My Events » What's New » The New BikeReg — What to Expect

Welcome to the new and improved BikeReg.

We hope you’ll agree that this is a big step forward for us, and a major improvement for all of our users.

As you navigate the site and get a hang of the new design, please know that the functionality of BikeReg has not changed, and on the event director side, the updates are minor and focused on aesthetics. We’ve simply modernized the look and feel, creating a more succinct and enjoyable user experience.

Take a tour of the changes:

To get started, visit one of your registration pages by navigating to the “Event Setup” menu, and choosing  “Public Reg Page/Print”.

The new experience:

Design Upgrades — You’ll experience clear menu navigation, intuitive flow for participant purchase and registration, and an enhanced mobile experience (if you’re on a phone or tablet).

New Functionality — You now have the option to customize a cover/banner photo, increasing your brand’s presence on the registration page. To customize the image, navigate to the “Event Setup” menu, and chose  “Cover Photo.”

Keep in touch:

Our ultimate goal is to provide a seamless transition from the old to the new, and as always, our customer service staff is on hand to make sure you’re taken care of if anything comes up.

Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns — we’re always available to help out.