Results » Road » 2008

Lake Sunapee Bike Race

Newbury, NH

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lake Sunapee Bike Race Presented by Sunapee-S&W Sports-Continental Paving Racing Team/Claremont Cycle Depot Bike Club Newbury, NH Saturday, May 17, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Pro/1/2/3 Men          69 miles         55               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      8    2:40:24    Kirk             Carlsen          VMG/FELT                                          Sandown                  NH
2      49   0:01:20    Toby             Walch            Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Marlborough              MA
3      26   0:01:30    Ron              Larose 3         CCNS / Pedal Power                                Plainville               CT
4      3    0:01:34    Jason            Baer             Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Burlington               VT
5      6    st         Peter            Bradshaw         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington                MA
6      27   0:01:58    Will             Letendre         Boston Scientific Cycling                         Etna                     NH
7      7    0:02:20    Matthew          Brewster         Incline Training                                  Greenfield               MA
8      34   st         Adam             Myerson          Time Pro Cycling                                  Boston                   MA
9      11   st         Brendan          Cornett          Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                   Lewiston                 ME
10     15   st         Ryan             Fleming          MetLife p/b                             Portsmouth               NH
11     48   st         Eric             Tremble          Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Jericho                  VT
12     13   st         Alec             Donahue          Nerac                                             Hadley                   MA
13     12   st         Thom             Coupe            MetLife p/b                             Plymouth                 NH
14     51   st         Kevin            Wolfson          Fitness Together IF p/b Lionette's                Belmont                  MA
15     21   0:02:36    Isaac            Howe             NorEast                                           Burlington               VT
16     37   0:03:13    Tyson            Parody                                        Keene                    NH
17     19   st         Ryan             Haug             CONNECTICUT COAST CYCLING                         Seymour                  CT
18     45   st         Adam             Sullivan         Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        North Kingstown          RI
19     32   st         Matt             Moon             Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                   Westbrook                ME
20     35   st         Thomas           Orsini           Optimum Performance/Fitchburg Cycling Club        Leominster               MA
21     40   st         Todd             Rowell           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington                MA
22     14   st         Daniel           Estevez          CRCA/Sakonnet Technology U25                      Worcester                MA
23     9    st         Aidan            Charles          Nerac                                             Middletown               CT
24     1    st         Josh             Austin           NorEast Cycling                                   Durham                   NH
25     16   st         Bob              German           CCNS/pedal power cycling team                     Higganum                 CT
26     42   st         Peter            Shapiro          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Cranston                 RI
27     31   0:03:15    Brent            Mellen           Omer and Bob's / I C Optics                       Thetford Center          VT
28     39   st         Matt             Rossman          NorEast                                           Morrisville              VT
29     55   st         Toby             Marzot           Fiordifrutta
30     5    st         Jason            Beerman          Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                        Allston                  MA
31     25   st         Matt             Kraus            NAV / / Pedros /Giant               Arlington                MA
32     54   st         Chris            Worden           CCB
33     38   0:03:36    Luciano          Pavan            Optimum Performance/FCC                           Fitchburg                MA
34     44   st         Ben              Silberfarb       Boston Scientific                                 Norwich                  VT
35     4    st         Mike             Barton           Boston Scientific Cycling                         White River Junction     VT
36     28   0:05:17    Ryan             Macdonald                                                          Dover                    NH
37     22   0:05:44    Ryan             Kelly            NorEast Cycling                                   Dover                    NH
38     10   st         Damien           Colfer           Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania                   Newmarket                NH
39     23   0:06:02    Christopher      Kohnle           CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Glastonbury              CT
40     20   0:06:08    Nathaniel        Herz             Bowdoin College                                   Brunswick                ME
41     43   0:07:16    Brad             Sheehan          MetLife p/b                             Newton Center            MA
42     24   0:09:24    Nate             Kokinda          GMBC/Catamount                                    Richmond                 VT
43     56   0:10:45    Aaron            Molloy           MetLife p/b

Pro/1/2/3 Women        46 miles         18               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      762  2:08:39    Mary             Zider            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Weston                   MA
2      761  st         Silke            Wunderwald       Independent Fabrication/Kempner                   Stonington               CT
3      751  0:06:48    Sabra            Davison                                                            Jericho                  VT
4      754  st         Karin            Holmes           CCB/Volkswagen                                    Beverly                  MA
5      758  st         Zoe              Owers            Independent Fabrication/Kempner                   Newton Center            MA
6      767  0:07:06    Jody             Diemar
7      760  0:07:30    Jennifer         Stebbins         Workers Comp Solutions/Everactive                 Portsmouth               NH
8      765  st         Kristin          Gohr             Colavita                                          Reading                  MA
9      755  st         Nicole           Kellogg          Boston Scientific Cycling Club                    Littleton                NH
10     750  st         Kathryne         Carr             Sunapee/ S&W                                      Easthampton              MA
11     766  st         Lizette          Bolanos-Nauth    International Bicycle/Global                      Arlington                MA
12     753  0:07:58    Susanne          Delaney          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Portsmouth               NH
13     759  0:13:28    Cathy            Rowell           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Bedford                  MA
14     756  st         Hannah           Kirshner         Bikeworks/Hallamore                               Providence               RI
15     757  0:17:10    Ivy              Luhrs            Velo Bella-Kona/MCC                               Minot                    ME
16     752  0:20:33    Carol            Decourcey        Boston Scientific Cycling Club                    Maynard                  MA

Junior Women 10-14     8 miles          1                starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      728  0:49:00    Lillian          Naimie                                                             Sunapee                  NH

Junior Men 13-14       8 miles          5                starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      729  0:36:00    Liam             Murphey          Independent                                       Glastonbury              CT
2      727  0:04:00    Nicholas         Naimie           Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                           Sunapee                  NH
3      730  0:05:00    Alex             Milewski         Sunapee s&w                                       Sunapee                  NH
4      731  0:06:00    Josh             Stiller                                                            Sunapee                  NH
5      726  0:07:00    Nolan            Garon                                                              Dunstable                MA

Junior Men 15-18       46 miles         6                starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      705  2:02:58    Collin           Huston           CL Noonan Coast to Coast                          Kennebunk                ME
2      704  0:01:21    Benjamin         Wolfe            Mystic Velo Junior/ Connaughty Chiropratic        Old Lyme                 CT
3      700  0:12:10    Nathan           Etchells         Mystic Velo-Connaughty Chiropractic               Sterling                 CT
4      701  st         Evan             Kirk             Mystic Velow - Connaughty Chiropratic             Old Lyme                 CT
5      703  0:17:35    Ryan (ry Guy)    Packard          QuadCycles                                        Arlington                MA
rel   702  roll out   Chris            Opie             QuadCycles                                        Arlington                MA

3 Men                  46 miles         49               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      100  1:53:41    Kevin            Backhouse        Boston Road Club                                  Boston                   MA
2      150  0:01:09    Michael          Wilcox
3      123  st         Peter            Hurst            Connecticut Coast Cycling                         New Canaan               CT
4      124  st         Ralph            Karam            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Portland                 ME
5      143  st         Mark             Theeman          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Boston                   MA
6      132  st         Ryan             O'Hara           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Somerville               MA
7      116  st         David            Fierro           Exodus Road Racing/Pools etc/Brumble Bikes        Uncasville               CT
8      117  st         David            Foley            BOB-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops          N. Easton                MA
9      101  st         Christopher      Bailey           Boston Road Club                                  Norfolk                  MA
10     118  st         Steve            Francisco        North Atlantic Velo/'s   Williston                VT
11     125  st         Jim              Komarmi          Flatbread - Ottercreek Cycling / GMBC-Catamount   Waitsfield               VT
12     140  st         Matthew          Simpson          HUP UNITED / Zanconato Custom Cycles              Londonderry              NH
13     133  st         Dan              Ouellette        Gamache Cyclery                                   Westminster              MA
14     3?   st         unknown          rider
15     146  st         Miro             Koulnis
16     131  st         Ted              Neu              CRCA/Sid's-Cannondale                             New York                 NY
17     148  st         Jayson           Hurd
18     136  st         Joshua           Rosenberg        Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Watertown                MA
19     152  st         Damien           Callahan
20     121  st         John Michael     Hackett          North Atlantic Velo/'s   West Rutland             VT
21     104  st         Damian           Bolduc           Flatbread-Otter Creek Cycling                     South Burlington         VT
22     144  st         Christopher      Thornton         ACT                                               Surry                    NH
23     113  0:01:26    Mark             Dakoulas         North Atlantic Velo/Classbook/Giant/Pedros        Hartland                 VT
24     112  0:02:03    Chris            Curven           North Atlantic Velo / ClassBook.Com / Giant / PedrWalpole                  NH
25     106  0:02:22    Scott            Brooks           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Westford                 MA
26     139  st         Kurt             Schmid           SALEM CYCLE/FELT/RUDY PROJECT                     Marblehead               MA
27     137  0:02:33    Mike             Rowell           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Bedford                  MA
28     141  0:02:58    Kyle             Smith            Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              South Boston             MA
29     127  0:03:15    Paul             Lynch            CLNoonan/Coast-to-Coast/KAM                       Colchester               CT
30     115  0:03:18    Glenn            Ferreira         Tufts                                             Somerville               MA
31     130  st         Mike             Nadeau           TEAM NEW ENGLAND BIKE                             Montgomery               MA
32     120  st         Tony             Giguere          Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Winslow                  ME
33     147  0:03:39    Owen             Pope
34     151  st         Welston          Wheeler
35     111  0:04:31    Gustavo          Cinci            BRC                                               Watertown                MA
36     110  0:04:42    David            Chiu             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington                MA
37     109  0:05:59    Devon            Burgess          Idle Times Bike Shop                              Eastham                  MA
38     108  0:06:12    Greg             Brown            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Boston                   MA
39     122  0:06:19    Justin           Howe             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Arlington                MA
40     114  st         Jeff             Dixon            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Windham                  ME
41     107  st         John             Broussard        NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wilmington               MA
42     105  0:08:04    Daniel           Boozan           North Atlantic Velo/ClassBook.Com/Giant/Pedro's   Burlington               VT
43     128  0:19:00    Aj               Morril           Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Hiram                    ME

4 Men                  46 miles         88               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      340  1:54:11    Dylan            McNicholas       NorEast Cycling                                   Stratham                 NH
2      385  st         Matt             Mainer
3      348  0:00:42    Lee              Peters           UVM Cycling                                       Ticonderoga              NY
4      302  st         Tim              Bak                                                                Stowe                    VT
5      342  st         Jeff             Molongoski       joes garage/                                      Ashfield                 MA
6      379  st         Stephen          Wright           Minuteman Road Club                               Holliston                MA
7      306  st         Brian            Campbell         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Waltham                  MA
8      367  st         Ari              Shocket          Blue Hills Cycling Club                           Walpole                  MA
9      313  st         Jeremy           Durrin           Gamache Cyclery                                   Fitchburg                MA
10     305  st         Matthew          Buckley          Onion River Sports                                East Hardwick            VT
11     384  st         Greg             Harkey
12     368  st         David            Smallwood        Boston Road Club                                  Brighton                 MA
13     311  st         Richard          Drummond         Upper Valley Velo/Drummond custom cycles          Enfield                  NH
14     369  st         Matthew          Spaits           Boston Road Club!                                 Somerville               MA
15     356  st         Keith            Reynolds         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Chelmsford               MA
16     375  st         John             Wilde            Team International Bicycle Centers                Boston                   MA
17     315  st         Nicholas         Fanaras          NorEast Cycling                                   Amesbury                 MA
18     300  st         Peter            Abdu                                                               Hanover                  NH
19     341  st         Aaron            Miller           NorEast Cycling                                   Milford                  NH
20     337  st         Nicholas         Mashburn         Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames                Cambridge                MA
21     343  st         Anson            Moxness          Dartmouth Cycling                                 Hanover                  NH
22     321  st         Aaron            Hall             Harvard                                           Somerville               MA
23     325  st         Michael          Harney           NBX/Narragansett Beer                             Pawcatuck                CT
24     335  st         Casey            Marks            Refunds Now                                       Providence               RI
25     382  st         Jordan           Winkler
26     4?   st         unknown          rider
27     357  st         Colby            Ricker           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Somerville               MA
28     307  st         Jason            Clevenger        Boston Road Club                                  Newton Centre            MA
29     351  st         Torbjorn         Phillpotts       Quad Cycles                                       Medford                  MA
30     377  st         Zachary          Wills            IBC racing                                        Cambridge                MA
31     319  st         Michael          Good             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wilmington               MA
32     310  st         Wayne            Cunningham       NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wayland                  MA
33     360  st         Paul             Salipante        Dartmouth College                                 Wellesley                MA
34     372  st         Ed               Ting             Granite State Wheelmen                            Amherst                  NH
35     308  st         Steve            Connor           Belfast Racing Team -BBCRT                        Dedham                   ME
36     347  st         Jesse            Perreault        Comprehensive Racing/Salem Cycles                 Cambridge                MA
37     334  st         Kevin            Lambertson       Southern Maine Cycling Club                       Waterboro                ME
38     338  st         Dave             Mazur            CCB/Volkswagen                                    N. Andover               MA
39     326  st         Todd             Jakubek          Colavita Racing Inc.                              Concord                  MA
40     303  st         Steeve           Breton           Everactive-Workers CompSolutions                  Natick                   MA
41     350  st         Nicholas         Petterssen       Onion River Sports                                Plainfield               VT
42     361  st         Michael          Savona           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Somerville               MA
43     336  st         Geoff            Martin           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown                MA
44     354  st         Andrew           Regan            Minuteman Road Club                               Hudson                   MA
45     333  st         Dusty            King                                                               Conway                   MA
46     339  st         Michael          McKittrick       Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Brighton                 MA
47     346  st         Anthony          Oliva            Everactive-Workers CompSol                        Dover                    MA
48     359  st         Steven           Robbins          NCC- Northampton Cycling Club                     Belchertown              MA
49     365  0:01:38    Darrel           Seppala                                                            New Ipswich              NH
50     373  0:01:46    Brett            Walker           Hammer/FUJI/                           Salisbury                NH
51     327  0:02:18    Oscar            Jimenez          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Lowell                   MA
52     371  0:03:18    Bernard          Tan              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Medford                  MA
53     312  st         Sebastian        Dunn             CVC/Subaru of New England                         Middletown               CT
54     362  st         John             Schwarz          Unattached                                        Cambridge                VT
55     344  st         Brian            Murphy           Blue Hills Cycling Club                           Hingham                  MA
56     322  0:03:46    James            Hall             NEBC/Cycle Loft                                   Hudson                   NH
57     304  0:04:20    Michael          Brier            Refunds Now                                       Providence               RI
58     370  0:05:08    John             Starvish         Boston Road Club                                  Boston                   MA
59     317  st         Matt             Fowler           Workers CompSolutions/Everactive                  Northwood                NH
60     363  0:06:41    Tom              Scontras         EverActive/WorkersCompSolutions                   South Berwick            ME
61     330  0:09:53    Joseph           Jussaume         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Nashua                   NH
62     353  0:09:59    Matt             Regan            upper valley velo/ Drummond custom cycles         New London               NH
63     345  0:12:33    Chuck            Officer          Upper Valley Velo                                 Hanover                  NH
64     358  st         Jay              Robbins          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Lexington                MA
65     320  st         Mark             Greve            Refunds Now                                       Providence               RI
66     349  st         Erik             Peterson         Cambridge/Igleheart                               Boston                   MA
67     316  st         Ben              Forbes           Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Portland                 ME
68     318  st         John             Gibbons          NEBC / Cycle Loft / Devonshire Dental             Boston                   MA
69     366  st         David            Shedd            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Portland                 ME
70     328  st         Paul             Jobin            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Merrimack                NH
71     378  0:17:19    Scott            Woodward         Team Placid Planet                                Port Kent                NY
72     364  0:19:18    Steven           Senne            Boston Road Club                                  East Walpole             MA
73     380  0:19:37    Steven           Youmatz          CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Middletown               CT
74     323  0:22:03    Kenneth          Hamel            cyclonauts racers                                 Coventry                 RI
75     383  0:24:35    Jacob            Stowell
76     329  0:24:54    Benjamin         Jones            Dartmouth College                                 Hanover                  NH
77     314  0:33:21    Andrew           Eills            NHCC                                              Concord                  NH
78     374  0:36:30    Michael          Whitfield        HUP United                                        Etna                     NH

4 Women                23 miles         27               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      808  1:05:58    Amy              Kemper           Northampton Cycling Club                          Northampton              MA
2      807  st         Clara            Kelly            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 North Andover            MA
3      800  st         Elle             Anderson         Dartmouth College Cycling                         Hanover                  NH
4      822  st         Beth             Saman            Benidorm - Eastern Bloc
5      810  0:00:09    Shannon          Madison          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Somerville               MA
6      821  0:00:30    Erica            Mains            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
7      824  0:00:32    Natalie          Berry            Upper valley Velo/Drummond custom cycles
8      827  0:02:41    Ann              Howard
9      818  st         Ashley           Krause           Northampton Cycling Club                          Easthampton              MA
10     816  0:05:49    Katherine        Snell            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Nashua                   NH
11     825  st         Carolyn          Cole             Claremont Cycle Depot
12     820  0:08:18    Lorraine         Warner           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental
13     814  st         Kristina         Regan            Upper valley Velo/Drummond custom cycles          New London               NH
14     813  0:08:28    Helen            Pearce           Boston Scientific Cycling Club                    Lancaster                MA
15     823  st         Samantha         Barlow           NHCC
16     803  st         Emily            Curry            Team Bicycle Alley                                Sturbridge               MA
17     802  st         Lodrina          Cherne           Minuteman Road Club                               Cambridge                MA
18     817  st         Jan              Weyant-Hamel
19     811  0:11:32    Kathy            Martin           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown                MA
20     801  st         Michele          Archambault      NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Watertown                MA
21     819  0:12:05    Kathryn          Spirer
22     804  0:16:59    Arminda          Fernandes        Bike Line/LWA                                     Ludlow                   MA
23     805  0:20:50    Carrie           Fraga            CRW                                               Waltham                  MA
24     806  0:21:25    Lauren           Gifford                                                            Norwich                  VT
25     826  0:22:03    Kate             Denny

5 Men                  46 miles         38               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      620  1:59:49    Joshua           Krook                                                              New Ipswich              NH
2      636  0:00:12    Jacob            Harris
3      624  st         Ryan             Littlefield      Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Portland                 ME
4      608  0:00:41    Cameron          Cook                                                               Waterbury                VT
5      614  st         Bennett          Haynes           Bowdoin Cycling Club                              Brunswick                ME
6      615  st         Callum           Ingram                                                             Putney                   VT
7      632  st         Shawn            Turner           Team Placid Planet                                Champlain                NY
8      600  st         Darren           Adams            unattached                                        Castleton                VT
9      642  st         Isaac            Stoner
10     618  st         James            Jones            Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                           Scarborough              ME
11     613  st         Seth             Haskell          BBCRT                                             Northport                ME
12     625  st         Synjen           Marrocco                                                           Hanson                   MA
13     606  st         Derek            Brinkerhoff      Back Bay Bicycles                                 East Kingston            NH
14     631  st         Nels             Traffie                                                            New Ipswich              NH
15     633  0:02:22    Matthew          Wheatley                                                           Amherst                  NH
16     605  0:02:28    Jeffrey          Bramhall         HUP United                                        Allston                  MA
17     639  0:02:59    Phil             Corbett
18     635  0:03:05    David            Skroski
19     637  0:05:25    Chris            Logan
20     610  0:06:19    Patrick          Dunn             Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute                  Ticonderoga              NY
21     602  0:09:55    Rob              Arnold           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames              Boston                   MA
22     612  0:10:52    Scott            Glowa            Unattached                                        Providence               RI
23     607  0:12:37    Greg             Brown            BBCRT - Belfast Racing Team                       Monroe                   ME
24     609  0:16:18    Oliver           Cunningham       Bowdoin College                                   Brunswick                ME
25     640  0:16:39    Ron              Slaga
26     628  0:20:37    Jeff             Seger            SMCC                                              Cape Elizabeth           ME
27     616  0:20:43    Justin           Jacobs                                                             Sunapee                  NH
28     629  0:21:49    Dennis           Silva                                                              Hamden                   CT
29     641  0:22:34    Rami             El Rayess
30     601  0:24:30    David            Almeida          Northeastern University                           Ludlow                   MA
31     611  0:25:07    Kyle             Gaudet           Portsmouth Quality Flooring                       Exeter                   NH
32     617  0:31:30    Marcus           Jang             Refunds Now                                       Providence               RI
33     638  0:33:24    Josh             Payson
34     621  0:36:14    John             Land                                                               York                     ME
35     619  0:36:14    Patrick          Kelly                                                              North Andover            MA
dsq    626  yel line   Oguz             Orkan                                                              Englewood                NJ

5 Men 35+              46 miles         51               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      665  2:02:07    Brian            Currier          Cycle Depot Bike Club                             Newport                  NH
2      697  0:00:07    James            Wert             Upper Valley Velo                                 Thetford Center          VT
3      656  0:01:01    Alfred           Bissell          Essex County Velo                                 Boxford                  MA
4      658  st         Seth             Brooker          Belfast Racing Club                               Hampden                  ME
5      682  st         Keith            Loiselle         NHCC                                              Pembroke                 NH
6      689  st         Richard          Powell           Drummond Custom Cycles                            Hanover                  NH
7      688  st         Phil             Oviatt                                                             Concord                  NH
8      676  st         Daniel           Haedrich         Betaboys                                          Norwich                  VT
9      667  st         Gary             David            Minuteman Road Club                               Stow                     MA
10     698  st         Carl             Wittig           BikeBarnRacing                                    Taunton                  MA
11     653  st         Michel           Aube                                                               White River Jct          VT
12     651  st         Jody             Adamonis         NEBC                                              Nashua                   NH
13     685  st         Jonathan         Nichols                                                            Cornish Flat             NH
14     57   st         Larry            Reed
15     654  st         Steve            Bauermeister     NorEast Cycling                                   South Berwick            ME
16     694  0:03:18    Danny            Taffe                                                              Concord                  NH
17     672  0:03:43    Bob              Evans            NorEast/Piches/MC Cycle                           Gilford                  NH
18     668  0:04:23    Paul             Degliangeli                                                        C. Conway                NH
19     61   st         Douglas          Clark            Linscott
20     58   st         Dan              O'Neil
21     693  st         Joseph           Savick           PROVIDENCE VELO CLUB                              Providence               RI
22     59   st         Mark             White
23     659  st         W Bruce          Bunn             Team Placid Planet                                Plattsburgh              NY
24     661  st         Michael          Charron          Alternative Bike Shop                             Goffstown                NH
25     675  st         Mark             Gurney           Claremont Cycle Depot                             Sunapee                  NH
26     687  st         Brian            Nolan            International Bicycle/Global                      Norwich                  VT
27     650  0:04:37    Bill             Aalerud          unattached                                        Winchester               MA
28     692  0:09:04    Paul             Ripka            Granite State Wheelmen                            Merrimack                NH
29     681  st         Keith            Limberg          NorEast Cycling                                   Exeter                   NH
30     690  0:11:00    Juan             Puerto           Optimum Performance                               Boxborough               MA
31     691  st         Justin           Ringling                                                           Westerly                 RI
32     673  st         Michael          Foley            Team Bicycle Alley                                Paxton                   MA
33     652  st         Jim              Airgood          HUP United                                        Henniker                 NH
34     660  st         Ken              Carpenter                                                          Jamaica Plain            MA
35     678  0:12:30    Eric             Hansmeier        NHCC                                              Keene                    NH
36     662  0:12:45    Brad             Cilley           Unattached                                        Concord                  NH
37     657  0:15:01    Lars             Blackmore        Betaboys                                          Norwich                  VT
38     680  0:15:44    Todd             Jarry                                                              Norwich                  VT
39     674  0:16:14    Mark             Girardin                                                           Concord                  NH
40     683  0:17:46    Timothy          Metzger          NorEast Cycling                                   Hampton                  NH
41     699  0:20:37    Eric             Stromland
42     671  0:21:26    William          Drake                                                              Hartland                 VT
43     664  st         Tim              Curley           Back Bay Cycling Club                             Everett                  MA
44     677  0:29:42    Leo              Hamill           upper velo/drummond custom cycles                 Hanover                  NH

Masters 35+            46 miles         45               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      225  1:53:30    Ciaran           Mangan           CCB/Volkswagen                                    Brighton                 MA
2      237  st         Mike             Spangenberg      Battenkill United/Anthem cycles                   Shaftsbury               VT
3      240  st         Fred             Thomas           Portland Velo Club                                Cape Elizabeth           ME
4      234  st         Todd             Roberts          New England Bike                                  Easthampton              MA
5      219  0:00:31    Matthew          Kressy           Millwork One Racing/                   Wellesley                MA
6      239  st         Mark             Stotz            Corner Cycle                                      Easthampton              MA
7      212  st         Monte            Frank            Cycle Fitness                                     Sandy Hook               CT
8      217  st         Ray              Johnson          Everactive - Workers Comp Solutions               Woburn                   MA
9      243  st         Bill             Yabroudy         NBX/Apex Technology                               Coventry                 RI
10     209  st         Leo              Devellian        CCB/Volkswagen                                    Topsfield                MA
11     207  st         Chris            Cover            Onion River Sports                                Richmond                 VT
12     226  st         John             McGill           Onion RIver Sports                                Montpelier               VT
13     228  st         John             Mosher           Corner Cycle                                      Boxboro                  MA
14     210  st         Brad             Ek               NHCC/Team NH                                      Concord                  NH
15     211  st         Thomas           Francis                                Needham                  MA
16     218  0:00:46    Jared            Katz             Onion River Sports                                Richmond                 VT
17     238  st         Adam             Sternfield       Millwork One Racing/                   Brookline                MA
18     206  0:00:52    Alan             Cote             GMBC / Catamount                                  Williston                VT
19     202  0:00:57    Patrick          Brandon          CCNS/Pedal Power                                  Killingwoth              CT
20     229  st         Tyler            Munroe           CCB/Volkswagen                                    No. Andover              MA
21     204  st         Richard          Brown            NorEast Cycling                                   Danville                 NH
22     223  0:01:23    Sven             Lohse            Everactiveonline/Workerscompsolutions             Sterling                 MA
23     231  st         Jason            Pettengill       Louis Garneau Custom                              Jackson                  NH
24     232  0:02:00    Paul             Richard          CCB/Volkswagen                                    Amesbury                 MA
25     200  0:03:12    Kevin            Bessett          GMBC/Catamount                                    Richmond                 VT
26     245  0:05:12    Gary             Jasdzewski
27     205  0:06:02    William          Casazza          BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farms-Ariza-Goodales         Salem                    NH
28     208  st         Chad             Demarest         Corner Cycle                                      Sagamore Beach           MA
29     215  st         Carl             Hitchcock        Portland Velo Club (PVC)                          Portland                 ME
30     221  st         Sean             Langford         CCB/Volkswagen                                    Middleton                MA
31     224  st         Jonathan         Lowenstein       NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech.                  North Kingstown          RI
32     233  0:06:23    Carl             Ring             NHCC/Team NH                                      Rumney                   NH
33     236  st         John             Smathers         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Cambridge                MA
34     242  st         Christopher      White            BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales          Windham                  NH
35     230  st         David            Penney           Unattached                                        Lyndeborough             NH
36     246  0:10:31    Matt             Boobar
37     241  0:10:49    Andrew           Wellman          Onion River Sports                                West Berlin              VT
38     235  0:14:11    Douglas          Shepard          Everactive Compsolutions                          Mansfield                MA
39     203  0:15:17    Eric             Brassell                                                           Stowe                    VT

Masters 45+            46 miles         67               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      406  1:54:19    Thomas           Butler           CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                     Delmar                   NY
2      458  0:00:00    Paul             Wonsavage        Onion River Sports                                Hanover                  NH
3      450  st         Joseph           Rano             Bike Alley                                        Oxford                   MA
4      446  st         Tom              Officer          Cycle Fitness                                     Litchfield               CT
5      431  st         David            Kellogg          Arc En Ciel                                       Providence               RI
6      414  st         Eric             Derivera         Hot Tubes                                         West Boylston            MA
7      426  st         Karl             Hambrecht        CCB/Volkswagen                                    West Newbury             MA
8      423  st         John             Grenier          BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops Lewiston                 ME
9      404  st         Philip           Beliveau         GMBC/Catamount                                    St. George               VT
10     424  st         Tim              Groesbeck        CCB                                               Sharon                   NH
11     454  st         Haluk            Sarci            Strictly Bicycle                                  Cresskill                NJ
12     467  st         Robert           Roldan
13     464  st         Art              Podgorski
14     444  st         James            Nash             CCB Volkswagen                                    North Hampton            NH
15     407  st         Keith            Button           noreast cycling                                   Nottingham               NH
16     418  st         Mark             Dutka            Mystic Velo                                       Uncasville               CT
17     434  st         Randy            Kirk             Cycle Fitness                                     Avon                     CT
18     415  st         Christopher      Dimattio         Bethel Sport CLub                                 Wilton                   CT
19     430  st         Douglas          Jansen           International Bicycle/Global                      Pelham                   NH
20     463  st         Robert           Lesmerises
21     462  st         Terry            White
22     447  st         Eric             Pearce           Bethel Cycle                                      Chelmsford               MA
23     459  st         Kevin            Young            International Bicycle/Global                      Northbridge              MA
24     405  st         Bruce            Bell             GMBC/Catamount                                    Stowe                    VT
25     419  st         Neil             Faigel           CCB/Volkswagen                                    North Andover            MA
26     441  st         Ken              McCallum         CCB/Volkswagen                                    Haverhill                MA
27     465  st         Bob              Payson
28     442  st         Bob              Meikle           Mystic Velo Club                                  Waterford                CT
29     445  st         Jimmy            O'Mara           BOB/Stonyfield Farms/Shift                        Grafton                  NH
30     448  st         Claude           Raineault        flatbread/ottercreek                              Underhill                VT
31     453  st         Wayne            Santos           BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops  Barnstead                NH
32     416  st         Tim              Dodd             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Westford                 MA
33     432  st         David            King             CCB/Volkswagen                                    Boxford                  MA
34     412  st         Jody             Dean             Team International Bicycle Center                 Hudson                   MA
35     439  st         Patrick          Lynch            Zephyr Cycling Team                               Bethel                   CT
36     457  st         William          Thompson         CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                     West Hartford            CT
37     440  st         Eric             Marro            BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales          Nashua                   NH
38     421  0:01:18    Jeffrey          Fisher           BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shop   Durham                   ME
39     452  0:03:22    Brett            Rutledge         International Bicycle Center                      Westboro                 MA
40     455  st         Timothy          Shea             BOB/Shift-Stonyfield Farm-Ariza-Goodales          Amherst                  NH
41     460  0:04:28    Normand          Collard
42     433  st         Wayne            Kirk             Mystic Velo Club                                  Old Lyme                 CT
43     400  st         Brian            Anderson         International Bicycle/Global                      Concord                  MA
44     409  st         Tim              Coleman          Incline Training                                  Shelburne                MA
45     401  0:07:25    Paul             Anderson         Arc En Ciel                                       Wyoming                  RI
46     443  st         Thomas           Mowatt           Upper Valley Velo/Drummond Custom Cycles          Chelsea                  VT
47     436  st         John             Liston           portland velo                                     North Yarmouth           ME
48     417  st         Chuck            Dopfel           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                 Wayland                  MA
49     438  st         Thomas           Luster           MBRC/Bicycle Link                                 Brookline                MA
50     449  st         Jorge            Ramirez          Cyclonauts  Racers                                Worcester                MA
51     435  st         Joseph           Lellman          NCC /                                 Florence                 MA
52     428  0:12:11    Joe              Horan            MinutemanRoadClub                                 Ashland                  MA
53     411  0:13:29    Thomas           Cormier          Stonyfield Farms/BOBCYCLING/Goodales              Derry                    NH
54     420  0:14:19    Walter           Fischer          GMBC                                              Newbury                  VT
55     410  0:16:46    Edward           Connell          VAN DESSEL FACTORY TEAM                           Lebanon                  NH
56     425  0:17:57    Keith            Hager            teamplacidplanet                                  Keeseville               NY
57     402  0:18:57    Raniel           Babala           NHCC/Team NH                                      Nashua                   NH
58     429  0:20:39    Jerry            Jacobs           NEBC                                              Wayland                  MA
59     408  0:42:48    Jeffrey          Carney           NHCC/Team NH MCRA                                 Lebanon                  NH

Masters 55+            46 miles         22               starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      507  2:08:14    Mark             Hagen            CCB/Volkswagen                                    Natick                   MA
2      511  st         Bob              Johnson          Cyclonauts Racers                                 Westfield                MA
3      502  st         David            Burnett          Mystic Velo \ MCRA                                Norwich                  CT
4      519  st         George           Pawle            Cyclonauts Racers                                 Westfield                MA
5      501  st         David            Burnell          cox communications cycling team                   Jamestown                RI
6      521  st         Peter            Saloom           Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Gardner                  MA
7      500  st         William R.       Black            Portland Velo                                     Cumberland Foreside      ME
8      522  st         Paul             Siebert          Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Bennington               VT
9      524  0:00:54    Bruce            Townend          Competitive Edge Racing Team                      Windsor                  MA
10     512  st         Donald           Labonte          MainLine Cycling                                  Lincolndale              NY
11     516  0:06:26    Kg               O'Donnell        GMBC/Catamount                                    Grafton                  VT
12     506  st         Barry            Grenier          CCB/Volkswagen                                    Topsfield                MA
13     503  0:07:12    Mieczyslaus      Burzynski        B.O.B.Stonyfield Farms Goodale's Bike             Newburyport              MA
14     517  st         James            Owers            NHCC                                              Concord                  NH
15     504  0:08:57    Terry            Cowman           Essex County Velo - MCRA                          Manchester               MA
16     523  0:10:23    Al               Stewart          NH Cycling club                                   Manchester               NH
17     513  0:11:22    Bob              Ludecke          laurel bike club                                  Milldale                 CT
18     509  0:12:46    David            Holmander        NHCC/Team NH/MCRA                                 Epsom                    NH
19     520  0:24:55    Jeffrey          Proctor                                  Litchfield               NH
20     510  0:29:35    Frank            Holt             NHCC/Team NH                                      Hollis                   NH

Masters 65+            46 miles         3                starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      514  2:14:13    Richard          Martin           Masters Velo                                      Attleboro                MA
2      518  0:00:27    Michael          Patterson                                                          New York                 NY
3      525  0:06:47    William          Yellig           laurel bicycle club                               Hamden                   CT

Masters 70+            23 miles         5                starters
Place  Bib  Time       First Name       Last Name        Team                                              City                     State
1      595  1:14:00    Pete             Murphy           MCRA                                              Glastonbury              CT
2      597  st         Annette          Kennedy          NEBC/cycleloft/Devonshire Dental-MCRA             Winchester               MA
3      596  0:01:39    Julie            Lockhart         NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental / MCRA          Dunstable                MA
4      598  st         A. Tracey        Becken                                                             Hartland                 VT
5      599  0:04:54    Fioravante       Bares            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA            Winchester               MA