Results » Road » 2010


Amesbury, MA

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

24th Annual WORKING MAN'S STAGE RACE Presented by B.O.B. Cycling Amesbury, MA Tuesday, July 20, 2010 to Thursday, July 22, 2010

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Stage 1, Time Trial
Amesbury, MA

Men 2/3                                       42 Starters                                                                           6.6 MilesTT
1      296    Victor        Taormina          seaside cycle                                             Beverly            MA       14:08    100
2      249    Brian         Wilichoski        CCB/Wheelworks                                            Danvers            MA       14:36    95
3      283    Corey         Masson            MetLife p/b groSolar                                      Newmarket          NH       14:48    91
4      286    Jurgen        Nebelung          Embrocation Cycling Journal                               Cape Elizabeth     ME       14:53    88
5      292    Patrick       Ruane             Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                     Webster            NH       14:59    86
6      279    Ryan          Kelly             NorEast Cycling                                           Dover              NH       15:06    84
7      268    Evan          Cooper            Team Ora p/b Independent Fabrication                      Closter            NJ       15:10    82
8      275    Harrison      Harb              Sunapee U23 Team/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery    Contoocook         NH       15:19    80
9      245    Chris         Coutu             MetLife p/b groSolar                                      Upton              MA       15:27    78
10     293    Kurt          Schmid            SALEM CYCLE-COMPREHENSIVE RACING/FELT/RUDY PROJECT        Marblehead         MA       15:27    76
11     267    Damien        Colfer                                                                      Newmarket          NH       15:28    74
12     270    Jeffrey       Elie                                                   Dracut             MA       15:32    72
13     294    Steve         Stockwell         Sunapee Racing Team                                       Hopkinton          NH       15:33    70
14     298    Jackson       Weber             Embrocation Cycling Journal                               Holyoke            MA       15:36    68
15     291    Michael       Rea                                                    White River JunctioVT       15:37    66
16     282    Joshua        Lehmann           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Weare              NH       15:39    64
17     287    Ryan          O'Hara            NorEast Cycling                                           Vernon             CT       15:41    62
18     278    Cory          Johannessen       Threshold Cycling                                         Roslindale         MA       15:41    60
19     274    Patrick       Goguen            TEAM CF                                                   Hopedale           MA       15:44    58
20     265    Ben           Carbonetti        NorEast Cycling                                           Vernon             CT       15:45    56
21     262    Jeffery       Bramhall          Threshold Cycling                                         Watertown          MA       15:46    55
22     271    Nicholas      Fanaras           CCB/Wheelworks                                            Amesbury           MA       15:46    54
23     261    Tristan       Baldwin           TEAM CF                                                   Amherst            NH       15:52    53
24     276    John          Herrick           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Contoocook         NH       15:53    52
25     285    Nate          Morse             CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCornerCycle                     Cohasset           MA       16:05    51
26     272    Luke          Fortini           Unnattached                                               Kingston           MA       16:06    50
27     273    Manny         Goguen            TEAM CF                                                   Hopedale           MA       16:09    49
28     280    Christopher   Kohnle            CVC/Subaru of New England                                 Glastonbury        CT       16:11    48
29     264    Matthew       Buckley           Team Ora presented by Independent Fabrication             East Hardwick      VT       16:17    47
30     297    Christopher   Tracy             Green Line Velo                                           Cambridge          MA       16:20    46
31     288    Kelsey        Oliver            Team Metro Reprographics                                  Beverly            MA       16:24    45
32     281    Sean          Langford          CCB/Wheelworks                                            Middleton          MA       16:25    44
33     290    Christopher   Ragusa            CCB Racing/Wheelworks                                     Denmark            ME       16:28    43
34     289    Owen          Pope                                                   Burlington         VT       16:28    42
35     263    Kyle          Bruley            Green Line Velo                                           Brookline          MA       16:30    41
36     295    Drew          Szeliga           Noreast Cycling                                           Portsmouth         NH       16:33    40
37     284    Sean          McCarthy          PORT RACING                                               Newburyport        MA       16:34    39
38     260    Josh          Austin            NorEast Cycling                                           Durham             NH       16:43    38
39     266    Keith         Cardoza           Green Line Velo                                           Somerville         MA       17:08    37
40     299    Jordy         Wetzel            Comprehensive Racing/ Salem Cycle                         Salem              MA       17:43    36
41     277    Morgan        Hiller            TEAM CF                                                   Marion             MA       18:03    35
42     269    Chandler      Delinks           CCB/Wheelworks                                            Ipswich            MA       22:19    34

Men 4                                         41 Starters                                                                           6.6 MilesTT
1      469    Daniel        Donovan           Essex County Velo (ECV)                                   Ipswich            MA       15:24    100
2      486    Paul          McMahon           Seaside Cycle / Essex County Velo                         Manchester         MA       15:24    95
3      467    Dave          Dishaw            Essex County Velo                                         North Andover      MA       15:39    91
4      460    Michael       Brier             Refunds Now                                               Providence         RI       15:44    88
5      475    Daniel        Guiney            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Park City          UT       16:06    86
6      487    Geremia       Ortega            CCB/Racing                                                Lawrence           MA       16:07    84
7      458    Steve         Bauermeister      NorEast Cycling                                           South Berwick      ME       16:16    82
8      461    Shane         Buker             Threshold Cycling                                         Jamaica Plain      MA       16:18    80
9      495    Andrew        Strobert          Threshold Cycling                                         Boston             MA       16:21    78
10     490    Scott         Rosenthal         Washington Square Tavern                                  Jamaica Plain      MA       16:22    76
11     470    Brent         Doscher           NorEast Cycling                                           Dover              NH       16:23    74
12     481    Philip        Johnson           SeaSide Cycle / ECV                                       Manchester         MA       16:23    72
13     492    Patrick       Smith             Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                        Salem              MA       16:23    70
14     457    Richard       Batten            Stage 5 Cycling                                           Winchester         MA       16:32    68
15     462    Kyle          Butler            Green Line Velo                                           Somerville         MA       16:33    66
16     474    Andy          Gould                                                                       Bedford            NH       16:37    64
17     459    Alfred        Bissell           Essex County Velo                                         Boxford            MA       16:42    62
18     488    Gary          Passler           Essex County Velo (ECV) /Trifit Training                  Amesbury           MA       16:44    60
19     477    James         Harnois           mystic velo                                               Preston            CT       16:47    58
20     473    Tommy         Goguen            TEAM CF                                                   Hopedale           MA       16:48    56
21     489    Gert          Reynaert          Threshold Cycling                                         Boston             MA       16:50    55
22     479    Kevin         Hays              OA/Cyclemania                                             Brookline          MA       16:50    54
23     465    Nicholas      Czerula           NHCC/Team NH                                              Concord            NH       16:55    53
24     484    Keith         Loiselle          NHCC/TEAM NH                                              Pembroke           NH       16:59    52
25     496    Scott         Wilson            Comprehensive racing                                      Methuen            MA       17:15    51
26     483    Bradford      Kelley                                                                      Amherst            NH       17:16    50
27     476    James         Hall              NEBC                                                      Hudson             NH       17:24    49
28     497    Brian         Yoo               Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                      Cambridge          MA       17:28    48
29     463    Ken           Carpenter         Threshold Cycling                                         Jamaica Plain      MA       17:29    47
30     491    Michael       Shinall           Green Line Velo                                           Allston            MA       17:31    46
31     472    Peter         Goguen            TEAM CF                                                   Hopedale           MA       17:34    45
32     478    William       Harrington III    ESSEX COUNTY VELO                                         Ipswich            MA       17:34    44
33     464    Mark          Coleman           NEBC/CycleLoft/DevonshireDental                           Arlington          MA       17:47    43
34     498    John          DiSciullo         545 Velo                                                  Newtonville        MA       17:55    42
35     466    Seth          Davis             Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames                       Boston             MA       18:14    41
36     485    Kurt          Maw               Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                        Salem              MA       18:22    40
37     480    Herb          Hodgdon           Sunapee/Revolution Cyclery                                Concord            NH       18:32    39
38     471    Michael       Felo              Stage5 Cycling                                            Merrimack          NH       19:01    38
39     482    William       Johnston          Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                      Jamaica Plain      MA       19:02    37
40     494    Rory          Stamp             Wesleyan University/Mass Bay Road Club                    Scituate           MA       19:54    36
41     493    Ron           Smithers, Jr      Essex County Velo (ECV)                                   Marblehead         MA       19:58    35

Men 5                                         23 Starters                                                                           6.6 MilesTT
1      76     Peter         Cole              Center Street Cycles                                      Carrabassett ValleyME       17:00    100
2      92     George        Thompson          Pinnacle Bike Works                                       Beverly            MA       17:02    95
3      91     Nicholas      Stefanidakis      Blue Hills Cycliing Club                                  Milton             MA       17:19    91
4      74     Doug          Browne            Unattached                                                Groton             MA       17:32    88
5      83     David         Kell              Maine Cycling Club                                        Lewiston           ME       17:36    86
6      85     Joel          Lamendola         QuadCycles                                                Somerville         MA       17:41    84
7      86     Harry         Mattison                                                                    Allston            MA       17:46    82
8      89     Kyle          Rogers            none                                                      Haverhill          MA       17:51    80
9      94     Cody          Whelan            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Deerfield          NE       17:54    78
10     84     Shawn         Keller            CW Keller                                                 Newburyport        MA       18:18    76
11     88     Joe           Rapuano           SEASIDE CYCLE/ECV                                         Atkinson           NH       18:23    74
12     82     Brian         Housman           Team Quad                                                 Somerville         MA       18:27    72
13     90     Robert        Rolsma            Essex County Velo (ECV)                                   Haverhill          MA       18:44    70
14     79     Tom           Doucette          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                         Stow               MA       18:46    68
15     75     Alexander     Bulger                                                                      Marblehead         MA       18:50    66
16     77     Thomas        Cooper            NEBC/ Cycle Loft/ Devonshire Dental                       Andover            MA       18:52    64
17     80     Andrew        Faughnan                                                                    Stoneham           MA       18:55    62
18     93     Nicholas      Wheeler           Noreast Cycling / GU Energy                               Athol              MA       18:59    60
19     95     John          Wiese             NEBC/Cycleloft/Devonshire Dental                          Waltham            MA       19:05    58
20     78     Andy          Demotses          Slouch, Inc.                                              Hampton            NH       20:49    56
21     81     Aaron         Henry             s�lo me                                                   Danvers            MA       21:13    55
22     96     Suzanne       Pouliotte                                                                                               22:03    54
23     87     Christopher   Moeckel                                                                     Lancaster          MA       24:54    53

Men Master 40+                                38 Starters                                                                           6.6 MilesTT
1      192    Paul          Richard           CCB Racing                                                Amesbury           MA       14:56    100
2      175    Bruce         Diehl             Sunapee/Continental Paving                                Jackson            NH       15:00    95
3      179    David         Foley             BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/N. Easton          MA       15:09    91
4      165    Ron           Bourgoin          OA/CYCLEMANIA                                             Windham            ME       15:10    88
5      197    Mark          Suprenant         Team Type 1                                               Milford            NH       15:15    86
6      196    Bill          Shattuck          Corner Cycle                                              Bridgewater        MA       15:16    84
7      189    James         Nash              CCB/Wheelworks                                            North Hampton      NH       15:38    82
8      181    John          Grenier           Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar                              Lewiston           ME       15:54    80
9      186    Geoff         McIntosh          New Hampshire Cycling Club                                Concord            NH       15:55    78
10     185    Eric          Marro             BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/Nashua             NH       15:58    76
11     183    Craig         Harrison          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Racing Team         Bartlett           NH       16:00    74
12     164    Charlie       Bedard            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Goffstown          NH       16:07    72
13     174    Leo           Devellian         CCB Racing                                                Topsfield          MA       16:07    70
14     187    Tyler         Munroe            CCB/Volkswagen                                            North Andover      MA       16:07    68
15     194    Danielle      Ruane             Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Webster            NH       16:14    66
16     177    Tim           Dodd              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                         Westford           MA       16:19    64
17     169    Keith         Button            CCB racing                                                Nottingham         NH       16:28    62
18     198    Mark          Thompson          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                     Nashua             NH       16:31    60
19     170    William       Casazza           BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Ted           Salem              NH       16:33    58
20     168    Tim           Buckley           Sunapee / Continental Paving / Revolution Cyclery         Henniker           NH       16:33    56
21     173    Wayne         Cunningham        Wheelworks racing                                         Wayland            MA       16:33    55
22     178    Mark          Doherty           Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                   Westford           MA       16:34    54
23     191    Glenn         Peck              Cycle Lodge                                               Peterborough       NH       16:35    53
24     195    Craig         Schaepe           NorEast Cycling                                           Goffstown          NH       16:43    52
25     100    Chris         White                                                                                                   16:44    51
26     166    Chris         Brewer                                                 Bath               ME       16:45    50
27     171    Jay           Clausen           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             New London         NH       16:51    49
28     144    David         Uchenick          Arc en ciel                                               Westford           MA       16:58    48
29     190    Armand        Pantalone         BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/Haverhill          MA       16:59    47
30     176    John          Dieli             BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/Newton             NH       17:12    46
31     180    Ralf          Geiben Lynn       Team RaceMenu/mix1                                        Concord            NH       17:12    45
32     193    Benjamin      Riordon           CycleLodge                                                Newburyport        MA       17:13    44
33     184    Michael       Lovell            sunapee/revolution cycles/continental paving              Croydon            NH       17:22    43
34     199    Ed            Ting              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                         Amherst            NH       17:24    42
35     188    Christopher   Naimie            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             Bow                NH       17:33    41
36     137    Paul          Weiss             OA/Cyclemania Masters Cycling Team/Portland Velo Club     Cumberland         ME       17:41    40
37     182    Eric          Hansmeier         Monadnock Cycling Club                                    Keene              NH       18:18    39
38     113    Carl          Brown             CCB Racing                                                Randolph           MA       18:34    38

Stage 2, Road Race
Amesbury, MA

Men 2/3                                     42 Starters                                                                   44 Miles    RR
1     291   Michael       Rea                                                  White River JunctVT   1:44:42     100
2     280   Christopher   Kohnle            CVC/Subaru of New England                               Glastonbury      CT   st          95
3     294   Steve         Stockwell         Sunapee Racing Team                                     Hopkinton        NH   st          91
4     292   Patrick       Ruane             Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                   Webster          NH   st          88
5     249   Brian         Wilichoski        CCB/Wheelworks                                          Danvers          MA   st          86
6     297   Christopher   Tracy             Green Line Velo                                         Cambridge        MA   st          84
7     277   Morgan        Hiller            TEAM CF                                                 Marion           MA   st          82
8     245   Chris         Coutu             MetLife p/b groSolar                                    Upton            MA   st          80
9     273   Manny         Goguen            TEAM CF                                                 Hopedale         MA   st          78
10    286   Jurgen        Nebelung          Embrocation Cycling Journal                             Cape Elizabeth   ME   st          76
11    289   Owen          Pope                                                 Burlington       VT   st          74
12    293   Kurt          Schmid            SALEM CYCLE-COMPREHENSIVE RACING/FELT/RUDY PROJECT      Marblehead       MA   st          72
13    263   Kyle          Bruley            Green Line Velo                                         Brookline        MA   st          70
14    279   Ryan          Kelly             NorEast Cycling                                         Dover            NH   st          68
15    282   Joshua        Lehmann           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Weare            NH   st          66
16    275   Harrison      Harb              Sunapee U23 Team/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery  Contoocook       NH   st          50
17    285   Nate          Morse             CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCornerCycle                   Cohasset         MA   st          50
18    270   Jeffrey       Elie                                                 Dracut           MA   st          50
19    298   Jackson       Weber             Embrocation Cycling Journal                             Holyoke          MA   st          50
20    296   Victor        Taormina          seaside cycle                                           Beverly          MA   st          50
21    266   Keith         Cardoza           Green Line Velo                                         Somerville       MA   st          50
22    268   Evan          Cooper            Team Ora p/b Independent Fabrication                    Closter          NJ   st          50
23    299   Jordy         Wetzel            Comprehensive Racing/ Salem Cycle                       Salem            MA   st          50
24    276   John          Herrick           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Contoocook       NH   st          50
25    264   Matthew       Buckley           Team Ora presented by Independent Fabrication           East Hardwick    VT   st          50
26    272   Luke          Fortini           Unnattached                                             Kingston         MA   st          50
27    261   Tristan       Baldwin           TEAM CF                                                 Amherst          NH   st          50
28    260   Josh          Austin            NorEast Cycling                                         Durham           NH   st          50
29    278   Cory          Johannessen       Threshold Cycling                                       Roslindale       MA   st          50
30    283   Corey         Masson            MetLife p/b groSolar                                    Newmarket        NH   st          50
31    269   Chandler      Delinks           CCB/Wheelworks                                          Ipswich          MA   :19         50
32    265   Ben           Carbonetti        NorEast Cycling                                         Vernon           CT   :37         50
33    274   Patrick       Goguen            TEAM CF                                                 Hopedale         MA   :40         50
34    271   Nicholas      Fanaras           CCB/Wheelworks                                          Amesbury         MA   1:12        50
35    288   Kelsey        Oliver            Team Metro Reprographics                                Beverly          MA   1:27        50
36    287   Ryan          O'Hara            NorEast Cycling                                         Vernon           CT   3:30        50
37    267   Damien        Colfer                                                                    Newmarket        NH   st          50
38    262   Jeffery       Bramhall          Threshold Cycling                                       Watertown        MA   16:15       50
39    290   Christopher   Ragusa            CCB Racing/Wheelworks                                   Denmark          ME               50
40    281   Sean          Langford          CCB/Wheelworks                                          Middleton        MA               50
41    284   Sean          McCarthy          PORT RACING                                             Newburyport      MA               50
42    295   Drew          Szeliga           Noreast Cycling                                         Portsmouth       NH               50

Men 4                                       40 Starters                                                                   35 Miles    RR
1     475   Daniel        Guiney            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Park City        UT   1:28:35     100
2     474   Andy          Gould                                                                     Bedford          NH   at :04      95
3     486   Paul          McMahon           Seaside Cycle / Essex County Velo                       Manchester       MA   st          91
4     459   Alfred        Bissell           Essex County Velo                                       Boxford          MA   st          88
5     498   John          DiSciullo         545 Velo                                                Newtonville      MA   st          86
6     496   Scott         Wilson            Comprehensive racing                                    Methuen          MA   st          84
7     491   Michael       Shinall           Green Line Velo                                         Allston          MA   st          82
8     472   Peter         Goguen            TEAM CF                                                 Hopedale         MA   st          80
9     470   Brent         Doscher           NorEast Cycling                                         Dover            NH   st          78
10    464   Mark          Coleman           NEBC/CycleLoft/DevonshireDental                         Arlington        MA   st          76
11    466   Seth          Davis             Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames                     Boston           MA   st          74
12    490   Scott         Rosenthal         Washington Square Tavern                                Jamaica Plain    MA   st          72
13    495   Andrew        Strobert          Threshold Cycling                                       Boston           MA   st          70
14    460   Michael       Brier             Refunds Now                                             Providence       RI   st          68
15    476   James         Hall              NEBC                                                    Hudson           NH   st          66
16    497   Brian         Yoo               Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                    Cambridge        MA   st          50
17    489   Gert          Reynaert          Threshold Cycling                                       Boston           MA   st          50
18    477   James         Harnois           mystic velo                                             Preston          CT   st          50
19    488   Gary          Passler           Essex County Velo (ECV) /Trifit Training                Amesbury         MA   :16         50
20    471   Michael       Felo              Stage5 Cycling                                          Merrimack        NH   st          50
21    479   Kevin         Hays              OA/Cyclemania                                           Brookline        MA   :21         50
22    465   Nicholas      Czerula           NHCC/Team NH                                            Concord          NH   st          50
23    484   Keith         Loiselle          NHCC/TEAM NH                                            Pembroke         NH   st          50
24    461   Shane         Buker             Threshold Cycling                                       Jamaica Plain    MA   st          50
25    457   Richard       Batten            Stage 5 Cycling                                         Winchester       MA   st          50
26    487   Geremia       Ortega            CCB/Racing                                              Lawrence         MA   :30         50
27    467   Dave          Dishaw            Essex County Velo                                       North Andover    MA   :34         50
28    469   Daniel        Donovan           Essex County Velo (ECV)                                 Ipswich          MA   st          50
29    492   Patrick       Smith             Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                      Salem            MA   st          50
30    483   Bradford      Kelley                                                                    Amherst          NH   3:33        50
31    493   Ron           Smithers, Jr      Essex County Velo (ECV)                                 Marblehead       MA   3:38        50
32    462   Kyle          Butler            Green Line Velo                                         Somerville       MA   10:56       50
33    463   Ken           Carpenter         Threshold Cycling                                       Jamaica Plain    MA   st          50
34    458   Steve         Bauermeister      NorEast Cycling                                         South Berwick    ME   st          50
35    485   Kurt          Maw               Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                      Salem            MA   22:35       50
36    473   Tommy         Goguen            TEAM CF                                                 Hopedale         MA   23:04       50
37    482   William       Johnston          Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                    Jamaica Plain    MA   24:09       50
38    478   William       Harrington III    ESSEX COUNTY VELO                                       Ipswich          MA               50
39    481   Philip        Johnson           SeaSide Cycle / ECV                                     Manchester       MA               50
40    480   Herb          Hodgdon           Sunapee/Revolution Cyclery                              Concord          NH               50

Men 5                                       23 Starters                                                                   26 Miles    RR
1     89    Kyle          Rogers                                                                    Haverhill        MA   1:11:44     100
2     86    Harry         Mattison                                                                  Allston          MA   st          95
3     84    Shawn         Keller            CW Keller                                               Newburyport      MA   st          91
4     80    Andrew        Faughnan                                                                  Stoneham         MA   st          88
5     91    Nicholas      Stefanidakis      Blue Hills Cycliing Club                                Milton           MA   st          86
6     85    Joel          Lamendola         QuadCycles                                              Somerville       MA   st          84
7     77    Thomas        Cooper            NEBC/ Cycle Loft/ Devonshire Dental                     Andover          MA   st          82
8     94    Cody          Whelan            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Deerfield        NE   st          80
9     74    Doug          Browne                                                                    Groton           MA   st          78
10    79    Tom           Doucette          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                       Stow             MA   :42         76
11    83    David         Kell              Maine Cycling Club                                      Lewiston         ME   st          74
12    92    George        Thompson          Pinnacle Bike Works                                     Beverly          MA   st          72
13    82    Brian         Housman           Team Quad                                               Somerville       MA   1:43        70
14    93    Nicholas      Wheeler           Noreast Cycling / GU Energy                             Athol            MA   6:15        68
15    88    Joe           Rapuano           SEASIDE CYCLE/ECV                                       Atkinson         NH   st          66
16    95    John          Wiese             NEBC/Cycleloft/Devonshire Dental                        Waltham          MA   9:23        50
17    90    Robert        Rolsma            Essex County Velo (ECV)                                 Haverhill        MA   11:40       50
18    78    Andy          Demotses          Slouch, Inc.                                            Hampton          NH   17:31       50
19    81    Aaron         Henry             s�lo me                                                 Danvers          MA               50
20    75    Alexander     Bulger                                                                    Marblehead       MA               50
21    87    Christopher   Moeckel                                                                   Lancaster        MA               50
22    96    Suzanne       Pouliotte                                                                                                   50
23    76    Peter         Cole              Center Street Cycles                                    Carrabassett VallME               50

Men Master 40+                              37 Starters                                                                   44 Miles    RR
1     192   Paul          Richard           CCB Racing                                              Amesbury         MA   1:52:30     100
2     164   Charlie       Bedard            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Goffstown        NH   st          95
3     181   John          Grenier           Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar                            Lewiston         ME   st          91
4     196   Bill          Shattuck          Corner Cycle                                            Bridgewater      MA   st          88
5     165   Ron           Bourgoin          OA/CYCLEMANIA                                           Windham          ME   st          86
6     177   Tim           Dodd              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                       Westford         MA   st          84
7     197   Mark          Suprenant         Team Type 1                                             Milford          NH   st          82
8     188   Christopher   Naimie            Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Bow              NH   st          80
9     186   Geoff         McIntosh          New Hampshire Cycling Club                              Concord          NH   st          78
10    179   David         Foley             BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield BuilderN. Easton        MA   st          76
11    195   Craig         Schaepe           NorEast Cycling                                         Goffstown        NH   st          74
12    178   Mark          Doherty           Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                 Westford         MA   st          72
13    191   Glenn         Peck              Cycle Lodge                                             Peterborough     NH   st          70
14    183   Craig         Harrison          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Racing Team       Bartlett         NH   st          68
15    175   Bruce         Diehl             Sunapee/Continental Paving                              Jackson          NH   st          66
16    174   Leo           Devellian         CCB Racing                                              Topsfield        MA   st          50
17    180   Ralf          Geiben Lynn       Team RaceMenu/mix1                                      Concord          NH   st          50
18    198   Mark          Thompson          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                   Nashua           NH   st          50
19    199   Ed            Ting              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                       Amherst          NH   st          50
20    100   Chris         White                                                                                           st          50
21    185   Eric          Marro             BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield BuilderNashua           NH   st          50
22    144   David         Uchenick          Arc en ciel                                             Westford         MA   st          50
23    194   Danielle      Ruane             Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           Webster          NH   st          50
24    184   Michael       Lovell            sunapee/revolution cycles/continental paving            Croydon          NH   st          50
25    168   Tim           Buckley           Sunapee / Continental Paving / Revolution Cyclery       Henniker         NH   st          50
26    193   Benjamin      Riordon           CycleLodge                                              Newburyport      MA   st          50
27    169   Keith         Button            CCB racing                                              Nottingham       NH   at :24      50
28    176   John          Dieli             BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield BuilderNewton           NH   :33         50
29    171   Jay           Clausen           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery           New London       NH   1:28        50
30    137   Paul          Weiss             OA/Cyclemania Masters Cycling Team/Portland Velo Club   Cumberland       ME   1:36        50
31    170   William       Casazza           BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Ted         Salem            NH   2:29        50
32    173   Wayne         Cunningham        Wheelworks racing                                       Wayland          MA   4:40        50
33    189   James         Nash              CCB/Wheelworks                                          North Hampton    NH   8:19        50
34    113   Carl          Brown             CCB Racing                                              Randolph         MA   30:39       50
35    182   Eric          Hansmeier         Monadnock Cycling Club                                  Keene            NH               50
36    166   Chris         Brewer                                               Bath             ME               50
37    190   Armand        Pantalone         BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield BuilderHaverhill        MA               50

Stage 3, Points Race
Epping, NH

Men 2/3                                  39 Starters                                               PR      75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5  FIN TOTAL
1      294    Steve        Stockwell     Sunapee Racing Team                                       100     2           3        10    5     5     2     6   33
2      292    Patrick      Ruane         Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                     95      5  5        5  1     6  2  1     3        5      33
3      274    Patrick      Goguen        TEAM CF                                                   91         2        1  5  3     1  3  2  1     1     10  29
4      269    Chandler     Delinks       CCB/Wheelworks                                            88      1  3           2     4        3           3      16
5      296    Victor       Taormina      seaside cycle                                             86                  2     5        2  1           2  2   14
6      275    Harrison     Harb          Sunapee U23 Team/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery    84            2  5                             5         12
7      286    Jurgen       Nebelung      Embrocation Cycling Journal                               82                              5           3            8
8      249    Brian        Wilichoski    CCB/Wheelworks                                            80         1              1     3        2        1      8
9      268    Evan         Cooper        Team Ora p/b Independent Fabrication                      78            5  2                                       7
10     282    Joshua       Lehmann       Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             76                        2                          4   6
11     287    Ryan         O'Hara        NorEast Cycling                                           74                                    5                  5
12     291    Michael      Rea                                                72                     3     2                           5
13     270    Jeffrey      Elie                                               70                                             3         3
14     279    Ryan         Kelly         NorEast Cycling                                           68            1  1                                       2
15     245    Chris        Coutu         MetLife p/b groSolar                                      66                                          2            2
16     293    Kurt         Schmid        SALEM CYCLE-COMPREHENSIVE RACING/FELT/RUDY PROJECT        50                                          1            1
17     260    Josh         Austin        NorEast Cycling                                           50                                                       0
18     261    Tristan      Baldwin       TEAM CF                                                   50                                                       0
19     263    Kyle         Bruley        Green Line Velo                                           50                                                       0
20     264    Matthew      Buckley       Team Ora presented by Independent Fabrication             50                                                       0
21     265    Ben          Carbonetti    NorEast Cycling                                           50                                                       0
22     266    Keith        Cardoza       Green Line Velo                                           50                                                       0
23     271    Nicholas     Fanaras       CCB/Wheelworks                                            50                                                       0
24     272    Luke         Fortini       Unnattached                                               50                                                       0
25     273    Manny        Goguen        TEAM CF                                                   50                                                       0
26     276    John         Herrick       Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             50                                                       0
27     278    Cory         Johannessen   Threshold Cycling                                         50                                                       0
28     280    Christopher  Kohnle        CVC/Subaru of New England                                 50                                                       0
29     281    Sean         Langford      CCB/Wheelworks                                            50                                                       0
30     283    Corey        Masson        MetLife p/b groSolar                                      50                                                       0
31     288    Kelsey       Oliver        Team Metro Reprographics                                  50                                                       0
32     295    Drew         Szeliga       Noreast Cycling                                           50                                                       0
33     298    Jackson      Weber         Embrocation Cycling Journal                               50                                                       0
34     289    Owen         Pope                                               50            3  3                                   -20 -14
35     262    Jeffery      Bramhall      Threshold Cycling                                         50                                          5        -20 -15
36     277    Morgan       Hiller        TEAM CF                                                   50      3                                            -20 -17
37     285    Nate         Morse         CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCornerCycle                     50                                                   -20 -20
38     299    Jordy        Wetzel        Comprehensive Racing/ Salem Cycle                         50                                                   -20 -20
39     290    Christopher  Ragusa        CCB Racing/Wheelworks                                     50                                                   -20 -20

Men 4                                    38 Starters                                               PR                  55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5  FIN TOTAL
1      486    Paul         McMahon       Seaside Cycle / Essex County Velo                         100                       2     5  6  5     2  3  3  4   30
2      473    Tommy        Goguen        TEAM CF                                                   95                     3     5     4     2           10  24
3      475    Daniel       Guiney        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             91                  1     3     3     2     1  5     6   21
4      474    Andy         Gould                                                                   88                  3     5     1  2     1     2         14
5      487    Geremia      Ortega        CCB/Racing                                                86                  5                       5     2      12
6      469    Daniel       Donovan       Essex County Velo (ECV)                                   84                                 10                    10
7      489    Gert         Reynaert      Threshold Cycling                                         82                     1                          5      6
8      462    Kyle         Butler        Green Line Velo                                           80                     5              1                  6
9      476    James        Hall          NEBC                                                      78                                       5               5
10     465    Nicholas     Czerula       NHCC/Team NH                                              76                           3                    1      4
11     463    Ken          Carpenter     Threshold Cycling                                         74                                    3                  3
12     457    Richard      Batten        Stage 5 Cycling                                           72                                          3            3
13     483    Bradford     Kelley                                                                  70                                       3               3
14     472    Peter        Goguen        TEAM CF                                                   68                                                   2   2
15     459    Alfred       Bissell       Essex County Velo                                         66                  2                                    2
16     497    Brian        Yoo           Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                      50                              2                        2
17     491    Michael      Shinall       Green Line Velo                                           50                     2                                 2
18     492    Patrick      Smith         Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                        50                           2                           2
19     467    Dave         Dishaw        Essex County Velo                                         50                           1                           1
20     498    John         DiSciullo     545 Velo                                                  50                                             1         1
21     458    Steve        Bauermeister  NorEast Cycling                                           50                                                       0
22     461    Shane        Buker         Threshold Cycling                                         50                                                       0
23     464    Mark         Coleman       NEBC/CycleLoft/DevonshireDental                           50                                                       0
24     466    Seth         Davis         Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames                       50                                                       0
25     470    Brent        Doscher       NorEast Cycling                                           50                                                       0
26     477    James        Harnois       mystic velo                                               50                                                       0
27     478    William      Harrington IIIESSEX COUNTY VELO                                         30                                                       0
28     479    Kevin        Hays          OA/Cyclemania                                             50                                                       0
29     481    Philip       Johnson       SeaSide Cycle / ECV                                       50                                                       0
30     484    Keith        Loiselle      NHCC/TEAM NH                                              50                                                       0
31     488    Gary         Passler       Essex County Velo (ECV) /Trifit Training                  50                                                       0
32     493    Ron          Smithers, Jr  Essex County Velo (ECV)                                   50                                                       0
33     495    Andrew       Strobert      Threshold Cycling                                         50                                                       0
34     496    Scott        Wilson        Comprehensive racing                                      50                                                       0
35     490    Scott        Rosenthal     Washington Square Tavern                                  50                        1                          -20 -19
36     485    Kurt         Maw           Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                        50                                                   -20 -20
37     480    Herb         Hodgdon       Sunapee/Revolution Cyclery                                30                                                   -20 -20
38     482    William      Johnston      Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                      50                                                   -20 -20

Men 5                                    16 Starters                                               PR                  55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5  FIN TOTAL
1      89     Kyle         Rogers                                                                  100                       2     3  6  3  3  5  3  23 4   52
2      94     Cody         Whelan        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             95                              5  4  5  5  3  2  21 6   51
3      91     Nicholas     Stefanidakis  Blue Hills Cycliing Club                                  91                        5        10 1  1  2  5  22 2   48
4      92     George       Thompson      Pinnacle Bike Works                                       88                  2  3     5     2  2  2  1  1  25     43
5      86     Harry        Mattison                                                                86                  1  2     1                       10  14
6      76     Peter        Cole          Center Street Cycles                                      84                     5  3     2                        10
7      74     Doug         Browne                                                                  82                  5        2                           7
8      85     Joel         Lamendola     QuadCycles                                                80                  3        3                           6
9      93     Nicholas     Wheeler       Noreast Cycling / GU Energy                               78                        1                              1
10     82     Brian        Housman       Team Quad                                                 76                              1                        1
11     80     Andrew       Faughnan                                                                74                     1                                 1
12     77     Thomas       Cooper        NEBC/ Cycle Loft/ Devonshire Dental                       72                                                       0
13     83     David        Kell          Maine Cycling Club                                        70                                                       0
14     88     Joe          Rapuano       SEASIDE CYCLE/ECV                                         68                                                       0
15     75     Alexander    Bulger                                                                  66                                                       0
16     78     Andy         Demotses      Slouch, Inc.                                              50                                                   -20 -20

Men Master 40+                           35 Starters                                               PR      75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5  FIN TOTAL
1      192    Paul         Richard       CCB Racing                                                100        5  3        5     10       5              10  38
2      164    Charlie      Bedard        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             95            5              6        3     1     5      20
3      175    Bruce        Diehl         Sunapee/Continental Paving                                91                              5  3     5           4   17
4      183    Craig        Harrison      Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Racing Team         88               3     2                 2  5  5         17
5      188    Christopher  Naimie        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             86      2        5           4           3     2         16
6      197    Mark         Suprenant     Team Type 1                                               84      5           5              5                     15
7      165    Ron          Bourgoin      OA/CYCLEMANIA                                             82         1  2        1     2        2              6   14
8      179    David        Foley         BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/80         2              5                    3  2      12
9      189    James        Nash          CCB/Wheelworks                                            78         3        2     3                    1         9
10     198    Mark         Thompson      Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                     76      3           3           1                        7
11     195    Craig        Schaepe       NorEast Cycling                                           74      1                       2           3            6
12     186    Geoff        McIntosh      New Hampshire Cycling Club                                72               2     3                          1      6
13     196    Bill         Shattuck      Corner Cycle                                              70                                          2        2   4
14     193    Benjamin     Riordon       CycleLodge                                                68            1                                   3      4
15     180    Ralf         Geiben Lynn   Team RaceMenu/mix1                                        66                              3                        3
16     178    Mark         Doherty       Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                   50                        2                              2
17     177    Tim          Dodd          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                         50                        1              1               2
18     185    Eric         Marro         BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/50                  1              1                     2
19     169    Keith        Button        CCB racing                                                50                                 2                     2
20     181    John         Grenier       Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar                              50               1                    1                  2
21     191    Glenn        Peck          Cycle Lodge                                               50                                                       0
22     144    David        Uchenick      Arc en ciel                                               50                                                       0
23     173    Wayne        Cunningham    Wheelworks racing                                         50                                                       0
24     168    Tim          Buckley       Sunapee / Continental Paving / Revolution Cyclery         50                                                       0
25     194    Danielle     Ruane         Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             50                                                       0
26     171    Jay          Clausen       Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery             50                                                       0
27     184    Michael      Lovell        sunapee/revolution cycles/continental paving              50                                                       0
28     170    William      Casazza       BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Ted           50                                                       0
29     176    John         Dieli         BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/50                                                       0
30     190    Armand       Pantalone     BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/50                                                       0
31     100    Chris        White                                                                   50                                                   -20 -20
32     113    Carl         Brown         CCB Racing                                                50                                                   -20 -20
33     137    Paul         Weiss         OA/Cyclemania Masters Cycling Team/Portland Velo Club     50                                                   -20 -20
34     182    Eric         Hansmeier     Monadnock Cycling Club                                    50                                                   -20 -20
35     199    Ed           Ting          NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                         50                                                   -20 -20

General Classification

Men 2/3                                                                                                                           PR    RR   TT    GC
1     292   Patrick      Ruane           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                        Webster              NH     95    88   86    269
2     294   Steve        Stockwell       Sunapee Racing Team                                          Hopkinton            NH     100   91   70    261
3     249   Brian        Wilichoski      CCB/Wheelworks                                               Danvers              MA     80    86   95    261
4     286   Jurgen       Nebelung        Embrocation Cycling Journal                                  Cape Elizabeth       ME     82    76   88    246
5     291   Michael      Rea                                                     White River Junction VT     72    100  66    238
6     296   Victor       Taormina        seaside cycle                                                Beverly              MA     86    50   100   236
7     245   Chris        Coutu           MetLife p/b groSolar                                         Upton                MA     66    80   78    224
8     279   Ryan         Kelly           NorEast Cycling                                              Dover                NH     68    68   84    220
9     275   Harrison     Harb            Sunapee U23 Team/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery       Contoocook           NH     84    50   80    214
10    268   Evan         Cooper          Team Ora p/b Independent Fabrication                         Closter              NJ     78    50   82    210
11    282   Joshua       Lehmann         Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Weare                NH     76    66   64    206
12    274   Patrick      Goguen          TEAM CF                                                      Hopedale             MA     91    50   58    199
13    293   Kurt         Schmid          SALEM CYCLE-COMPREHENSIVE RACING/FELT/RUDY PROJECT           Marblehead           MA     50    72   76    198
14    280   Christopher  Kohnle          CVC/Subaru of New England                                    Glastonbury          CT     50    95   48    193
15    270   Jeffrey      Elie                                                    Dracut               MA     70    50   72    192
16    283   Corey        Masson          MetLife p/b groSolar                                         Newmarket            NH     50    50   91    191
17    287   Ryan         O'Hara          NorEast Cycling                                              Vernon               CT     74    50   62    186
18    273   Manny        Goguen          TEAM CF                                                      Hopedale             MA     50    78   49    177
19    269   Chandler     Delinks         CCB/Wheelworks                                               Ipswich              MA     88    50   34    172
20    298   Jackson      Weber           Embrocation Cycling Journal                                  Holyoke              MA     50    50   68    168
21    277   Morgan       Hiller          TEAM CF                                                      Marion               MA     50    82   35    167
22    289   Owen         Pope                                                    Burlington           VT     50    74   42    166
23    263   Kyle         Bruley          Green Line Velo                                              Brookline            MA     50    70   41    161
24    278   Cory         Johannessen     Threshold Cycling                                            Roslindale           MA     50    50   60    160
25    265   Ben          Carbonetti      NorEast Cycling                                              Vernon               CT     50    50   56    156
26    262   Jeffery      Bramhall        Threshold Cycling                                            Watertown            MA     50    50   55    155
27    271   Nicholas     Fanaras         CCB/Wheelworks                                               Amesbury             MA     50    50   54    154
28    261   Tristan      Baldwin         TEAM CF                                                      Amherst              NH     50    50   53    153
29    276   John         Herrick         Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Contoocook           NH     50    50   52    152
30    285   Nate         Morse           CLNoonan/BayHillCapitalp/bCornerCycle                        Cohasset             MA     50    50   51    151
31    272   Luke         Fortini         Unnattached                                                  Kingston             MA     50    50   50    150
32    264   Matthew      Buckley         Team Ora presented by Independent Fabrication                East Hardwick        VT     50    50   47    147
33    288   Kelsey       Oliver          Team Metro Reprographics                                     Beverly              MA     50    50   45    145
34    281   Sean         Langford        CCB/Wheelworks                                               Middleton            MA     50    50   44    144
35    290   Christopher  Ragusa          CCB Racing/Wheelworks                                        Denmark              ME     50    50   43    143
36    295   Drew         Szeliga         Noreast Cycling                                              Portsmouth           NH     50    50   40    140
37    260   Josh         Austin          NorEast Cycling                                              Durham               NH     50    50   38    138
38    266   Keith        Cardoza         Green Line Velo                                              Somerville           MA     50    50   37    137
39    299   Jordy        Wetzel          Comprehensive Racing/ Salem Cycle                            Salem                MA     50    50   36    136

Men 4                                                                                                                             PR    RR   TT    GC
1     486   Paul         McMahon         Seaside Cycle / Essex County Velo                            Manchester           MA     100   91   95    286
2     475   Daniel       Guiney          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Park City            UT     91    100  86    277
3     474   Andy         Gould                                                                        Bedford              NH     88    95   64    247
4     469   Daniel       Donovan         Essex County Velo (ECV)                                      Ipswich              MA     84    50   100   234
5     487   Geremia      Ortega          CCB/Racing                                                   Lawrence             MA     86    50   84    220
6     459   Alfred       Bissell         Essex County Velo                                            Boxford              MA     66    88   62    216
7     470   Brent        Doscher         NorEast Cycling                                              Dover                NH     50    78   74    202
8     473   Tommy        Goguen          TEAM CF                                                      Hopedale             MA     95    50   56    201
9     495   Andrew       Strobert        Threshold Cycling                                            Boston               MA     50    70   78    198
10    490   Scott        Rosenthal       Washington Square Tavern                                     Jamaica Plain        MA     50    72   76    198
11    462   Kyle         Butler          Green Line Velo                                              Somerville           MA     80    50   66    196
12    476   James        Hall            NEBC                                                         Hudson               NH     78    66   49    193
13    472   Peter        Goguen          TEAM CF                                                      Hopedale             MA     68    80   45    193
14    467   Dave         Dishaw          Essex County Velo                                            North Andover        MA     50    50   91    191
15    457   Richard      Batten          Stage 5 Cycling                                              Winchester           MA     72    50   68    190
16    489   Gert         Reynaert        Threshold Cycling                                            Boston               MA     82    50   55    187
17    496   Scott        Wilson          Comprehensive racing                                         Methuen              MA     50    84   51    185
18    458   Steve        Bauermeister    NorEast Cycling                                              South Berwick        ME     50    50   82    182
19    461   Shane        Buker           Threshold Cycling                                            Jamaica Plain        MA     50    50   80    180
20    465   Nicholas     Czerula         NHCC/Team NH                                                 Concord              NH     76    50   53    179
21    491   Michael      Shinall         Green Line Velo                                              Allston              MA     50    82   46    178
22    498   John         DiSciullo       545 Velo                                                     Newtonville          MA     50    86   42    178
23    481   Philip       Johnson         SeaSide Cycle / ECV                                          Manchester           MA     50    50   72    172
24    463   Ken          Carpenter       Threshold Cycling                                            Jamaica Plain        MA     74    50   47    171
25    483   Bradford     Kelley                                                                       Amherst              NH     70    50   50    170
26    492   Patrick      Smith           Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                           Salem                MA     50    50   70    170
27    464   Mark         Coleman         NEBC/CycleLoft/DevonshireDental                              Arlington            MA     50    76   43    169
28    466   Seth         Davis           Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames                          Boston               MA     50    74   41    165
29    488   Gary         Passler         Essex County Velo (ECV) /Trifit Training                     Amesbury             MA     50    50   60    160
30    477   James        Harnois         mystic velo                                                  Preston              CT     50    50   58    158
31    479   Kevin        Hays            OA/Cyclemania                                                Brookline            MA     50    50   54    154
32    484   Keith        Loiselle        NHCC/TEAM NH                                                 Pembroke             NH     50    50   52    152
33    497   Brian        Yoo             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                         Cambridge            MA     50    50   48    148
34    485   Kurt         Maw             Comprehensive Racing / Salem Cycle                           Salem                MA     50    50   40    140
35    482   William      Johnston        Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames                         Jamaica Plain        MA     50    50   37    137
36    493   Ron          Smithers, Jr    Essex County Velo (ECV)                                      Marblehead           MA     50    50   35    135
37    478   William      Harrington III  ESSEX COUNTY VELO                                            Ipswich              MA     30    50   44    124
38    480   Herb         Hodgdon         Sunapee/Revolution Cyclery                                   Concord              NH     30    50   39    119

Men 5                                                                                                                             PR    RR   TT    GC
1     89    Kyle         Rogers                                                                       Haverhill            MA     100   100  80    280
2     91    Nicholas     Stefanidakis    Blue Hills Cycliing Club                                     Milton               MA     91    86   91    268
3     86    Harry        Mattison                                                                     Allston              MA     86    95   82    263
4     92    George       Thompson        Pinnacle Bike Works                                          Beverly              MA     88    72   95    255
5     94    Cody         Whelan          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Deerfield            NE     95    80   78    253
6     74    Doug         Browne                                                                       Groton               MA     82    78   88    248
7     85    Joel         Lamendola       QuadCycles                                                   Somerville           MA     80    84   84    248
8     76    Peter        Cole            Center Street Cycles                                         Carrabassett Valley  ME     84    50   100   234
9     83    David        Kell            Maine Cycling Club                                           Lewiston             ME     70    74   86    230
10    80    Andrew       Faughnan                                                                     Stoneham             MA     74    88   62    224
11    82    Brian        Housman         Team Quad                                                    Somerville           MA     76    70   72    218
12    77    Thomas       Cooper          NEBC/ Cycle Loft/ Devonshire Dental                          Andover              MA     72    82   64    218
13    88    Joe          Rapuano         SEASIDE CYCLE/ECV                                            Atkinson             NH     68    66   74    208
14    93    Nicholas     Wheeler         Noreast Cycling / GU Energy                                  Athol                MA     78    68   60    206
15    75    Alexander    Bulger                                                                       Marblehead           MA     66    50   66    182
16    78    Andy         Demotses        Slouch, Inc.                                                 Hampton              NH     50    50   56    156

Men Master 40+                                                                                                                    PR    RR   TT    GC
1     192   Paul         Richard         CCB Racing                                                   Amesbury             MA     100   100  100   300
2     164   Charlie      Bedard          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Goffstown            NH     95    95   72    262
3     165   Ron          Bourgoin        OA/CYCLEMANIA                                                Windham              ME     82    86   88    256
4     175   Bruce        Diehl           Sunapee/Continental Paving                                   Jackson              NH     91    66   95    252
5     197   Mark         Suprenant       Team Type 1                                                  Milford              NH     84    82   86    252
6     179   David        Foley           BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/eInN. Easton            MA     80    76   91    247
7     196   Bill         Shattuck        Corner Cycle                                                 Bridgewater          MA     70    88   84    242
8     183   Craig        Harrison        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Racing Team            Bartlett             NH     88    68   74    230
9     186   Geoff        McIntosh        New Hampshire Cycling Club                                   Concord              NH     72    78   78    228
10    181   John         Grenier         Team Fuji fueled by Clif Bar                                 Lewiston             ME     50    91   80    221
11    189   James        Nash            CCB/Wheelworks                                               North Hampton        NH     78    50   82    210
12    188   Christopher  Naimie          Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Bow                  NH     86    80   41    207
13    195   Craig        Schaepe         NorEast Cycling                                              Goffstown            NH     74    74   52    200
14    177   Tim          Dodd            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                            Westford             MA     50    84   64    198
15    198   Mark         Thompson        Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution                        Nashua               NH     76    50   60    186
16    178   Mark         Doherty         Sunapee/S&W Racing Team                                      Westford             MA     50    72   54    176
17    185   Eric         Marro           BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/eInNashua               NH     50    50   76    176
18    191   Glenn        Peck            Cycle Lodge                                                  Peterborough         NH     50    70   53    173
19    194   Danielle     Ruane           Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                Webster              NH     50    50   66    166
20    193   Benjamin     Riordon         CycleLodge                                                   Newburyport          MA     68    50   44    162
21    169   Keith        Button          CCB racing                                                   Nottingham           NH     50    50   62    162
22    180   Ralf         Geiben Lynn     Team RaceMenu/mix1                                           Concord              NH     66    50   45    161
23    170   William      Casazza         BOB-Goodale's Bike Shop/Speed Merchant Aero/Ted              Salem                NH     50    50   58    158
24    168   Tim          Buckley         Sunapee / Continental Paving / Revolution Cyclery            Henniker             NH     50    50   56    156
25    173   Wayne        Cunningham      Wheelworks racing                                            Wayland              MA     50    50   55    155
26    100   Chris        White                                                                                                    50    50   51    151
27    171   Jay          Clausen         Sunapee/Continental Paving/Revolution Cyclery                New London           NH     50    50   49    149
28    144   David        Uchenick        Arc en ciel                                                  Westford             MA     50    50   48    148
29    190   Armand       Pantalone       BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/eInHaverhill            MA     50    50   47    147
30    176   John         Dieli           BOB-Goodale's/Speed Merchant/Ted Wojcik/Skofield Builders/eInNewton               NH     50    50   46    146
31    184   Michael      Lovell          sunapee/revolution cycles/continental paving                 Croydon              NH     50    50   43    143
32    199   Ed           Ting            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                            Amherst              NH     50    50   42    142
33    137   Paul         Weiss           OA/Cyclemania Masters Cycling Team/Portland Velo Club        Cumberland           ME     50    50   40    140
34    182   Eric         Hansmeier       Monadnock Cycling Club                                       Keene                NH     50    50   39    139
35    113   Carl         Brown           CCB Racing                                                   Randolph             MA     50    50   38    138