Results » Road » 2008

Owasco Flyer

Auburn, NY

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Owasco Flyer Presented by Auburn YMCA Auburn, NY Sunday, June 22, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Timed by YellowJacket Racing


Pos   Bib  Name                    GendeM/F PlClass           Age  Team                                            Time
1     347  Don Sproull             M    1     Overall Male    43 Cycles/FLCC               1:32:55.627
2     373  Brian Donato            M    2     Overall Male    26   Rochester Road Racing                           1:33:04.611
3     383  Glenn Swan              M    3     Overall Male    55 Cycles/FLCC               1:33:04.843
4     300  Jacob Gorke             M    4     Overall Male    16   Syracuse Bicycle/                  1:33:05.128
5     374  Mark Parisi             M    5     Overall Male    37   R3/Nalgene                                      1:33:05.771
6     404  Thomas Forte            M    6     Overall Male    19   Spokepost/Syracuse Bike                         1:33:05.795
7     247  Andy Melnychenko        M    7     Overall Male    45                             1:33:05.999
8     397  Sergey Shetyn           M    8     M19-29          25                             1:33:06.171
9     318  Benjamin Salibra        M    9     M18UNDER        16   Syracuse Bicycle/                  1:33:06.371
10    355  Dan Hertzler            M    10    M19-29          23   Corning Race Team                               1:33:06.401
11    286  Matthew Tammaro         M    11    M19-29          26   Corning Race Team                               1:33:06.410
12    249  Jeff Hoover             M    12    M30-39          34                             1:33:06.594
13    332  Ben Gray                M    13    M19-29          27   Corning Racing Team                             1:33:07.000
14    335  Doug Rusho              M    14    M30-39          35   gvcc                                            1:33:07.210
15    348  Anthony Monaco          M    15    M40-49          40   SCARR - Ommegang                                1:33:07.318
16    284  Doug Carlson            M    16    M40-49          41   SwanCycles                                      1:33:07.430
17    288  Daniel Fitch            M    17    M40-49          48   Team SCARR - Ommegang                           1:33:07.828
18    251  Bill Golembieski        M    18    M18UNDER        16                             1:33:08.014
19    246  Andrew Ross             M    19    M50-59          50                             1:33:08.804
20    396  Jeremy Dodds            M    20    M30-39          39                                                   1:33:12.437
21    292  Jason Dellilo           M    21    M30-39          35   JAYBIRD RACING                                  1:33:18.893
22    209  Timothy Walczyk         M    22    M50-59          51   Solo Racing Club                                1:34:02.181
23    245  Forest Reid             M    23    M30-39          35   North Atlantic Velo/  1:34:45.158
24    282  Paul Ashbarry           M    24    M40-49          45                                                   1:34:46.055
25    222  Michael Tersegno        M    25    M50-59          52   Owasco Velo Club / Chriss Cookies               1:34:46.178
26    389  Rich Rutishauser        M    26    M40-49          41                                                   1:34:46.248
27    363  Phillip McCarthy        M    27    M30-39          36   SCARR/Ommegang                                  1:34:46.369
28    295  Brian Hahn              M    28    M40-49          41   Syracuse Bicycle/                  1:34:46.523
29    273  Gregory Brett           M    29    M50-59          51   New York Printing Systems/Lightspec             1:34:46.715
30    319  William Erickson        M    30    M40-49          46   ChriCookies/SwanCycles/FLCC                     1:34:46.850
31    314  Joe Walker              M    31    M50-59          52   RUUD Racing Team/TVC                            1:34:46.947
32    296  Nathan Sentz            M    32    M30-39          32   Paceline Sports                                 1:34:47.109
33    342  Dan McCarthy            M    33    M40-49          47                                                   1:34:47.259
34    354  John Hertzler           M    34    M19-29          25   Corning Race Team                               1:34:47.317
35    285  David Price             M    35    M50-59          52                                                   1:34:47.692
36    367  Joseph Catania          M    36    M40-49          47   SCARR by Ommegang                               1:34:47.950
37    336  James Strong            M    37    M40-49          49   Owasco Velo                                     1:34:48.795
38    312  Brian Martina           M    38    M19-29          26   ROG presented by Towners                        1:35:08.063
39    311  Ilya Rivkin             M    39    M19-29          22   ROG/Towners                                     1:35:32.396
40    224  Stuart Wolsh            M    40    M40-49          46   Geneva Bicycle Center                           1:35:42.427
41    387  Charles Hamilton        M    41    M30-39          35                                                   1:35:54.351
42    252  Matthew Panzarella      M    42    M30-39          31                             1:35:54.470
43    358  Sarah Krzysiak          F    1     Overall Female  26   Syracuse Bicycle/                  1:35:55.638
44    268  Aaron Johnson           M    43    M30-39          33   Team SCARR/ Ommegang                            1:35:56.039
45    265  Vinnie Markowsky        M    44    M40-49          44                                                   1:35:56.488
46    210  Matthew Starr           M    45    M30-39          35                             1:35:57.049
47    255  Mike Madden             M    46    M19-29          23                             1:35:57.235
48    279  Brian Beach             M    47    M60UP           61   RUUD Racing/Tioga Velo Club                     1:35:57.497
49    302  Steven Gates            M    48    M30-39          35   Paceline Sports                                 1:35:57.561
50    386  Julie Rosa              F    2     Overall Female  33                                                   1:35:57.958
51    299  Bob Canino              M    49    M40-49          42   Genesee Valley Cycling Club                     1:35:58.039
52    325  Eric Prager             M    50    M30-39          37                                                   1:36:11.696
53    254  Sam Sampere             M    51    M40-49          44                             1:36:44.841
54    366  Eli Robinson            M    52    M18UNDER        16   Finger Lakes Cycling Club                       1:36:48.861
55    301  Mike Sobol              M    53    M30-39          36                                                   1:37:22.085
56    283  Rob Walters             M    54    M30-39          39                                                   1:37:23.238
57    262  Robert Swizdor          M    55    M40-49          43   Onondaga Cycling Club/Scorpians                 1:37:23.720
58    293  Scott Somers            M    56    M40-49          43                                                   1:37:24.201
59    281  Mark Shenstone          M    57    M50-59          53   chris cookies/swan cycles                       1:37:27.069
60    340  Glenn Allen             M    58    M40-49          47   Adirondack Velo Club                            1:37:32.324
61    307  Mark Roemer             M    59    M40-49          47                                                   1:37:50.512
62    218  David Parker            M    60    M40-49          44   Signature Cycles/DKNY                           1:37:52.629
63    343  David Prugh             M    61    M40-49          48   Corning Racing Team                             1:38:04.268
64    211  Jud Speer               M    62    M40-49          46   Schoharie Valley Cycling Club                   1:38:15.547
65    370  Scott Sommers           M    63    M50-59          52   Schuss Racing/MVBC                              1:38:30.429
66    235  Sean Behrman            M    64    M30-39          35   SCARR-Ommegang                                  1:38:31.863
67    237  Andrew Baldwin          M    65    M40-49          46   Owasco Velo Club                                1:38:32.012
68    266  Tom Daly                M    66    M50-59          54                                                   1:38:33.746
69    257  Rich Jarvi              M    67    M40-49          43                             1:38:45.469
70    369  Robert Cooney           M    68    M50-59          50   Onondaga Cycling Club                           1:39:10.627
71    270  Kate Stewart            F    3     F40-49          46   Velo Bella-Kona/OCC                             1:39:13.423
72    287  Peter Rasmussen         M    69    M18UNDER        15   Windham Mountain Outfitters                     1:39:29.167
73    230  Cliff Six               M    70    M50-59          56   Six chiropractic                                1:39:31.124
74    297  Doake Brown             M    71    M50-59          50   unattached                                      1:39:31.967
75    239  Larry Kabat             M    72    M50-59          58                                                   1:39:34.257
76    280  Tom Sproull             M    73    M40-49          47   Owasco Velo Club                                1:39:46.562
77    333  Todd Hertzog            M    74    M30-39          39   Tioga Velo Club                                 1:39:51.426
78    236  Howard Lanney           M    75    M19-29          20                                                   1:40:07.067
79    316  Chris Spina             M    76    M40-49          47   Team SCARR/Ommegang                             1:40:10.173
80    353  Tom Bersani             M    77    M50-59          52                                                   1:40:12.512
81    259  Ray  Woody Woodford     M    78    M50-59          56                             1:40:35.316
82    402  Nick Bave               M    79                                                                         1:40:35.628
83    346  Justus Derx             M    80    M40-49          42                                                   1:40:43.870
84    277  Jason Herrling          M    81    M19-29          21   Owasco Velo Club                                1:40:48.948
85    216  Brian Garrett           M    82    M40-49          48                                                   1:41:13.725
86    234  Dean Furnia             M    83    M50-59          51   Owasco Velo Club                                1:41:33.068
87    248  Wayne Miner             M    84    M50-59          51                             1:41:37.681
88    208  Carl Foehl              M    85    M40-49          44   Owasco Velo Club                                1:41:37.719
89    329  Kurt Woodruff           M    86    M30-39          37   RUUD RACING/TVC                                 1:41:45.781
90    361  Joshua Arvidson         M    87    M30-39          37                                                   1:41:50.256
91    321  Jack Rueckheim          M    88    M50-59          53   Chris Cookies/FLCC                              1:41:51.484
92    317  Wayde Herneisey         M    89    M40-49          49   RUUD Racing/TVC                                 1:41:54.964
93    258  Scott Grimshaw          M    90    M50-59          51                             1:43:11.272
94    260  David Bowen             M    91    M50-59          56   Owasco Velo Club                                1:43:15.374
95    217  Kevin Moraghan          M    92    M50-59          52                                                   1:43:38.334
96    250  Greg Low                M    93    M40-49          44                             1:43:41.540
97    368  Zach Kemp               M    94    M19-29          24                                                   1:43:46.765
98    359  Vanessa McCaffery       F    4     F19-29          27   Mission in Motion/Tioga Velo Club               1:43:53.523
99    298  Tim Riley               M    95    M50-59          57   Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                    1:44:15.666
100   327  Robert Seltzer          M    96    M40-49          42   Chris Cookies/FLCC/Swan Cycles                  1:44:29.898
101   269  Mike Guenther           M    97    M30-39          39   RUUD Racing/TVC                                 1:44:36.669
102   328  Randy Seltzer           M    98    M18UNDER        16   Chris Cookies/FLCC/Swan Cycles                  1:44:39.519
103   305  Jack Kirch              M    99    M50-59          57   Owasco Velo Club                                1:44:49.454
104   253  Bryan Blake             M    100   M30-39          39                             1:45:19.429
105   291  Tamara Lewis            F    5     F40-49          44   Mission in Motion Cycling/ Tioga Velo Club      1:45:19.770
106   278  Noel Bonk               M    101   M30-39          36                             1:45:21.385
107   241  Ted Wawro               M    102   M50-59          52                                                   1:45:22.281
108   264  Kevin Bruton            M    103   M40-49          46                                                   1:45:27.625
109   240  Mike Capocefalo         M    104   M50-59          54   Owasco Velo Club                                1:46:42.236
110   393  Amy Kneale              F    6     F40-49          41                                                   1:46:46.397
111   219  Ivan Lennon             M    105   M60UP           65                                                   1:46:52.995
112   201  James Niedermaier       M    106   M50-59          54                                                   1:47:00.424
113   304  Sue Kahler              F    7     F50-59          54   Velo Bella Kona/Owasco Velo Club                1:47:15.338
114   326  Greg Sommer             M    107   M30-39          33   BonkBeater                                      1:47:23.547
115   215  Linda Tersegno          F    8     F50-59          52   Velo Bella / Owasco Velo Club                   1:47:51.980
116   394  Stuart Joseph           M    108   M50-59          58                                                   1:49:21.397
117   385  John Rudd               M    109                                                                        1:49:37.809
118   376  Tim Maxon               M    110                                                                        1:49:38.501
119   261  Jim Cardinale           M    111   M50-59          52   Onondaga Cycling Club                           1:49:38.608
120   233  Ben Ellies              M    112   M30-39          34   Yellow Barn Hill Racers                         1:49:39.724
121   401  Drew Kinney             M    113   M30-39          38   Carolina Paceline                               1:49:49.806
122   356  Jeff Cebula             M    114   M50-59          58   Chenango Point Cycles                           1:50:01.887
123   308  Barbara Kuczala         F    9     F50-59          58   Mohawk Valley Bike Club                         1:50:08.030
124   232  Joel Simonetti          M    115   M40-49          45                                                   1:50:20.629
125   226  Sean Reilley            M    116   M19-29          24                                                   1:50:25.730
126   221  Mark McAllister         M    117   M40-49          43   Mac5/McAllister Sign/GVCC                       1:50:34.105
127   337  Matthew Kovach          M    118   M30-39          37                                                   1:50:51.647
128   345  David Ferrett           M    119   M30-39          37                                                   1:50:56.747
129   205  Scott Bernstein         M    120   M40-49          45                                                   1:50:57.058
130   223  Vincent Chang           M    121   M50-59          51                                                   1:50:58.624
131   244  Melanie Six             F    10    F30-39          37   Six Chiropractic                                1:51:01.626
132   330  Kim Behrman             M    122   M30-39          34                                                   1:51:21.148
133   290  David Taylor            M    123   M50-59          53                                                   1:51:35.791
134   382  Ryan Ross               M    124   M19-29          21                                                   1:52:30.244
135   379  Aurthur Lyons           M    125   M40-49          41                                                   1:52:33.191
136   323  Charles Braman          M    126   M40-49          48   tioga velo                                      1:52:49.181
137   334  Kyle Oberdorf           M    127   M19-29          25                                                   1:53:20.012
138   204  Scott Cohen             M    128   M30-39          38                                                   1:53:21.391
139   339  Don Ten Kate            M    129   M50-59          55   Finger Lakes Cycling Club                       1:53:23.096
140   294  Bradley Brown           M    130   M60UP           60                                                   1:54:24.828
141   309  Chad Siddall            M    131   M30-39          37                                                   1:54:39.683
142   313  Duane Hyde              M    132   M50-59          53                                                   1:54:54.575
143   238  Jerry Saul              M    133   M40-49          40                                                   1:54:56.101
144   399  Mike Pasik              M    134   M40-49          47                                                   1:54:58.351
145   398  398 398                                                                                                 1:55:04.479
146   263  David Paccone           M    135   M40-49          45   Corning Race Team                               1:55:10.851
147   357  Ron Nelson              M    136   M50-59          52                                 1:55:14.824
148   352  Tomasz Rutkowski        M    137   M19-29          22                                                   1:55:27.921
149   365  James Millar            M    138   M50-59          52   Corning Race Team                               1:55:50.343
150   207  Steve Anderson          M    139   M50-59          53                                                   1:56:37.504
151   338  James R. Markert        M    140   M50-59          54                                                   1:56:47.410
152   229  Michael Ciborowski      M    141   M60UP           62   Yellow Barn Hill Racers                         1:58:16.221
153   289  Charles Brockett        M    142   M60UP           62   MVBC                                            1:58:16.297
154   364  Peter Blenkiron         M    143   M30-39          31   FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles                  1:59:18.197
155   276  Brian Six               M    144   M50-59          52   six chiropractic                                1:59:27.814
156   271  Kevin Maldonado         M    145   M40-49          44                                                   1:59:40.611
157   375  Nancy Pinchak           F    11    F40-49          44                                                   1:59:47.878
158   378  Frank Belle             M    146   M40-49          47                                                   2:00:15.940
159   380  Joe Olgin               M    147                                                                        2:00:50.300
160   377  John Maxon              M    148                                                                        2:01:01.176
161   360  Chip Van Derhoof        M    149   M19-29          29                                                   2:01:57.818
162   400  Daniel Kinney           M    150                                                                        2:02:01.877
163   225  Tim Franz               M    151   M40-49          44                                                   2:02:07.055
164   214  Sarah Tersegno          F    12    F19-29          21   Owasco Velo Club                                2:03:48.054
165   331  Ginny Brandreth         F    13    F40-49          46                                                   2:03:49.611
166   202  Scott Goodrich          M    152   M40-49          49                                                   2:04:50.024
167   350  Debra Corbett           F    14    F40-49          42                                                   2:05:50.246
168   351  John Kelley Corbett     M    153   M50-59          55                                                   2:06:39.632
169   324  Christina Olgin         F    15    F18UNDER        16                                                   2:08:05.544
170   306  Nancy Brambley          F    16    F40-49          48                                                   2:08:30.567
171   390  Isabel Bazaldira        F    17    F20-29          26                                                   2:08:39.433
172   391  Jason VanStavern        M    154   M30-39          32   FLCC/Swan/Cookies                               2:08:39.763
173   303  Ann Marie Lozito        F    18    F40-49          41                                                   2:09:09.398
174   392  Chris Hindley           M    155                                                                        2:10:02.645
175   372  Keith Miller            M    156   M40-49          41                                                   2:10:20.400
176   220  Marilee Pryor           F    19    F50-59          53                                                   2:10:28.397
177   206  Anne English            F    20    F40-49          43                                                   2:13:07.148
178   242  David Wawro             M    157   M40-49          46                                                   2:13:56.354
179   231  Michael Shannon         M    158   M19-29          27   Landis/Trek (WMRC)                              2:15:44.098
180   403  Ivan Kinney             M    159                                                                        2:15:57.042
181   395  Chris Parisi            M    160   M30-39          38                                                   2:16:26.045
182   227  Tonya Coleman           F    21    F30-39          32                                                   2:17:38.732
183   228  Ronald Coleman          M    161   M60UP           60                                                   2:17:38.771
184   213  Cindy Fleischer         F    22    F40-49          48                                                   2:17:45.017
185   381  Emmalee Pearce          F    23    F19-29          19                                                   2:18:47.066
186   344  James Walzer            M    162   M40-49          40                                                   2:19:27.168
187   310  Dennis Kimball          M    163   M60UP           61                                                   2:20:20.586
188   203  Mary Jo Kiggins         F    24    F40-49          45                                                   2:20:33.667
189   274  Angela Acey             F    25    F30-39          35                                                   2:22:08.171
190   272  Melissa Lennon          F    26    F30-39          38                                                   2:24:47.075
191   275  Susan Kappler           F    27    F50-59          51                                                   2:24:55.808

Pos  Bib  Name                    GendClass             Age  Team                                           Time

Overall Female
1    358  Sarah Krzysiak          F   Overall Female    26   Syracuse Bicycle/                 1:35:55.638
2    386  Julie Rosa              F   Overall Female    33                                                  1:35:57.958

Overall Male
1    347  Don Sproull             M   Overall Male      43 Cycles/FLCC              1:32:55.627
2    373  Brian Donato            M   Overall Male      26   Rochester Road Racing                          1:33:04.611
3    383  Glenn Swan              M   Overall Male      55 Cycles/FLCC              1:33:04.843
4    300  Jacob Gorke             M   Overall Male      16   Syracuse Bicycle/                 1:33:05.128
5    374  Mark Parisi             M   Overall Male      37   R3/Nalgene                                     1:33:05.771
6    404  Thomas Forte            M   Overall Male      19   Spokepost/Syracuse Bike                        1:33:05.795
7    247  Andy Melnychenko        M   Overall Male      45                            1:33:05.999

1    324  Christina Olgin         F   F18UNDER          16                                                  2:08:05.544

1    359  Vanessa McCaffery       F   F19-29            27   Mission in Motion/Tioga Velo Club              1:43:53.523
2    214  Sarah Tersegno          F   F19-29            21   Owasco Velo Club                               2:03:48.054
3    381  Emmalee Pearce          F   F19-29            19                                                  2:18:47.066

1    390  Isabel Bazaldira        F   F20-29            26                                                  2:08:39.433

1    244  Melanie Six             F   F30-39            37   Six Chiropractic                               1:51:01.626
2    227  Tonya Coleman           F   F30-39            32                                                  2:17:38.732
3    274  Angela Acey             F   F30-39            35                                                  2:22:08.171
4    272  Melissa Lennon          F   F30-39            38                                                  2:24:47.075

1    270  Kate Stewart            F   F40-49            46   Velo Bella-Kona/OCC                            1:39:13.423
2    291  Tamara Lewis            F   F40-49            44   Mission in Motion Cycling/ Tioga Velo Club     1:45:19.770
3    393  Amy Kneale              F   F40-49            41                                                  1:46:46.397
4    375  Nancy Pinchak           F   F40-49            44                                                  1:59:47.878
5    331  Ginny Brandreth         F   F40-49            46                                                  2:03:49.611
6    350  Debra Corbett           F   F40-49            42                                                  2:05:50.246
7    306  Nancy Brambley          F   F40-49            48                                                  2:08:30.567
8    303  Ann Marie Lozito        F   F40-49            41                                                  2:09:09.398
9    206  Anne English            F   F40-49            43                                                  2:13:07.148
10   213  Cindy Fleischer         F   F40-49            48                                                  2:17:45.017
11   203  Mary Jo Kiggins         F   F40-49            45                                                  2:20:33.667

1    304  Sue Kahler              F   F50-59            54   Velo Bella Kona/Owasco Velo Club               1:47:15.338
2    215  Linda Tersegno          F   F50-59            52   Velo Bella / Owasco Velo Club                  1:47:51.980
3    308  Barbara Kuczala         F   F50-59            58   Mohawk Valley Bike Club                        1:50:08.030
4    220  Marilee Pryor           F   F50-59            53                                                  2:10:28.397
5    275  Susan Kappler           F   F50-59            51                                                  2:24:55.808

1    318  Benjamin Salibra        M   M18UNDER          16   Syracuse Bicycle/                 1:33:06.371
2    251  Bill Golembieski        M   M18UNDER          16                            1:33:08.014
3    366  Eli Robinson            M   M18UNDER          16   Finger Lakes Cycling Club                      1:36:48.861
4    287  Peter Rasmussen         M   M18UNDER          15   Windham Mountain Outfitters                    1:39:29.167
5    328  Randy Seltzer           M   M18UNDER          16   Chris Cookies/FLCC/Swan Cycles                 1:44:39.519

1    397  Sergey Shetyn           M   M19-29            25                                                  1:33:06.171
2    355  Dan Hertzler            M   M19-29            23   Corning Race Team                              1:33:06.401
3    286  Matthew Tammaro         M   M19-29            26   Corning Race Team                              1:33:06.410
4    332  Ben Gray                M   M19-29            27   Corning Racing Team                            1:33:07.000
5    354  John Hertzler           M   M19-29            25   Corning Race Team                              1:34:47.317
6    312  Brian Martina           M   M19-29            26   ROG presented by Towners                       1:35:08.063
7    311  Ilya Rivkin             M   M19-29            22   ROG/Towners                                    1:35:32.396
8    255  Mike Madden             M   M19-29            23                            1:35:57.235
9    236  Howard Lanney           M   M19-29            20                                                  1:40:07.067
10   277  Jason Herrling          M   M19-29            21   Owasco Velo Club                               1:40:48.948
11   368  Zach Kemp               M   M19-29            24                                                  1:43:46.765
12   226  Sean Reilley            M   M19-29            24                                                  1:50:25.730
13   382  Ryan Ross               M   M19-29            21                                                  1:52:30.244
14   334  Kyle Oberdorf           M   M19-29            25                                                  1:53:20.012
15   352  Tomasz Rutkowski        M   M19-29            22                                                  1:55:27.921
16   360  Chip Van Derhoof        M   M19-29            29                                                  2:01:57.818
17   231  Michael Shannon         M   M19-29            27   Landis/Trek (WMRC)                             2:15:44.098

1    249  Jeff Hoover             M   M30-39            34                            1:33:06.594
2    335  Doug Rusho              M   M30-39            35   gvcc                                           1:33:07.210
3    396  Jeremy Dodds            M   M30-39            39                                                  1:33:12.437
4    292  Jason Dellilo           M   M30-39            35   JAYBIRD RACING                                 1:33:18.893
5    245  Forest Reid             M   M30-39            35   North Atlantic Velo/ 1:34:45.158
6    363  Phillip McCarthy        M   M30-39            36   SCARR/Ommegang                                 1:34:46.369
7    296  Nathan Sentz            M   M30-39            32   Paceline Sports                                1:34:47.109
8    387  Charles Hamilton        M   M30-39            35                                                  1:35:54.351
9    252  Matthew Panzarella      M   M30-39            31                            1:35:54.470
10   268  Aaron Johnson           M   M30-39            33   Team SCARR/ Ommegang                           1:35:56.039
11   210  Matthew Starr           M   M30-39            35                            1:35:57.049
12   302  Steven Gates            M   M30-39            35   Paceline Sports                                1:35:57.561
13   325  Eric Prager             M   M30-39            37                                                  1:36:11.696
14   301  Mike Sobol              M   M30-39            36                                                  1:37:22.085
15   283  Rob Walters             M   M30-39            39                                                  1:37:23.238
16   235  Sean Behrman            M   M30-39            35   SCARR-Ommegang                                 1:38:31.863
17   333  Todd Hertzog            M   M30-39            39   Tioga Velo Club                                1:39:51.426
18   329  Kurt Woodruff           M   M30-39            37   RUUD RACING/TVC                                1:41:45.781
19   361  Joshua Arvidson         M   M30-39            37                                                  1:41:50.256
20   269  Mike Guenther           M   M30-39            39   RUUD Racing/TVC                                1:44:36.669
21   253  Bryan Blake             M   M30-39            39                            1:45:19.429
22   278  Noel Bonk               M   M30-39            36                            1:45:21.385
23   326  Greg Sommer             M   M30-39            33   BonkBeater                                     1:47:23.547
24   233  Ben Ellies              M   M30-39            34   Yellow Barn Hill Racers                        1:49:39.724
25   401  Drew Kinney             M   M30-39            38   Carolina Paceline                              1:49:49.806
26   337  Matthew Kovach          M   M30-39            37                                                  1:50:51.647
27   345  David Ferrett           M   M30-39            37                                                  1:50:56.747
28   330  Kim Behrman             M   M30-39            34                                                  1:51:21.148
29   204  Scott Cohen             M   M30-39            38                                                  1:53:21.391
30   309  Chad Siddall            M   M30-39            37                                                  1:54:39.683
31   364  Peter Blenkiron         M   M30-39            31   FLCC/Chris Cookies/Swan Cycles                 1:59:18.197
32   391  Jason VanStavern        M   M30-39            32   FLCC/Swan/Cookies                              2:08:39.763
33   395  Chris Parisi            M   M30-39            38                                                  2:16:26.045

1    348  Anthony Monaco          M   M40-49            40   SCARR - Ommegang                               1:33:07.318
2    284  Doug Carlson            M   M40-49            41   SwanCycles                                     1:33:07.430
3    288  Daniel Fitch            M   M40-49            48   Team SCARR - Ommegang                          1:33:07.828
4    282  Paul Ashbarry           M   M40-49            45                                                  1:34:46.055
5    389  Rich Rutishauser        M   M40-49            41                                                  1:34:46.248
6    295  Brian Hahn              M   M40-49            41   Syracuse Bicycle/                 1:34:46.523
7    319  William Erickson        M   M40-49            46   ChriCookies/SwanCycles/FLCC                    1:34:46.850
8    342  Dan McCarthy            M   M40-49            47                                                  1:34:47.259
9    367  Joseph Catania          M   M40-49            47   SCARR by Ommegang                              1:34:47.950
10   336  James Strong            M   M40-49            49   Owasco Velo                                    1:34:48.795
11   224  Stuart Wolsh            M   M40-49            46   Geneva Bicycle Center                          1:35:42.427
12   265  Vinnie Markowsky        M   M40-49            44                                                  1:35:56.488
13   299  Bob Canino              M   M40-49            42   Genesee Valley Cycling Club                    1:35:58.039
14   254  Sam Sampere             M   M40-49            44                            1:36:44.841
15   262  Robert Swizdor          M   M40-49            43   Onondaga Cycling Club/Scorpians                1:37:23.720
16   293  Scott Somers            M   M40-49            43                                                  1:37:24.201
17   340  Glenn Allen             M   M40-49            47   Adirondack Velo Club                           1:37:32.324
18   307  Mark Roemer             M   M40-49            47                                                  1:37:50.512
19   218  David Parker            M   M40-49            44   Signature Cycles/DKNY                          1:37:52.629
20   343  David Prugh             M   M40-49            48   Corning Racing Team                            1:38:04.268
21   211  Jud Speer               M   M40-49            46   Schoharie Valley Cycling Club                  1:38:15.547
22   237  Andrew Baldwin          M   M40-49            46   Owasco Velo Club                               1:38:32.012
23   257  Rich Jarvi              M   M40-49            43                            1:38:45.469
24   280  Tom Sproull             M   M40-49            47   Owasco Velo Club                               1:39:46.562
25   316  Chris Spina             M   M40-49            47   Team SCARR/Ommegang                            1:40:10.173
26   346  Justus Derx             M   M40-49            42                                                  1:40:43.870
27   216  Brian Garrett           M   M40-49            48                                                  1:41:13.725
28   208  Carl Foehl              M   M40-49            44   Owasco Velo Club                               1:41:37.719
29   317  Wayde Herneisey         M   M40-49            49   RUUD Racing/TVC                                1:41:54.964
30   250  Greg Low                M   M40-49            44                            1:43:41.540
31   327  Robert Seltzer          M   M40-49            42   Chris Cookies/FLCC/Swan Cycles                 1:44:29.898
32   264  Kevin Bruton            M   M40-49            46                                                  1:45:27.625
33   232  Joel Simonetti          M   M40-49            45                                                  1:50:20.629
34   221  Mark McAllister         M   M40-49            43   Mac5/McAllister Sign/GVCC                      1:50:34.105
35   205  Scott Bernstein         M   M40-49            45                                                  1:50:57.058
36   379  Aurthur Lyons           M   M40-49            41                                                  1:52:33.191
37   323  Charles Braman          M   M40-49            48   tioga velo                                     1:52:49.181
38   238  Jerry Saul              M   M40-49            40                                                  1:54:56.101
39   399  Mike Pasik              M   M40-49            47                                                  1:54:58.351
40   263  David Paccone           M   M40-49            45   Corning Race Team                              1:55:10.851
41   271  Kevin Maldonado         M   M40-49            44                                                  1:59:40.611
42   378  Frank Belle             M   M40-49            47                                                  2:00:15.940
43   225  Tim Franz               M   M40-49            44                                                  2:02:07.055
44   202  Scott Goodrich          M   M40-49            49                                                  2:04:50.024
45   372  Keith Miller            M   M40-49            41                                                  2:10:20.400
46   242  David Wawro             M   M40-49            46                                                  2:13:56.354
47   344  James Walzer            M   M40-49            40                                                  2:19:27.168

1    246  Andrew Ross             M   M50-59            50                            1:33:08.804
2    209  Timothy Walczyk         M   M50-59            51   Solo Racing Club                               1:34:02.181
3    222  Michael Tersegno        M   M50-59            52   Owasco Velo Club / Chriss Cookies              1:34:46.178
4    273  Gregory Brett           M   M50-59            51   New York Printing Systems/Lightspec            1:34:46.715
5    314  Joe Walker              M   M50-59            52   RUUD Racing Team/TVC                           1:34:46.947
6    285  David Price             M   M50-59            52                                                  1:34:47.692
7    281  Mark Shenstone          M   M50-59            53   chris cookies/swan cycles                      1:37:27.069
8    370  Scott Sommers           M   M50-59            52   Schuss Racing/MVBC                             1:38:30.429
9    266  Tom Daly                M   M50-59            54                                                  1:38:33.746
10   369  Robert Cooney           M   M50-59            50   Onondaga Cycling Club                          1:39:10.627
11   230  Cliff Six               M   M50-59            56   Six chiropractic                               1:39:31.124
12   297  Doake Brown             M   M50-59            50   unattached                                     1:39:31.967
13   239  Larry Kabat             M   M50-59            58                                                  1:39:34.257
14   353  Tom Bersani             M   M50-59            52                                                  1:40:12.512
15   259  Ray  Woody Woodford     M   M50-59            56                            1:40:35.316
16   234  Dean Furnia             M   M50-59            51   Owasco Velo Club                               1:41:33.068
17   248  Wayne Miner             M   M50-59            51                            1:41:37.681
18   321  Jack Rueckheim          M   M50-59            53   Chris Cookies/FLCC                             1:41:51.484
19   258  Scott Grimshaw          M   M50-59            51                            1:43:11.272
20   260  David Bowen             M   M50-59            56   Owasco Velo Club                               1:43:15.374
21   217  Kevin Moraghan          M   M50-59            52                                                  1:43:38.334
22   298  Tim Riley               M   M50-59            57   Mohawk Valley Bicycling Club                   1:44:15.666
23   305  Jack Kirch              M   M50-59            57   Owasco Velo Club                               1:44:49.454
24   241  Ted Wawro               M   M50-59            52                                                  1:45:22.281
25   240  Mike Capocefalo         M   M50-59            54   Owasco Velo Club                               1:46:42.236
26   201  James Niedermaier       M   M50-59            54                                                  1:47:00.424
27   394  Stuart Joseph           M   M50-59            58                                                  1:49:21.397
28   261  Jim Cardinale           M   M50-59            52   Onondaga Cycling Club                          1:49:38.608
29   356  Jeff Cebula             M   M50-59            58   Chenango Point Cycles                          1:50:01.887
30   223  Vincent Chang           M   M50-59            51                                                  1:50:58.624
31   290  David Taylor            M   M50-59            53                                                  1:51:35.791
32   339  Don Ten Kate            M   M50-59            55   Finger Lakes Cycling Club                      1:53:23.096
33   313  Duane Hyde              M   M50-59            53                                                  1:54:54.575
34   357  Ron Nelson              M   M50-59            52                                1:55:14.824
35   365  James Millar            M   M50-59            52   Corning Race Team                              1:55:50.343
36   207  Steve Anderson          M   M50-59            53                                                  1:56:37.504
37   338  James R. Markert        M   M50-59            54                                                  1:56:47.410
38   276  Brian Six               M   M50-59            52   six chiropractic                               1:59:27.814
39   351  John Kelley Corbett     M   M50-59            55                                                  2:06:39.632

1    279  Brian Beach             M   M60UP             61   RUUD Racing/Tioga Velo Club                    1:35:57.497
2    219  Ivan Lennon             M   M60UP             65                                                  1:46:52.995
3    294  Bradley Brown           M   M60UP             60                                                  1:54:24.828
4    229  Michael Ciborowski      M   M60UP             62   Yellow Barn Hill Racers                        1:58:16.221
5    289  Charles Brockett        M   M60UP             62   MVBC                                           1:58:16.297
6    228  Ronald Coleman          M   M60UP             60                                                  2:17:38.771
7    310  Dennis Kimball          M   M60UP             61                                                  2:20:20.586

No Age Given
1    402  Nick Bave               M                                                                         1:40:35.628
2    385  John Rudd               M                                                                         1:49:37.809
3    376  Tim Maxon               M                                                                         1:49:38.501
4    398  398 398                                                                                           1:55:04.479
5    380  Joe Olgin               M                                                                         2:00:50.300
6    377  John Maxon              M                                                                         2:01:01.176
7    400  Daniel Kinney           M                                                                         2:02:01.877
8    392  Chris Hindley           M                                                                         2:10:02.645
9    403  Ivan Kinney             M                                                                         2:15:57.042