA/EAS                                             New York            NY
6     Reem         Jishi           CRCA/Conrad's                                        Morristown          NJ
7     Kelly        Boyce           Colavita Bolla                                       Denville            NY
8     Wendy        Cohen           Kissena Cycling Club                                 New York            NY
9     Polly        Peterson        Tioga Velo Club                                      Endicott            NY
10    Marsha       Kapinus         Tioga Velo Club                                      Chenango Forks      NY
11    Michele      Hurley                                                               Northfield          MA
12    Amanda       Harris          Louisville Velo                                      Superior            CO
13    Emma         Farmer          CRCA/Radical Media                                   New York            NY
14    Sarah        Charlesworth    UPenn Cycling/Guy's Racing                           Philadelphia        PA
15    Lou Ann      Fernald         Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Fishkill            NY
16    Katherine    Farago          NEBC/Cycleloft                                       Burlington          MA
17    Dawn         Fox             Tioga Velo Club                                      Whitney Park        NY
18    Nancy        Shapiro         Kissena Cycling Club                                 New York            NY
19    Paula        Brunetto        unattached                                           West Cornwall       CT
20    Jean         Cunningham      NEBC/Cycle Loft                                      Wayland             MA
21    Elizabeth    Burke           Columbia University                                  New York            NY
22    Catherine    Tuglus          CRCA                                                 New York            NY
23    Michele      Rawlins         unattached                                           Delmar              NY

Cat 3 Crit
1     Stephen      Krisko Cycling                         Binghamton          NY
2     Tim          Tobbe  Cycling                         Dryden              NY
3     Todd         Crisafulli      N.A. Velo                                            Rensselaer          NY
4     Bob          Makofsky        unattached                                           Port Washington     NY
5     Damien       Colfer          NHCC                                                 Newmarket           NH
6     Vincent      Citron          Strictly Bikes                                       Bronx               NY
7     Ted          D'Onofrio       Benidorm/Createx                                     Canton              CT
8     Paul         Hobbs                                                                Burlington          VT
9     Barton       Kirk            TechnoCycle BRC                                      Burlington          VT
10    John         Legere          Eastern Bloc                                         Bloomfield          CT
11    Christopher  Pile            Tokeneke Road Club                                   Norwalk             CT
12    Peter        Petrillo        Swan Sea                                             West Haven          CT
13    Keith        McMahon         CRCA                                                 New York            NY
14    Dan          Kane   Cycling                         Johnson City        NY
15    Stew         Campbell        NHCC/Team NH                                         Hollis              NH
15    Peter        Ozolins         Maxxis/                                 Ithaca              NY
17    David        Rusnack         unattached                                           Clarement           VT
18    John         Hanson          Benidorm/Createx                                     W. Hartford         CT
19    Corey        Piscopo         NHCC/Team New Hampshire                              Dover               NH
20    Aaron        Pomeroy         Run Media                                            New York            NY
21    Martin       Lechowicz       Cuevas                                               Oyster Bay          NY
22    Evan         Piche           NESCA Cuevas                                         Ringwood            NJ
23    Harold       Chan                                   Malden              MA
24    Robert       Hanlon          Maxxis Cycling                         Ithaca              NY
25    Mike         Prokopec        Miya Shoji                                           New York            NY
26    Eric         Berend          Century Road Club Association                        New York            NY
27    Matthew      Baldwin         Fiora Difruitta/ Ridgefield Bank                     Ridgefield          CT
28    jason        eley            essex county velo                                    south royalton      VT
29    shepherd     Myers  Cycling                         New Paltz           NY
30    Michael      Parr            NAV/Mercury Web Solutions                            Cambridge           MA
31    Brian        Thompson        Maxxis/                                 Endicott            NY
32    Brian        Hahn   Cycling                         Cazenovia           NY
33    George       Stergiou        NHCC                                                 Dover               NH
34    Ethan        Parsons         Northampton                                          Westhampton         MA

Cat 4 Crit
1     Rick         Gorton          ROAR                                                 Hudson Falls        NY
2     mark         sumner          Capital Bicycle Racing Club                          clifton park        NY
3     Rob          Scott           SoBe/Cannondale                                      Wappingers Falls    NY
4     Istvan       Benyei          Tarrytown Cylces                                     Yonkers             NY
5     Donald       Snoop           Huddson Valley Velo Club                             Highland Falls      NY
6     Zachary      Kramer                                                               Stowe               VT
7     Jim          Williams        RONA-Esker                                           Monroe              NY
8     Matt         Salter                                                               Williston           VT
9     Miguel       Pagan           fiordifruta-Jam Ridgefield Bank Cycling Team         bridgeport          CT
10    Chris        Porreca         GMBC                                                 Schuylerville       NY
11    Kirk         Kardashian      North Atlantic Velo / Mercury Web Solutions          Killington          VT
12    Brian        Lauler          GC Park Ridge                                        W. Haverstraw       NY
13    Edward       Lis             NAV/Mercury Web Solutions                            Lake Placid         NY
14    William      Henke           Racers fo Adirondacks                                Hudson Falls        NY
15    Dan          Lambertson      Central New York Cyclist                             Morris              NY
16    Michael      Passetto        BCA/TOSK                                             Lenox Dale          MA
17    David        Parrillo        Providence Velo Club                                 North Kingstown     RI
18    Myron F      Baker Jr        Santa Cruz bicycles, Table Rock Tours & Bikes        Accord              NY
19    Troy         Wells           Team Devo                                            Ulster Park         NY
20    Anthony      Santomasso      Stage One                                            Poushug             NY
21    Scott        Demel           CRCA                                                 Brooklyn            NY

CAT 5 Crit
1     Seth         Torrice         Pedros/k2/wheelworks-cape cod                        Oswego              NY

1     matthew      doyle                                                                troy                NY
2     Zack         Zeiset          unattached                                           Salida              CO
3     TRAVIS       TURNER          Bicycle Depot                                        WALDEN              NY
4     John         Mattio          Northeast Bicycles                                   Danbury             CT
5     Gregg        Cosgrove        Westwood Velo                                        Pearl River         NY
6     Andrew       Corsilia        Northeast Bicycles                                   Ridgefield          CT
7     john         glick                                                                bird-in-hand        PA
8     Frank        Bottino         unattached                                           Bedford             NY
9     MAXIMINO     VEIGA           NORTHEAST BICYCLES                                   DANBURY             CT
10    Chris        Federspiel                                                           Robbinsville        NJ
11    Jack         Pim             Southern Maine Cycling Club                          Biddeford           ME

1     Brad         Buckley         NEBC/Cycle Loft                                      Medford             MA
2     Jeff         Bennett         Tioga Velo                                           Endicott            NY
3     Ralph        Pulver          Eastern Bloc Cycling Club                            Farmington          CT
4     Geoffrey     Kauffman        unattached                                           New York            NY
5     John         Szuts                                                                Oakaland            NJ
6     Jeff         Bousfield       Thread City Cyclers                                  Manchester          CT
7     Todd         Stall           Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Poughkeepsie        NY
8     Sherwood     Veith                                                                Cobleskill          NY
9     Pete         Hubbell         Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Red Hook            NY

M30+ Crit
1     Todd         Scheske         Preferred Care                                       Rochester           NY
2     Dan          Kane   Cycling                         Johnson City        NY
3     David        Rusnak          unattached                                           Claremont           NH
4     Douglas      O'Neill         Cranford Bike Team                                   Tenafly             NJ
5     Stephen      Krisko Cycling                         Binghamton          NY
6     Abdul        Kabia           Cranford Bike Team                                   White Plains        NY
7     Stephen      Fairchild       Team ROAR                                            Queensbury          NY
8     Paul         Marchese        CBRC                                                 W. Coxsackie        NY
9     Matthew      Domnarski       Cyclonauts Racers                                    Ware                MA
10    Scott        Wade            Midstate/Gearworks                                   Putney              VT
11    Kip          Jansen          Bikeline / LWA                                       Bechtelsville       PA
12    Thomas       Evans           Westwood Velo                                        Stony Point         NY
13    Dave         Ebeling         HUDSON VALLEY VELO CLUB/HVVC                         Poughkeepsie        NY
14    Joseph       Moore           Racers of the Adirondack Region                      Lake Placid         NY
15    Wade         Summers / HVVC                                  Southington         CT
16    John         Fox             Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Hyde Park           NY
17    John         Tomlinson       CRCA-Conrad's                                        New York            NY

M40+ Crit
1     Brian        Wolf            Bethel Cycle                                         Ridgefield          CT
2     greg         cordasco        liberty cycle                                        basking ridge       NJ
3     Italo        Bastianelli     Fraysee's Sports Resort                              West Point          NY
4     Steven       Tinston         Westwood Velo                                        Blauvelt            NY
5     John         Bertolini       liberty cycle                                        basking ridge       NJ
6     Roman        Paczka          Kissena Cycling Club                                 Brooklyn            NY
7     Rich         Foley           Laurel                                               Wallingford         CT
8     George       Stergiou        NHCC                                                 Dover               NH
9     Timothy      Huneck          Capital Bicycle Racing Club                          Rexford             NY
10    mark         sumner          Capital Bicycle Racing Club                          clifton park        NY
11    Robert       Akers           Wolverine Sports Club                                Garden City         NY
12    Eric         Berend          Century Road Club Association                        New York            NY
13    Bryan        Barrett         Bikeline / LWA                                       Easton              PA
14    Reb          Cole            CTS/CBT                                              Mohegan Lake        NY
15    Rick         Speer           Tokoneke Racing                                      Westport            CT
16    William      Irving          Unattached                                           Gardiner            NY
17    Chip         Berezny         Bike Line / LWA                                      Easton              PA
18    Dzmitry      Buben           CCB                                                  Hamden              CT
19    Bruce        Townsend        Berkshire Cycling                                    Windsor             MA
20    Ron          Livingston      Main Line Cycling Club / Bikyle Flyers               Paoli               PA
21    Jonathan     Howard          Rochester Road Racing                                Rochester           NY
22    Ivan         Solero          Mainline Cycling - BiKyle                            Philadelphia        PA
23    brian        polhemus        cbrc                                                 spencertown         NY
24    diego        atehortua       cafeteros cycling club                               harrison            NY

M50+ Crit
1     Chip         Berezny         Bike Line / LWA                                      Easton              PA
2     Bruce        Townsend        Berkshire Cycling                                    Windsor             MA
3     Michael      Miller          Jaeger Wheelmen                                      Middletown          RI
4     HORACIO      AHUMADA         TARRYTOWN CYCLES TEAM                                WHITE PLAINS        NY
5     Stephen      Payne           Team Bicycle Alley                                   Worcester           MA
6     Clive        Woakes          Competitive Edge/Amherst Racing Club                 Belchertown         MA
7     Richard      Martin          Masters Velo                                         Attleboro           MA
8     Reb          Cole            CTS/CBT                                              Mohegan Lake        NY
9     David        Jordan          NEBC / Cycle Loft                                    Sioux Falls         SD
10    Michael      Taxter          Bethel                                               Ridgefield          CT
11    Eddie        Luban           Onondaga Cycling Club                                Syracuse            NY
12    Allan        Bates           Berkshire Cycling                                    Pittsfield          MA
13    John         Barrett         Bike Line LWA                                        Princeton           NJ
14    Michael      Goodrich        Catamount Cycling Club                               Essex Jct.          VT
15    Robert       Carlin          Atlantic Bicycle Club                                Keyport             NJ
16    Carl         Gebhardt        New Hampshire Cycling Club                           Gilford             NH
17    Thomas       Csillag         Hudson Valley Velo Club                              Wappingers Falls    NY
18    Tom          Wing            Laurel Bicycle Club                                  Torrington          CT
19    Tom          Helfrich        Bike Line / LWA                                      Sloansville         NY