Wicked Maine Cyclo-cross IV

New Gloucester, ME

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Wicked Maine Cyclo-cross IV

Presented by
Portland Velo Club,Maine Cycling Club,Gearworks/Spin Arts Cycling Team

Pineland Farm,New Gloucester, ME

Sunday, October 17, 2004

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Women Elite

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time       ME State Champ
1         Marianne       Stover              Independent Fabrication                                       53:53:00   1
2         Anna           Milkowski                                                                         55:28:00
3         Natalie        Dumont              Cycleworks                                                    n.t.
4         Martha         Wilson              Dansko Wheelworks                                             n.t.
5         Kathy          Sarvany                                                                           n.t.

Master's 35+

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time       ME State Champ
1         Peter          Brennan             Volkswagen Goodales                                           48:34:00
2         Paul           Curley              TEAM Gearworks/Spinarts                                       49:16:00
3         Todd           Rowell              North Hampton Club                                            49:19:00
4         John           Meerse              Fastsplits Cycling Team                                       50:14:00   1
5         William        Sawyer              Gearworks                                                     50:16:00
6         Michael        Cole                Minuteman Road Club                                           50:34:00
7         Chris          Karam               Portland Velo                                                 50:37:00   2
8         Brian          Sweeney             Spin Arts                                                     50:39:00
9         Paul           Cusick              Pac Sun Velo                                                  51:12:00
10        Michael        Hartley             Midcoast Cycle                                                51:12:00   3
11        Paul           Weiss               Portland Velo                                                 51:46:00
12        john           buser               putney/westhill                                               51:46:00
13        Tom            Stevens             Gearworks/Spinart                                             52:56:00
14        Todd           Savage              Minuteman Road Club                                           53:14:00
15        Geoff          Sullivan            Eastern Bloc                                                  53:25:00
16        Craig          Harrison            CCB/Volkswagen                                                53:54:00
17        Paul           Niehoff             Southern Maine cycling Club                                   54:04:00
18        John           Grenier             Maine Cycling Club                                            54:39:00
19        george         benington           Linscott Real Estate Racing                                   55:01:00
20        Michael        Keough              Corner Cycle                                                  55:51:00
21        ROBERT         TUTWILER                                                                          56:23:00
22        Chris          Shotwell                                                                          -2 laps
Wayne          Cunningham          NEBC                                                          DNF
Tim            Groesbeck           CCB
William        Keiler              NECSA ACT
Steven         Heath               Masters Velo Club

John           Listow              Sebago Outfitters
Jim            Dowling             MCC
John           Mosher              NEBC/Cycleloft

Elite Men

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time       ME State Champ
1         Peter          Wedge               KONA                                                          59:48:00
2         Noah           Taylor              Putney West Hill                                              1:00:26
3         Jonny          Bold                Team Corner Cycle                                             1:01:17
4         Troy           Michaud             Boston Science/Eurotech                                       1:02:54    1
5         Ari            de Wilde            Maine Cycling Club                                            1:04:05    2
6         Ryan           Runsey              Bikeman.com                                                   1:04:39    3
7         Matt           Wilson              NAV/Mercury Web Solutions                                     1:06:19
8         Donald         Snoop Jr.           Team Verge Sports                                             1:07:17
9         Brendan        Cornett             MCC                                                           -1 lap
10        Rebecca        Wellons             Gearworks                                                     -1 lap
Morgan         MacLeod             Portland Velo/Jamis
Samuel         Wheeler-Martenis    CCB/Volkswagen

C Women

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time       Overall
1         Rhonda         Morin               Portland Velo                                                 28:08:00
2         Sandy          Noble               SMCC                                                          29:50:00
3         Lisa           Maxwell             Independent Fabrication                                       30:32:00
4         Nicole         Kesselring          Dansko Team                                                   31:07:00
5         Erin           Reilly                                                                            31:19:00
6         Jennifer       Strasser            Team Cuevas                                                   31:49:00
7         Jean           Cunningham                                                                        34:25:00
8         Julia          Rice                                                                              35:06:00
9         Margaret       Kadlick             Minuteman Road Club                                           35:10:00
Jen            Bailey              Portland Velo

C Men

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time
1         Jack           Gundling            Portland Velo                                                 26:12:00
2         Marcio         Munch                                                                             26:25:00
3         Tom            Noble               SMCC                                                          26:28:00
4         Christopher    Kadlick             Minuteman Road Club                                           26:38:00
5         Ralph          Karam                                                                             27:06:00
6         Jurgen         Nebelung            Portland Velo                                                 28:02:00
7         Matt           Bowman              Mt. Wash Valley Velo                                          28:02:00
8         Steve          White               White's Bikes                                                 27:54:00
9         Jeff           Dixon               SMCC                                                          28:30:00
10        tom            murray                                                                            28:46:00
11        John           Beaudoin            Linscott Real Estate                                          29:37:00
12        Richard        Marchessault                                                                      29:56:00
13        Greg           Sargent                                                                           32:55:00
14        Steve          Goller              unnattached                                                   37:21:00
Lee            Strout              Maine Cycling Club
Tom            Warner
Joe            Hepp                Southern Maine Cycling Club

B Men

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time
1         Jamie          Belchak             North Atlantic Velo / Mercury Web Solutions Cycling           39:19:00
2         Brian          Buettner            Putney West Hill                                              40:00:00
3         Matthew        Hersey              Bikeman.com                                                   40:03:00
4         Tom            Gosselin            Maine Cycling                                                 40:31:00
5         Michael        Magur               Verge Sport                                                   41:50:00
6         Chris          Green               Portland Velo Club                                            41:52:00
7         Brad           Roberts             Putney Bicycle PACE                                           42:10:00
8         Mike           Hoover              Bikeman.com                                                   44:25:00
9         Craig          Labadie             Team Quad Cycle                                               44:43:00
10        Charles        Goldman             Portland Velo Club                                            47:18:00
11        James          Olson               SMCC                                                          48:10:00
12        Paul           Niehoff             Southern Maine cycling Club                                   48:19:00

Junior's U19

Results   FIRST NAME     LAST NAME           TEAM                                                          Time       ME State Champ
1         Luke           Keough                                                                            28:46:00
2         Jesse          Keough                                                                            36:16:00
3         Patrick        Kelley                                                                            -1 lap

1         Will           Dugan               Tosk/BCA                                                      47:05:00
2         Morgan         MacLeod             Portland Velo/Jamis                                           47:11:00   1
3         Noah           Harwood             People Cycle/Stelvio                                          49:55:00
4         Brendan        Corneft                                                                           50:34:00   2
5         Alex           Buck                Coast to Coast Development/Stelvio Team Wear                  56:05:00
Nicholas       Keough