Results » Road » 2002

Palmer Road Race

Palmer, MA

Saturday, April 27, 2002

Palmer Road Race
Palmer, MA
April 27, 2002

Results Courtesy of PEP Results

Men 4/5                                   57 Miles
1   409  Matthew        Purdy             NCC
2   327  william        Dillon            unattached
4   348  John Michael   Hackett           Killington-Pico Cycling Club
7   344  Tom            Gosselin          Maine Cycling Club
8   322  Tom            Orsiri            kissena sports
9   342  Rick           Gagne             Maine Cycling Club
10  411  Brian          Rabuse            BCA/Tosk
11  312  Stewart        Campbell          New Hampshire Cycling Club
12                                        ECV
13  440  Art            Trapotsis         Boston Road Club
16  420  Joseph         Saperstein        Coyote Hill
17  428  Shawn          Standen           Onion River Sports
20  443  Ezekiel        Volkert           Brooklyn Velo Force
21  307  craig          bertoldi          Essex County Velo
23  403  Kevin          Parsons           BCA/tosk
24  449  Edward         King
26  373  Tom            Luther            NHCC/Team NH
28  439  Stefan         Tiefenbacher      Team Psycho
29  393  Mike           Nardella          Union Velo Club
31  356  Gregory        Hutchinson        Portland Velo Club
32  353  Jim            Herman
33  336  scott          fleckenstein      Unattached
36  372  Fred           Loucks            NewHampshire Cycling Club
37  442  Ben            Vanmarcke         NCC /
38  414  Ian            Ray
39  319  Walter         Conley            CCB International
40  337  David          Ford              Unattached
42  436  Ryan           Themig            B2C/Community
44  321  David          Cormier           Capital Velo Club/Hartford Hospital
45  375  Harrison       Magun             Brooklyn Velo Force
46  358  Eric           Jensen            Pedros
47  385  Nathaniel      Mendell           BRC Boston Road Club
48  305  Darren         Bernard
50  397  Christoph      O'Donnell         Team Psycho
51  427  Brandon        Smithwood         Northeast Bicycle Club
52  315  Gustavo        Cinci             BRC
53  345  Christopher    Green
54  325  Ryan           Davenport         Team Psycho
56  376  Mark           Mahoney           Bethel Cycle Sport Club
57  424  Kenneth        Shidler           CRCA/Setanta
58  301  Robert         Adams
59  340  Douglas        Fuller            B.O.B.
61  333  Paul           Everard           B2C/Community
64  413  Chris          Ramsey            Team Psycho
66  324  Wilson         Chris             Harvard U Cycling
67  371  Andrew         Lobsenz           Bethel Cycle Sport Club
68  320  David          Connery           B2C/Community
69  379  Rich           Marquardt         NHCC/Team NH
70  361  David F.       Keefe             Boston Bicycle Club
71  338  Rob            Frechette         Crum
72  329  Kevin          Yarde             Arc -En Ciel
74  351  Mark           Harris            Northampton Cycling Club
76  430  Scott          Staubach          BRC/ATA Cycles
77  429  Dan            Stasz             NCC /
78  318  Stephen        Collins
79  448  Michael        Zocchi            BRC
80  304  brian          berger            Brooklyn Velo Force
81  433  sean           sullivan          DON'S CYCLE
82  447  Matthew        Zawalich          Laurel Bike Club
83  401  Christopher    Parent            NCC /
84  404  jeffrey        Payton            Century Road Club of America
85  434  Daniel         Tamasauskas       Boston Road Club
86  389  Carmen         Monks             Team Psycho
87  326  Dan            Davenport         Team Psycho Triathlete
88  410  eunan          quinn
89  310  Justin         Brown
90  323  Stephen        Cruickshank       Boston Road Club/ATA Cycles
91  360  David          Katz              Boston Bicycle Club
93  406  Bruce          Pierce            Boston Bicycle Club (Community Bicycle)
94  437  Jason          Thomas            ATA/Boston Road Club
95  354  Jake           Hollenbach
96  341  Dr. scott      fuller            B.O.B.
97  311  Garth          Brown             NCC /
98  425  Steve          Smith             Boston Bicycle Club / Community
99  346  Drew           Gronewold         Boston Triathlon Team
100 330  Dave           Dornaus
101 399  Alexander      Ortiz             Northeast Bicycle CLub
102 415  richard        rude
DNF 416  Jeremy         Rudy              Boston Road Club
DNF 364  Kevin          Kevin             Northampton Cycle Club
DNF 362  Mike           Kennedy           Mystic Velo
DNF 331  Sean           Duffy             Boston Road Club
DNF 405  Tony           Pechenik          CRCA / Miya Shoji
DNS 381  Bob            McKenney          Team Bicycle Alley
DNS 370  Chuck          Litty             Bethel Cycle Sport Club
DNS 388  craig          milano            HVVC web
DNS 343  Dan            Goldberg          Stage 1
DNS 396  Dan            O'Connell         Minuteman Road Club
DNS 306  David          Berryman          NCC/
DNS 374  David          MacLeod           Capital Bicycle Racing Club/CK Cycles
DNS 417  Dennis         Ryan              NCC
DNS 431  George         Stergiou          NHCC - Team New Hampshire
DNS 366  Jason          Knauff            ECV
DNS 387  John           Meyerle           Bethel Cycle Sport Club
DNS      JOHN FOLEY     JOHN FOLEY        Team Bicycle Alley/Trek
DNS 383  mitchell       medeiros          OSVC/AFD
DNS 395  Paul           Nyberg            Eastern Bloc Cycling Club/ Benidorm Bikes
DNS 355  Peter          Hutchins          NCC /
DNS 391  ray            mulveny           AFD
DNS 441  RON            TRENTINI          TEAM PSYCHO
DNS 350  Scott          Harper            Bethel Cycle Sport Club
DNS 422  Thomas         Senf              BETHEL CYCLE SPORT CLUB
438  Andy           Thompson          Team Bike Alley
352  Bill           Haslett           Sunapee - Banagans
334  Brad           Ferguson          Onion River Sports
398  Brendan        O'Neil
300  Brian          Hayes             Arc-En-Ciel
367  Brooks         Lawrence          Boston Bicycle Club (b2c)
368  Charles        Leach
445  Christophe     Wilkes            CRCA
400  Christopher    Owen              NCC /
317  Damien         Colfer
314  Daniel         Champagne         Unattached
335  darius         filipiak          NCC /
390  Darrell        Morrow            NEBC
394  David          Nerrow            Team Psycho
407  David          Pinkos            Team Bicycle Alley
359  David          Thompson
423  Douglas        Shepard
363  eric           kenney            boston bicycling club
432  Ian            Strever           Bethel Cycling Team
408  Jay            Provencher        Earl's Cyclery
378  Jeff           Marois            Tufts University
419  Joe            Salem             Ridgefield Bank
444  John           Whalen
386  Josh           Merrow            Team Psycho
303  Joshua         Bardige           BRC/ATA Cycles
328  Joshua         Dillon            unattached
309  Justin         Brown             Boston Road Club
357  Ken            Jayne             Team B.O.B.
302  Kevin          Atkinson
384  Mark           Meleshkewich      Bethel Cycle Sport
349  Matthew        Haeberle          Brooklyn Velo Force
332  Matthew        Moon              Team Liquid Motion
313  Michael        Cavros            OSVC/AFD
365  michael        king
435  Michael        Taylor            Boston Road Club
446  Michael        Wonderly
308  Mike           Aya               Bethel Cycle Sport
426  Peter          Smith             Salem Cycle Race Team
339  Richard        Froh              Mystic Velo Club
377  robert         maisonpierre      zephyr cycling team inc.
380  Stephen        McDonnell         Bethel Cycle Sport Club
418  T.J.           Sabotka           Killington/Pico
402  Terrence       Parker            Eurotek
382  Terry          McKeon            Team Psycho
347  Timothy        Guilbeault        Providence Velo club
421  Todd           Seidel            Boston Bicycle Club
316  Tom            Bronson           NECSA/Mike Fraysee's
369  Torrey         Lincoln           CRCA/Axis
392  TYLER          MUNROE  JR        CCB
412  William        Raleigh           Capital Bicylec Racing Club

Women 1/2/3                               57 Miles
1   453  louise         barriss           CCB volkswagen
2   474  Brooke         O Connor          NEBC/Cycle Loft
4        Katheryn       Curi              Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
5   472  Karen          Nash              Verizon Wireless - Cervelo
7   451  Sara           Barker  
8   450  Brenda         Bahnson           Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
9   492  Theresa        Garti             Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
10  466  Kristen        LaSasso           CRCA/RLX POLO SPORT
11  505  Penney         Bouchar           Hudson Valley Velo Club
12  461  Sharon         Harvell           NHCC
13  455  Sara           Bresnick          Rage/Harpoon/International Bike
14  500  Rosemary       Coleman           Terry Precision
16  484  Laura          Shuford           NCC /
17  459  susan          del pino          corner cycle racing team
18  480  laura          schmidt           Terry Precision
19  479  Kathryn        Roszko            Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
20  458  Katheryn       Curi              Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
21  494  Lenore         Imhof             Cranford Bike Team
23  491  Beckey         Cox               Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
24  460  Robin          Gilmore-Barnes    CCB/Volkswagen
25  469  Lisa           Maxwell           Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
27  487  aubin          sullivan          CRCA-SBCG
28  471  Julie          Monagle           Verizon Wireless-Cervelo
29  498  Sara           Foulkes           NHCC
30  502  Jennifer       Olbrich           Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
31  468  MaryAnn        Martinez          NEBC Cycleloft
32  465  Michelle       Kersbergen        NCC /
33  482  Kathleen       Shaw              Verizon Wireless - Cervelo
34  477  Dawn           Richardson        Verizon Wireless-Cervelo
35  486  Nina           Strika            RLX Polo Sport
36  501  Pam            Alessio           Verizon
37  456  Rachel         Brown             NCC /

DNF 503  Shelley        Reynolds          Hudson Valley Velo Club
DNS 457  Melanie        Claude
DNS 462  Julia          Hawley            Bermuda National Team
DNS 478  joanne         Ross              VerizonWireless-cervelo
DSQ 488  Laura          Summers 
452  jessica        barnum            Team Invensys
454  Catherine      Bearce            CCB International
463  lesley         honsberger        St.Catharines C.C.
464  yvonne         ilton             verizon wireless-cervelo
467  Susan          MacLean           BOB
470  Ann Marie      Miller            Verizon
473  brenda         nevins            verizon wireless - cervelo
475  Zoe            Owers             Middlebury College// New Hampshire
476  Elizabeth      Renaud            CRCA/Women's Sports & Fitness
481  Amanda         See               verizon wireless - cervelo
483  hiroko         shimada           verizon wireless-cervelo
485  Michele        Smith             Hudson Valley Velo Club
489  Jessica        Truslow           Northeast Bicycle Club  NEBC/Cycloloft
493  Linda          Fijol             Competetive Edge Ski&Bike
495  Veronica       Jennings          Velo City Cyclists
496  Catherine      Powers            CRCA
497  Rachel         Smetanka          GMBC
499  Nikki          Yajko             Unattached
504  Suzanne        Fillipone         Unattached
506  Leslie         Ludtke            NHCC

Women 4                                   38 Miles
1   558  Lisa           Jellett           Cranford Bike Team
2   527  Darcy          Cornell           Team Bicycle Alley
3   526  Tami           Buhr              NEBC
4   554  Karena         Paukulis          NEBC
5   561  Amy            Cashman           Unattached
6   529  Erin           Diehm             DreamBikes Cycling Club
7   537  Regina         Hammond           CRCA/Miya Shoji
8   xxx  Unreadable
9   562  Maranne        Stover            Liquid Motion
10  557
11  540  Miriam         Kornitzer         Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
12  542  Linda          Luther            NHCC/Team NH
13  543  Robin          Read              RLX Polo Sport/CRCA
14  525  Paula          Bedard            NEBC/CycleLoft
15  547  Liz            Seward            CRCA/RLX Polo
16  539  Suzi           Hill              Eastern Bloc/Benidorm
17  549  Donna          Ventura           CCB International
18  551  Lori           Whynot            Northeast Bicycle Club
19  541  Kim            Liljeblad         On Track
20  533  Katherine      Farago            NEBC/Cycleloft
21  555  Elizabeth      Carroll           NEBC
22  550  Leigh          Weiss
23  545  Aimee          Savard            CCB/Volkswagen
24  534  Lynn           Faulhaber         CRCA/Dash-Renaissance
DNS 531  zuzka          ecerova           espoirs de laval
DNS 536  Lynnea         Gundersen         Team Bicycle Alley
DNS 548  Melissa        Smith             Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
528  Jennifer       Cromie            Sleepy Hollow Bicycle Club
530  Carol          Dunn              GMBC Invensys
532  Jaimie         Epstein           Renaissance/CRCA
535  JoAnn          Glading-DiLorenzo NCC /
538  Jane           Hayes             DWI
544  Carrie         Rhodes            CICLISMMO SPORTIVO ARDAGNA
546  Janet          Sestokas          NEBC Cycle Loft
552  Jeanne         Curtis            GMBC
553  Shelly         Lutz              GMBC
556  Hannah         Sarnow            Dansko/Wheelworks/IF
559  Andrea         Grassman          CRCA
560  Sara           Coiffman          Team Envision

Men Master 55+                            38 Miles
1   926  Peter          Johnson           Zephyr
2   XXX  Unreadble
3   921  Richard        Martin            Masters Velo Club
4   933  Janet          Proctor           Suanpee-Banagans
5   900  Patrick        Clark             Zephyr Cycling Team Inc.
6   902  John           Green             CCB/Volkswagen
7   913  James          Owers             NHCC
8   903  Frank          Holt              NHCC/TeamNH
9   907  edward         juskowiak         laurel bicycle club
10  924  Barry          Boyce             CCB
11  911  Daniel         Maneely           Tosk Berkshire Cycling Assoc
12  912  pete           murphy            capital velo club---CVC
DNF 909  Carlton        Lloyd
DNF 919  Clive          Woakes            Competitive Edge/Amherst Racing Club
DNS 905  James          Hunt              CCB/Volkswagen
DNS 906  Graham         Jones             CCB International
DNS 915  Cheryl         Smith
901  jon            farbman           3D Racing Team
904  Bradley        Hosmer            New Hampshire Cycling club
908  David          kliger            Competitive Edge
910  al             maccarone
914  Karen          Rojeski           Bethel Cycle Sport Club
916  gordon         soule
917  Lisa           West
922  Ray            Sweet             Laurel Bike Club
923  David          Reed              Mystic Velo
928  Kaariel        Piirand           NHCC
929  John           Elengo            GS Europeo
930  Stephen        Davis             Unattached
931  Bruce          McGowan           Providence Velo Club
932  Paul           Dillon            Masters Racing Club
935  Herb           Insley            CK Cycles
936  Peter          Rotella           Mystic Velo Club
934  Cassandra      White             NEBC

Men P/1/2/3                               76 Miles
1   96   Frank          McCormack         Saturn
2   2    Kirk           Albers            Jelly Belly
3   37   mike           jones             Wheelworks/Cannondale
4   18   Jeffrey        Fisher            Rainbow Bikes / MCC
5   35   Charles        Issendorf         GS Mengoni
6   28   Todd           Herriott          Think Racing/CRCA
7   90   Jonathan       Hamblen           Wheelworks
8   77   Alex           Weil              Kissena Sports
9   40   Matt           Kings   
10  16   Kevin          Dutt              ProCycles
11  106  Robert         Bailey            Hawley Racksmith
12  100  Jonathan       Page              Wheelworks
13  95   Skip           Foley             Trek VW East Coast Factory Team
DNF 69   Ben            Silberfarb        Essex County Velo (ECV)
DNS 30   Allen          Horton            Pro Cycles/Giant
DNS 39   marco          kelsey
1    joseph         ackerman          pro cycles/g.t.
3    Aaron          Applebaum         BCA / Tosk
4    roger          aspholm           thinkracing
5    ian            beilby            Green Mountain Bicycle Club
6    Christopher    Benoit            Essex County Velo
7    Peter          Brennan           Trek/VW Goodales East Coast Factory
8    Mariusz        Brinken           Kissena Sports
9    Lincoln        Brown   
10   Anthony        Canger            CRCA/Miya Shoji
11   nathan         chown             St.Catharines C.C.
12   Tom            Crawford          Broadmark Capital-Elite Bicycle
13   piers          davidge           Gears
14   Jean Paul      Desrosiers Jr
15   Alec           Donahue           NCC /
17   Mukunda        Feldman           NCC /
19   george         fisk              capital bicycle racing club    ck cycles
20   Eric           Fleming           Pro Cycles-Giant
21   Eneas          Freyre            Kissena
22   Joshua         Gewirtz           necsa uMPC FUJI
23   Doug           Gowen             NCC /
24   Jeff           Gray              Essex County Velo
25   John           Grenier           Rainbow Bike/Maine Cycling Club
26   Kurt           Hackler           CCB/Volkswagen
27   Matt           Hawkins           Kissena Sports Club
29   Byron          Holt              BRC/Vintage/ATA
31   Seth           Hosmer            NHCC/Team NH
32   Rob            Hult              O'Neils
33   jonathan       husk              skirack/necsa/coyote hill/fly cycles
34   Matt           Inconiglios       Stage 1 Cycling Team
36   Stephen        Jamison           CRCA - Miya Shoji
38   Gary S.        Keblish           Century-SBCG
41   nate           kokinda           Remax
42   Ben            Kubas   
43   Marc           Lanoue            BCA/Tosk Chiropractic
44   Matt           Loftus            NCC /
45   Daniel         Luzier            BRC/Ata Cycles
46   Shawn          McCormack         Trek-Volkswagon-Goodale's
47   Ian            McLeran           Stage1 Cycling
48   Keith          Miller            Kissena Sports
49   Steven         Millington        Team Winners Edge
50   Andrew         Mills             Trek Volkswagen East Coast Factory Team
51   Ian            Modestow          NCC /
52   John           Morrell           Hawley -
53   Matthew        Norton            PVC/Cycle Mania
54   matthew        okeefe  
55   Karl           Outerbridge       BAS Serco
56   mark           paggioli          Capital Velo Club / Pig Iron Bicycle
57   todd           parker            ecv
58   Christopher    Paton   
59   Hank           Pfeifle           So. Maine Cycling Club
60   Scott          Plante            Trek VW East Coast Factory Team
61   Forest         Reid              Providence Velo Club
62   marte          roosvert          toga
63   Steve          Roszko            NCC /
64   randy          rusk              arc-en-ciel
65   Chris          Sacramone         ProCycles/Giant
66   Peter          Sanowar           Gears
67   Jason          Schneider         GBSC/Festo
68   Wayne          Scott             Atlantic Shores Velo
70   oliver         stiler-cote       saturn development
71   Trent          Sullivan          Hartford Hospital/PigIron (CVC)
72   Wade           Summers  / HVVC
73   David          Chad              CRCA / Think Racing
74   Matthew        Svatek            Cannondale/Wheelworks
75   Warren         Tilbrook          Gears
76   Timothy        Unkert            Capital Velo Club
78   Bret +         Williamson        Hawley/
79   Jonathan       Lowenstien        arc-en-ciel
80   Arlen          Wenzel            Team Horst
81   Michael        Moore   
82   David          Ebeling  / HVVC
83   Keith          Berger            CVC
84   Anthony        Alessio           Remax
85   Dante          Pryor             CRCA
86   Mark           Poszniak          St Catherines
87   Adam           Garapalow         Schickula
88   Eugene         Ruiter            Trek
89   Steve          Goetzelmaqn       Invernis
91   Michael        Deitrich          NECSA Team Fuji MFSR
92   Michael        McGinley          unattached
93   David          Youngblood        NCC /
94   Mark           McCormack         Saturn
97   Wilson         Vasquez           GS Mengoni
98   Kirk           Gilligan          ECV
99   Eric           Sakalowski        BRC/Ata Cycles
101  Micheal        Mueller           Wheelworks
102  Nat            Faulkner          Kessena
103  Justin         Lillie            Trek Volkswagen East Coast Factory Team
104  Trente         Ashburn           Bikeworks
105  Ralf           Gieber Lyne       Community

Men 3/4                                   57 Miles
1   279  Matthew        Crane             Kissena
2   185  Shawn          Gavin             CCB/Volkswagen
3   241  Isaac          St. Martin        New Hampshire Cycling Club
4   215  Sean           Marvel            Axis/CRCA
5   228  Art            Rand              CCB International
6   183  Mikael         Eliasson          Boston Road Club/ATA Cycles
7   207  Konrad         LeBas             CCB International
9   237  David          Sandifer          Capital Velo Club- Pig Iron Sports
10  196  Keith          Jennings          NECSA
12  231  Paul           Rhodes            Ciclismo Sportivo Ardagna
13  203  Chris          kueter            Boston Road Club
15  156  John           Bayley            Northeast Bicycle Club/CycleLoft
16  232  Peter          Rhodes            C.S. Ardagna
17  193  Steven         Hobson            Boston Bicycle Club
19  269  Hiroko         Shimada           Verizon
20  213  Scott          Maislin           Trek-Volkswagen-Goodale's
21  218  Chris          Mears             Unattached
22  181  Jamey          Driscoll          GMBC Invensys
23  172  Ted            D'Onofrio         Eastern Bloc-Benidorm
24  258  Daniel         Byrne             CRCA - Dash Renaissance
25  238  Brad           Shuford           NCC /
26  223  Jeff           Papineau          BOB
27  157  Curtis         Boivin            Providence Velo Club
30  252  Jason          Williams          Unione Sportiva Italiana
31  263  Mike           Myers             Bike Alley
32  221  greg           montello          Essex County Velo
33  199  Craig          Kennedy           Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
34  176  Mickey         Denoncourt        NCC /
35  150  Kevin          Adamczyk
36  275  Mark           Donahue           SMCC
37  158  Blake          Booysen           Boston Road Club (BRC/Vintage/ATA")"
38  285  Mark           Garti             Wheelworks IF
39  155  Richard        Battaglia         Southern Maine CC
40  190  John           Hanson            NECSA/MFSR
41  245  david          taylor            CRCA - Dash Renaissance
42  211  David          Lyman             Team IBC
43  205  Robert         LaRocco           Capital Velo Club / Pig Iron Bicycle
44  288  Adian          Charles           CVC
45  168  Conor          Coffey            CCb/Volkswagon
46  257  Mike           Broglio           BRC
47  217  Michael        McHale            Capital Bicycle Racing Club
48  289  Ben            Coleman           NECSA
50  222  Miguel         Pagan             fiordifruta Ridgefield Bank Cycling Team
51  184  Greg           Fiore             N/A
53  242  Karl           Strauss           Capital Velo Club
54  272  Thomas         Scotto            Quad City
55  220  Dean           Miller
56  282  Joshua         Rice              CVC
58  292  Paul           Nyberg            EBCC
59  171  Geoff          Curfman           Trek/VW/Goodale
61  175  Kevin          Delaney           Boston Road Club
62  226  Wayne          Prescott          Eastern Bloc Cycling Club
63  154  Gregory        Bartick           Tokeneke Road Club
64  170  Mark           Cunningham        Capital Velo Club - Pig Iron Bicycle Works
65  160  Dan            Butler            Boston Bicycle Club
67  259  Marc           Cesare            CRCA
68  159  Andrew         Boxer             Boston Road Club
69  244  Wayde          Tardif            Quad Cycles
70  271  Carlos         Cordoba           Westwood Velo
71  212  Andreas        Maier             Powder Ridge Cycling Team
72  253  Matt           Wilson            The Bicycle Link
73  249  marvin         wang              Boston Road Club
74  214  Matt           Manna             Essex County Velo
75  179  Ross           Dillon            Boston Bicycle Club
76  173  Mark           Dakoulas          Killington/Pico
77  280  Jonathan       Bruno             BRC
79  286  Nathan         Simms             BCA
80  229  daniel         raymond           powder ridge cycling team
DNS 247  Charles        Towe              DreamBikes Cycling Club
DNS 189  jason          grover            espoirs de laval
DNS 200  Jon            Knight            Team Colavita / MBS
DNS 243  mike           sutter            westwood velo
DNS 178  Raymond        DeWitt            Powder Ridge Cycling Team
DNS 224  Sean           Phinney           Mass Bay Road Club/Fitness First
186  ~~~~           Gibson            Boston Bicycle Club
169  Adam           Creutz            Team IBC
151  Alexander      Aquilino          Unione Sportiva Italiana
167  Anthony        Cipolla           Fiordifrutta/Ridgefield Bank
287  Armand         Pantalone         BOB
198  Breeze         Keller
182  Brett          Durham            Dream Bikes Cycling Club
187  brian          girard            stage one/cannondale
264  Chris          Raymond           Bike Alley
165  Christopher    Chapleau          Stage One,  Cannondale
225  Christopher    Pile              Tokeneke
166  Chung          Chiang            CRCA/Metro-Sanchez
281  Craig          Milano            HVCC
234  Craig          Ross              Stage 1 / Cannondale
290  Daniel         Cherkis           NECSA
268  Dave           Berryman          Umass
191  David          Hartmann          Stage1 Cycling
256  David          Hobson            Procycles Giant
254  David          Young             NCC /
277  Dennis         Ryan              NCC-
153  Doug           Aspinwall         NCC /
177  Ed-RAMBO       deSimas           Benidorm-Eastern Bloc
235  Eugene         Ruiter            Trek/VW Goodales
209  Gregg          Loprete           Colavita/MBS
164  Harold         Chan     - Hudson Valley Velo Club
274  Jason          Bremer            CRCA
270  Jason          Houchir           CRCA
273  Jason          Knauff            ECV
202  Jeremy         Krupat            Boston Road Club
195  Joe            Jankovsky         BRC/Vintage/ATA
267  John           Foley             Bicycle Alley
283  John           Fox               HVCC
227  Jorge          Ramirez           Team bike alley
248  Jorge          Vasquez           Metro Sanchez
262  Joseph         Rodriguez         Bike Alley
219  Justin         Medeiros          AFD
236  keith          ryan              AXIS/CRCA
197  Kevin          Joyce             Montclair Cyclists
194  Logan          Hodson            BRC/ATA cycles
210  M. Justin      Lubeley           Kaplan/CRCA
216  Marc           Mauceri           CRCA-AXIS/FURNITURE CO.
233  Marc           Risigo            Stage 1 Cycling
291  Mark           Meroli            Boston Bicycle
265  Matthew        Stiler            Bike Alley
251  Matthew        White             Capitol Velo Club/Pig Iron
188  noah           greenhill         Kissena
284  Oscar          Parwin
161  Paul           Carbonara         Century Road Club /SBCG
260  Peter          Easton            Tarrytown Cycles
276  Peter          Robert
192  ralph          hassard           axis/century
240  Rob            Spillman          Kissena
174  Robert         DeGrace
246  Robert         Tobey             Bicycle Link
206  Ryan           LaRocque          Team Bike Alley
152  Sal            Ardagna           CICLISMO SPORTIVO ARDAGNA
239  Sam            Silver            CCB International
250  Samuel         Wheeler-Martenis  CCB International
230  Scott          Relihan           CCB/Volkswagon
204  Sean           Langford          CCB International
208  Steven         Lombardo          Capital Velo Club
180  Stuart         Dorman            BRC/ATA/Vintage Etc.
255  Timothy        Zima              Northampton Cycling Club
163  Todd           Cassan            Unatttached
278  Todd           Cristafulli       BRC
162  william        Casazza           BOB

Men Master 35+                            57 Miles
1   763  andy           ruiz              GMBC
2   796  Stephen        Gray              Bethel Cycle
3   752  sam            morse             Mass Bay Road Club
4   704  Charlie        Bedard            Sunapee/Banagans
5   794  Michael        Shore             BOB
6   788  Michael        Sullivan          BOB
8   713  William        Caligari          Berkshire Cycling Association
9   748  John           McKone            GMBC/Excite-Smartfuel
10  795  Abdlu          Kabia             CTS - Cranford Biikes
11  816  Edward         Gravelle          High Speed Cyclists
12  700  Stuart         Abramson          Portland velo club
13  745  Patrick        Lynch             Zephyr Cycling Team
14  746  Richard        Marchessault      MCC  Maine Cycling Club
15  800  Brian          Blondin           BOB
17  807  Richard        Foley             Laurel
19  787  Bradford       Gherhart          Bikeline
20  792  Bryan          Barett            Bikeline
21  817  Joseph         Regan             Laurel
22  717  Chris          Cover             Onion River Sports
23  758  Brian          Plouffe           Powder Ridge Cycling Club
24  764  David          Rusnak            Gearworks
25  806  Richard        Broderick         Ct Yankee
26  729  Charles        Foley             Northeast Bicycle Club
27  754  Christopher    Naimie            Sunapee-Banagans Bike Club
28  768  Graydon        Stevens           Portland Velo
29  727  Scott          Farmer            Bike Line/Lehigh Wheelmen
30  760  Rod            Quiros            Westwood Velo
31  790  Kip            Jansen            Bikeline
32  782  John           Weller            Bike Line/LWA
33  765  Christopher    Ryan              Century Road Club
34  702  Paul           Anderson          Arc en Ciel
35  778  donald         vescio            FCC/Net1 Plus
36  757  Eric           Pearce            Minuteman Road Club
37  733  Bill           Gros              PEERLESS/HNECC
38  701  Euclides       Amado
39  775  MICHAEL        TUCKER            BCA/TOSK
40  769  John           Stonebarger       DreamBikes
41  721  Jody           Dean              Minuteman Road Club
42  719  Gary           Dalton            Cox Communications Cycling Team
43  755  Ed             Norris            Northeast Bicycle Club/Cycle Loft
44  711  Joel           Brown             Cox Communications Cycling Team
46  731  Allan          Gauthier          Essex County Velo
47  802  Karl           Arnason           Kissena
48  753  TYLER          MUNROE            CCB
49  709  Steven         Bonadio           NEBC/Cycle Loft
50  811  Tim            Flemming          Putney West Hill
51  789  Skip           Kuzel             COX Communication
52  724  Matthew        Domnarski         Cyclonauts Racers
53  820  Stanley        Olszewski         Old Mill Inn
54  809  Mark           Stotz             NCC-
55  732  Jeff           Gauthier          GMBC/Invensys
56  708  William        Black             Portland Velo
57  737  Geoffrey       House             bca/tosk
58  803  William        Holmes            BRC
59  710  Matt           Brown             Cox Communications Cycling Team
60  712  Jamison        Burt              Unattached
61  774  Malcolm        Toynbee           NEBC/Cycleloft/EMC
63  741  Gene           Landry            Portland Velo
64  751  michael        morin             team bike alley
65  776  David          Uchenick          Arc en ciel
66  716  dan            collins           MBRC
67  818  William        Thompson          AMC
68  750  GREG           MELONE            GEAR WORKS/SRP
69  799  Duane          Scofield          BOB
71  785  Gregor         Brernard          BOB
72  808  Eric           Post              BOB
73  706  Kevin          Bessett           GMBC/Invensys
74  771  Bruce          Thompson          Minuteman Road Club
75  767  Tom            Stevens           Gear Works
76  723  Mark           Doherty           Northeast Bicycle Club
77  740  Arnold T.      Kalmbach          Team - IBC
78  770  Mark           Thompson          Cycle Loft/ NEBC
79  804  Michael        Demule            BOB
80  822  William        Joyce             BRC
81  777  Mike           Umbrell           Minuteman Road Club
82  762  Bob            Roldan            Pro Cycles/Giant
83  821  Jay            Clausen           NEBC
84  783  Rollin         Willis            NEBC/Cycleloft
85  791  Eric           Marro             BOB
86  726  Kevin          Farley            BCA/Tosk
DNS 749  christopher    Mcneil            richard sachs/ct.yankee
DNS 747  John           McGovern          Bethel Cycle Sport
DNS 773  John           Tomlinson         Century-SBCG
DNS 722  Jon            Denekamp          Tem IBC
DNS 756  Michael        Norton            BOB
DNS 725  Neil           Faigel            CCB/Volkswagen
DNS 780  Steve          Vosburgh          CCB International
DNS 766  Thomas         Scotto            Quad Cycles (9800)
DNS 728  Tim            Feeney            Test Pilot
DSQ 703  Bill           Barton            Northeast Bicycle Club
824  Alan           Cote              NCC-
825  Arthur         Hoener
805  Arthur         Podgorski         Cyclonauts
759  brian          polhemus
784  Brian          Wirtz             Bethel Cycle Sport Club
823  Chriatian      Constantino       Missing Link
714  Danny          Callen            BOB
743  Edward         Lis               Team ROAR
739  Eric           Juzysta           Invensys/GMBC
819  Frank          Jennings
707  James          Black             Essex County Velo
813  James          Carrington        BOB
705  JEFF           BENNETT           unattached
738  Jeff           Hunt              CCB/Volkswagen
730  John           Fox               Web
744  John           Losee             Team NH/New Hampshire Cycling Club
761  Joseph         Rano              Gearworks
801  Matthew        Collins
720  Michael        Dameron           Cox Communications Cycling Team
781  michael        weeks             arc en ciel
715  Normand        Collard           NEBC/CycleLoft
812  Paul           Chuldzinski       Minuteman Road Club
798  Paul           Curley            Gearworks
779  Peter          Vollers           Trek/Volkswagon East Coast Factory Road Team
742  Ron            Levine            BRC/ATA/Vintage
797  Scott          Wade              Gearworks
736  Stefan         Hesselberg        Berkshire Cycling Association
735  Steven         Henderson         Laurel Bicycle Club
718  Thomas         Cromie
810  Tom            Denney            BOB
772  Tom            Toal              Bethel Cycle Sport
814  Walter         Risse             CTS
815  William        Mark              Providence Velo Club

Men Master 45+                            57 Miles
DNS 603  Edward         Calabrese
DNS 606  JAMES          DeCaprio          NEBC/Cycle Loft
DNS 612  kevin          johnson           NEBC cycleloft
DNS 627  Hajo           Thiele            USI
600  John           Barrett           Bike Line LWA
601  Peter          Bates             Arc-En-Ciel
602  Paul           Bertinato         Westwood Velo
604  Doug           Chiasson          NCC /
605  Doug           Dale              Century Road Club of AMerica
607  greg           hall
608  Karl           Hambrecht         CCB International
609  Ronald         Hartfelder        Essex County Velo
610  Phillip        Hershberger       Capital Bicycle Racing Club
611  Samuel         Hoar, Jr.         GMBC/Invensys
613  Jack           Kane              MVC-DAKINI / Masters Velo Club
614  David          King              CCB-Volkswagen
615  Scott          Klion             CRCA/Kaplan Inc.
616  john           kolios
617  Sean           LeBas             Laurel Bicycle Club
618  Michael        Miller            Jaeger Wheelmen
619  John           Morgan            Bethel Cycle Sport
620  John           Mutter            Westwood Velo
621  Bill           Northup           NECSA/Fraysse's Sports Resort
622  Daniel         O'Neill           New Hampshire Cycling Club
623  Dennis         Ryan              CCB International / Volkswagen
624  William        Sawyer            NEBC
625  Stephen        Sirico            laurel
626  James          Themig            Mystic Velo Club
628  Steven         Toplitz           Competitive Edge Racing Team
629  James          Veliskakis        CCB/Volkswagen
630  carl           white             green mountain bike club
631  Brian          Wolf              Bethel Cycle Sport Club
632  Ken            Swannkie          GS Europeo
633  Richard        Zeigler           Bikeline
634  Mieczyslaus    Burzynski         BOB
635  Mark           Hagen             CCB
636  James          Odorisio          GMBC
637  Chip           Brezney           Bikeline
638  Ray            Mulverney         AFD
639  Dennis         Humphrey          CBRC
640  Glenn          Brugner           BCA
641  Allan          Bates             BCA
642  Paul           Dimartino         Arc-en-ciel
643  Ken            Abrahams          Arc-en-ciel
644  Steven         Birnbaum          BRC
645  John           Dellatorre        NCC
648  Donald         Labonte           June Bicycle
649  Scott          Butler
650  John           Jansen
651  Ben            Haydock           GMBC
652  Richard        Korn              CCB
653  Mark           Dehanes           Cranford Bike Team
654  manny          Lopez             Cranford Bike Team
655  James          Bonacorda         Cranford Bike Team
656  Tim            Groesbeck         CCB
657  Maurice        Bresnahan         CCB
658  Daniel         Anderson          Powder Ridge
659  Charles        Canfielld
660  Thomas         Wing              Laurel
661  Jerry          Deprex            Laurel
662  David          Marti             Conn Yankee
663  James          Fitzgerald        CCB
664  Paul           Gerstien          ARC
665  Peter          Wilson            Cyclonauts
666  Thomas         Cooper            NEBC
667  David          Wallace
668  Jonathan       Grasz             MBRC
669  Rick           Balser
670  Chip           Kent