Riverside Cyclocross

Raymond, NH

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Riverside Cyclocross
Presented by
Raymond Area Rotary Club
Raymond, NH
Saturday, October 23, 2004

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men A
Race Number   FIRST NAME    LAST NAME     TEAM                                    Time
237           Justin        Spinelli      Richard Sachs                           57:40:00
134           Cory          Burns         UNH                                     57:55:00
243           Troy          Michaud       Eurotech                                58:14:00
140           Curtis        Boivin        International Bike                      58:37:00
244           Brian         Astell        Ind. Fab/Wheelworks                     59:16:00
246           Ari           de Wilde      Essex County Velo                       59:34:00
245           Ryan          LeRocque      Bicycle Alley                           59:56:00
241           Aaron         Molloy        NHCC                                    01:04.0
236           Noah          Taylor        Putney Bicycle Club                     1:01:35
242           Brian         Keegan        Unattach                                1:02:13
235           Tom           Gosselin      Maine Cycling Club/ Rainbow Bike        lap
135           Joshua        Austin        UNH                                     lap
247           Ryan          O'Connor      GoMart Cyclying                         lap

Race Number   FIRST NAME    LAST NAME     TEAM                                    Time
174           Ryan          Barlow        NECSA                                   44:03:00
170           Kirk          Carlsen       HNECC                                   44:44:00
165           Timothy       Halliday      America's Cycling Team                  45:02:00
107           Benjamin      Zawacki       Coast to Coast - KAM - Stelvio          46:25:00
106           Alessio       Bares         New Hampshire Cycling Club              lap
168           Alex          Buck          Coast to Coast - KAM - Stelvio          lap
118           Thomas        Roswell       unattach                                lap

Men B
Race Number   FIRST NAME    LAST NAME     TEAM                                    Time
133           Ryan          Rumsey        bikeman.com                             40:21:00
126           Zac           Daab          Hup United                              40:44:00
132           Ryan          Fleming       Peerless/Papa Wheelies                  41:22:00
142           Andrew        Schnelling    Team Bicycle Alley                      41:56:00
110           Coley         Bryan         Harborside Cycle                        42:12:00
145           Todd          Rowell        NCC/Bikereg.com                         42:31:00
138           Brendan       Sullivan                                              42:41:00
74            Stephen       Kelley        Vortex Racing                           43:04:00
141           Ethan         Parsons       NCC/Bikereg.com                         43:04:00
123           Paul          Lynch                                                 43:24:00
139           Paul          Everard       VeloEuropa/IBC                          44:44:00
136           Richard       Brown         NHCC/Team NH                            44:56:00
130           Jim           Burke         NEBC/Cycle Loft                         45:33:00
240           Tom           Giordano      NEBC/Cycle Loft                         46:06:00
137           Matthew       Crews         unattach                                46:31:00
239           Charles       Goldman       Portland Velo Club                      lap
131           Christopher   Rehm          Quad Cycles/Alan Grassroots cross       lap
173           Justin        Ziemba        NHCC/Team NH                            lap
238           Tim           Stanley       UNH                                     lap
999           Timothy       Shea          BOB / Nault's Cyclery                   dnf
999           John          Stonebarger   MBRC/Bicycle Link                       dnf

Men C
Race Number   FIRST NAME    LAST NAME     TEAM                                    Time
151           John          Brady         Boston Road Club / ATA                  27:58:00
163           joseph        di Angelo     harborside cycle                        28:43:00
162           Robert        Bauer         Minuteman road Club                     29:02:00
73            Nick          Turner        ALAN Factory Team                       29:08:00
154           John          Plump         unttach                                 29:10:00
143           Tom           Fritschka     NHCC                                    30:14:00
74            Stephen       Kelley        VORTEX Racing                           30:29:00
161           Jon           Hendricks     Salem Cycling Club                      30:45:00
160           Karl          Wiedemann     Pedro's                                 30:55:00
164           Lyle          Fulkerson     unttach                                 31:11:00
75            Jay           Comler        Esex County Velo                        31:20:00
149           Glen          Fraser        NHCC/Team NH                            31:23:00
171           Peter         Arnold                                                32:02:00
157           John          Wilde         unttach                                 32:17:00
158           james         nuzzo         MBRC/Bicycle Link                       32:43:00
147           andrew        richmond      unttach                                 33:21:00
169           Bernard       Harmon        unttach                                 34:01:00
70            Herbert       Taylor        bikeman.com                             34:10:00
167           David         Rioux         Boston Road Club / ATA                  34:12:00
172           Andrea        Cadwell       Team BOB                                35:30:00
71            Dan           Fishkin       unttach                                 37:40:00
72            Herbert       Bates         NEBC/Cycle Loft                         lap
159           Erin          Bennett       Salem Cycling Club                      dnf
144           Drew          Szeliga       NHCC/UNH Cycling                        dnf
999           Mark          McMaster      NEBC/Cycle Loft                         dnf

Number        FIRST NAME    LAST NAME     TEAM                                    Time
101           Peter         Brennan       Trek/Doriti Gelati                      40:52:00
145           Todd          Rowell        NCC / BikeReg.com                       41:41:00
150           sam           morse         Bicycle Link/MBRC                       41:49:00
214           garabed       minasian      BOB                                     41:50:00
104           Paul          Boudreau      Essex County Velo                       41:50:00
116           Aaron         Millett       Essex County Velo                       41:50:00
212           Mike          Umbrell       Minuteman Road Club                     43:04:00
146           Dave          Leedberg      Gearworks                               43:05:00
148           Aaron         Richer        H2O                                     43:56:00
213           David         Carlsen       BOB / Nault's Cyclery                   43:56:00
111           Michael       Cole          Minuteman Road Club                     43:56:00
103           Jim           Titone        unattach                                44:42:00
117           Eugene        Petrella      Mid-State/Gearworks                     44:43:00
112           Steven        Bonadio       Arc-en-Ciel Racing Team                 45:50:00
105           george        benington     Linscott Real Estate Racing             46:25:00
166           Timothy       Shea          BOB / Nault's Cyclery                   46:50:00
108           Brian         Bigelow       BOB/Nault's                             47:02:00
100           Derek         Griggs        unattach                                47:02:00
155           Thomas        Downey        Bicycle Link/MBRC                       lap
156           James         Quinn         Missing Links                           lap
102           Stuart        Beaullieu     unattach                                lap
123           Paul          Lynch         Missing Links                           lap
153           David         Connery       HUP United                              dnf
152           David         Fredrickson                                           dnf
122           William       Keiler        NECSA/ACT                               dnf
175           wayne         barlow        coyote hill                             dnf
998           Brian         Blondin       BOB/NAULT'S CYCLERY                     dnf
999           John          Stonebarger   MBRC/Bicycle Link                       dnf
142           Andrew        Durham        CCB                                     dnf

Number        FIRST NAME    LAST NAME     TEAM                                    Time
128           Sara          Cushman       Gear Works/Spin Arts                    52:09:00
216           Rebecca       Wellons       Gearworks/Spin Arts Cycling Team        53:02:00
121           Catherine     Dudley                                                53:39:00
113           Kathy         Sarvary       Mid-State Gearworks                     54:21:00
120           Cris          Rothfuss      NEBC/Cycle Loft                         54:25:00
119           Stephanie     White         Dansko Wheelworks                       54:25:00
115           Martha        Wilson        Dansko Wheelworks                       57:01:00
215           Jennifer      Rhodes        Dansko Wheelworks                       lap
124           Natalie       Stoll         UNH                                     lap
109           Valerie       Ricard                                                lap
114           Marcy         Paul                                                  lap
125           Melissa       Smith         Dansko Wheelworks                       lap
127           Kerry         Litka         Dansko Wheelworks                       dnf