Presented by Fat Tire


Online Registration Will Open

Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025 at 12:01 AM MT

Select Your Category

Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
FoCo Fondo VIP Experience $575.25 Jul 18
11:59 PM
  • “If you have the means, I highly recommend picking up the VIP Experience” - Ferris Bueller

    Check out the full perks:
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
118-mile Quadruple Dog Dare You Route $186.75 Jul 18
6:00 AM
118 miles $9000 + Prizes $186.75
  • 2024 Premiere Route! Includes bolo tie times, $9000 prize purse split between Top Overall Men, Women, and NB/GE Riders. Additionally, there are Age Group Podiums with 1st place prizes.
118-mile Quadruple Dog Dare You Route- 13-18 year olds $94.44 Jul 18
6:00 AM
118 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $94.44
  • 2024 Premiere Route! Includes bolo tie times, $9000 prize purse split between Top Overall Men, Women, and NB/GE Riders. Additionally, there are Age Group Podiums with 1st place prizes.
118-mile Quadruple Dog Dare You Route- Para Category $186.75 Jul 18
6:00 AM
118 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $186.75
  • 2024 Premiere Route! Includes bolo tie times, $9000 prize purse split between Top Overall Men, Women, and NB/GE Riders. Additionally, there are Age Group and Para Podiums with 1st place prizes.
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
100 Mile Triple Dog Dare You Route- Para Category $160.25 Jul 18
7:00 AM
100 miles Overall prizes three deep + 1st Age Group and special categories $160.25
  • New for 2024! This FoCo Fondo premium course includes an Overall Podium with prizes across Men, Women, and NB/GE + Age Group Podiums with prizes for 1st place.
100-mile Triple Dog Dare You Route $160.25 Jul 18
7:00 AM
100 miles Overall prizes three deep + 1st Age Group and special categories $160.25
  • New for 2024! This FoCo Fondo premium course includes an Overall Podium with prizes across Men, Women, and NB/GE + Age Group Podiums with prizes for 1st place.
100-mile Triple Dog Dare You Route (13-18 years old) $81.13 Jul 18
7:00 AM
100 miles Overall prizes three deep + 1st Age Group and special categories $81.13
  • New for 2024! This FoCo Fondo premium course includes an Overall Podium with prizes across Men, Women, and NB/GE + Age Group Podiums with prizes for 1st place.
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
60 Mile Double Dog Dare You Route $133.75 Jul 18
8:00 AM
60 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $133.75
  • This FoCo Fondo gold standard includes an Overall Podium across Men, Women, and NB/GE + Age Group Podiums with prizes for 1st place.
60 mile Double Dog Dare You Route- 13-18 years old $67.81 Jul 18
8:00 AM
60 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $67.81
  • This FoCo Fondo gold standard includes an Overall Podium across.13-18 year old riders can register here for the 53 mile gravel ride. Must be accompanied by an adult with paid entry. Ages 5-12 free.
60 Mile Double Dog Dare You Route- Para Category $133.75 Jul 18
8:00 AM
60 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $133.75
  • This FoCo Fondo gold standard includes an Overall Podium across Men, Women, and Non-Binary + Age Group and Para Podiums with prizes for 1st place.
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
32 Mile Dare You Route $81.13 Jul 18
9:00 AM
32 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $81.13
  • The perfect introduction to gravel adventuring. Includes Overall and Age Group Podiums across Men, Women, and NB/GE riders. Prizes for the overall podium + 1st place age group/special categories.
32-Mile Dare You Route- 5-12 years old $0 Jul 18
9:00 AM
32 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $0
  • If you are registering a 5-12 year old, their entry fee is free but we still need a waiver and registration process to be done here. Must be accompanied by an adult with paid entry.
32 Mile Dare You Route- 13-18 years old $41.19 Jul 18
9:00 AM
32 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $41.19
  • 5-12 is free, 13-18 year olds can register here for the 32 mile gravel route. Must be accompanied by an adult with paid entry.
32 Mile Dare You Route- Para Category $81.13 Jul 18
9:00 AM
32 miles Overall + Age Group Podium, Prizes & Glory $81.13
  • The perfect introduction to gravel adventuring. Includes Overall and Age Group Podiums across Men, Women, and NB/GE + Para Category 1st place prizes.
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
12 Mile Here for It Route p/b Safe Routes to School $54.50 Jul 18
9:30 AM
12 miles Goodies, giveaways, and a good time! $54.50
  • This special route focuses on our paved trail systems with some crushed gravel trails.
12 Mile Here for It Route p/b Safe Routes to School- 5-12 years old $0 Jul 18
9:30 AM
12 miles Goodies, giveaways, and a good time! $0
  • This special route focuses on our paved trail systems with some crushed gravel trails. Must be accompanied by an adult with paid entry.
12 Mile Here for It Route p/b Safe Routes to School- 13-18 years old $27.88 Jul 18
9:30 AM
12 miles Goodies, giveaways, and a good time! $27.88
  • This special route focuses on our paved trail systems with some crushed gravel trails. Must be accompanied by an adult with paid entry.
12 Mile Here for It Route p/b Safe Routes to School- Para Category $54.50 Jul 18
9:30 AM
12 miles Goodies, giveaways, and a good time! $54.50
  • This special route focuses on our paved trail systems with some crushed gravel trails.
Gravel Clinics
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Fee
May 11th Beginner's Clinic $54.50 Jul 18
9:00 AM
12 miles $54.50
  • Join us for the first annual FoCo Fondo Beginner's Gravel Skills Clinic. Learn more:
closed May 11th Beginner's Clinic Waitlist $0 Jul 18
9:00 AM
12 miles $0
  • Join us for the first annual FoCo Fondo Beginner's Gravel Skills Clinic. Learn more:
June 8th Women's Gravel Skills Clinic $22.55 Jul 18
9:00 AM
12 miles $22.55
  • 2nd annual Fort Follies x FoCo Fondo Women's Gravel Skills Clinic. Limited to 50 riders, this all-day clinic will include morning skills sessions before lunch break-out sessions, followed by Q&A.
closed June 8th Women's Gravel Skills Clinic Waitlist $0 Jul 18
9:00 AM
12 miles $0
  • Join us for the 2nd annual Fort Follies x FoCo Fondo Women's Gravel Skills Clinic. Limited to 50 riders, this all-day clinic will include morning skills sessions before break-out sessions.

Event Items

Add donations and merchandise to your registration below. You can also donate or purchase items without registering.
The prices shown include the item cost as well as platform service and processing fees. More about fees >


FoCo Fondo x Pearl iZUMi Summit Jersey - $68.90

This is our gravel tee//tech tee option for this year and is the Pearl iZUMi Summit [+more]


FoCo Fondo x Pearl iZUMi Attack Jersey - $84.80

This is our more traditional fitted race jersey option for this year and is the Pearl [+more]


Support our DEI Initiatives

At FoCo Fondo we believe in the power of the bike. We want to ensure that riders [+more]

$ -+

Extra meal + drink ticket - $21.20

All rider entries include a free post-ride meal from Lickskillet Catering and a beverage, [+more]


FoCo Fondo Do It, You Won't Socks - $19.08

Pearl iZUMi Transfer Air 7" socks with FoCo Fondo Do It, You Won't design.

Size [+more]


FoCo Fondo Ultimate Training Plan + Guide - $41.34

The Bite the Bullet route, jump right into it. Don't be late to the start line and [+more]


Fondo T-Shirt

Design by Bonfire Effect, screen-printed on organic by Pine Printshop. It's always [+more]


Location & Contact

Location address:
500 Linden St, Fort Collins, CO  80524
Event Website
Contact Us