Results » Road » 2008

Mystic Velo Criterium

Charlestown, RI

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mystic Velo Criterium Presented by Mystic Velo Club Charlestown, RI Saturday, June 07, 2008

Results Courtesy of 

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Men Cat. 1,2,3    35 miles      59                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       1:19:29   Phil          Gamion             Fiordifrutta
2       0:00:00   Anthony       Colby              Colavita
3       0:00:31   Timothy       Unkert             Stolen Underground Anti Doping Cycling Team        Tolland            CT
4       0:00:41   Toby          Marzot             Fiordifrutta                                       Hanover            NH
5       st        Craig         Luekems            TARGETRAINING
6       0:00:48   Hayden        Brooks             Fiordifrutta
7       st        Steve         Weller             Fiordifrutta
8       st        Luciano       Pavan              Optimum Performance/FCC                            Fitchburg          MA
9       st        Luke          Keough             CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                        Sandwich           MA
10      st        Christopher   Kohnle             CCNS/Pedal Power                                   Glastonbury        CT
11      st        Brent         Arthurs            Evolution Cycling
12      st        Stephen       Gray               bethelcycle                                        Middletown         CT
13      st        Brendan       Cornett            Mechanical Services/Cycle Mania
14      st        Chris         Thornton           ACT
15      st        Matthew       Kressy             Millwork One Racing/                    Wellesley          MA
16      st        Thomas        Orsini             Optimum Performance/Fitchburg Cycling Club         Leominster         MA
17      st        Bob           German             CCNS/pedal power cycling team                      Higganum           CT
18      st        Bill          Mark               NBX/Narragansett Beer                              Providence         RI
19      st        Christopher   Dale               NBX/Narragansett Beer                              North Kingstown    RI
20      st        Mark          McCormack          Fuji
21      st        Kyle          Smith              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames               South Boston       MA
22      st        Bradley       Tisdahl            Connecticut Coast Cycling
23      st        Hunter        Pronovost          CCNS/Pedal Power
24      st        Leo           Desforges          Team BreakAway Boston                              Allston            MA
25      st        Shawn         McCormack          Fuji
26      st        Matthew       White              Fiordifrutta
27      st        Eric          Pearce             Bethel Cycle
28      st        Jim           Peters             NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech                    North Kingstown    RI
29      st        Peter         Shapiro            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Cranston           RI
30      st        Ghram         Lang
31      st        Mark          Gunsalus           Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                       Dudley             MA
32      st        Rickey        Visinski           Spiuk / First Endurance / ODI                      Bridgeport         CT
33      st        Spike         McLaughlin         Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp.         West Greenwich     RI
34      st        Adam          Sullivan           Kenda/Raleigh Cycling Team                         North Kingstown    RI
35      st        Anthony       Parent             CCNS/Pedal Power
36      st        Jonathan      Lowenstein         NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech.                   North Kingstown    RI
37      st        Jayson        Hurd               Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                            South Kingstown    RI
38      st        Tobi          Schultze           Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                       Foxboro            MA
39      st        Brant         Hornberger                                        Leominster         MA
40      st        Sam           Silver             Fitness Together / IF pb Lionette's                Waban              MA
41      st        Ian           Modestow 
42      st        William       Yarbrody           NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech
43      st        Adam          Sternfield         Millwork One Racing/                    Brookline          MA
44      st        Frank         McCormack          Fuji

Juniors 10-12     8 miles       2                  starters
Place             First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1st boys          Ben           Lescault                                                              Swansea            MA
1st girls         Meagan        Sikorsky                                                              Plainfield         CT

Juniors 13-14     15 miles      2                  starters
Place             First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1                 Liam          Murphy                                                                S.glastonbury      CT
2                 Misha         Smith

Juniors 15-16     15 miles      7                  starters
Place             First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1                 Ben           Wolfe              Mystic Velo Juniors/ Connaughty Chiropratic        Niantic            CT
2                 Matthew       Gilbert            NBX                                                Wakefield          RI
3                 Evan          Kirk               Mystic Velo Juniors/ Connaughty Chiropratic        Old Lyme           CT
4                 Nathan        Etchells           Mystic Velo-Connaughty Chiropractic                Sterling           CT
5                 David         Gilchrist          Mystic Velo/Connaughty Chiropratic                 Lyme               CT
6                 Ian           McFarland          Mystic Velo Club/Connaughty Chiropractic           Niantic            CT
7                 Liam          Murphy                                                                Glastonbury        CT

Juniors 17-18     15 miles      2                  starters
Place             First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1                 Anson         Ross               Yippie racing                                      Planfield          CT
2                 Reed          McFarland          Mystic Velo Club/Connaughty Chiropractic           Niantic            CT

Cat 3             23 miles      38                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:51:02   Bill          Yabroudy           NBX/Narragansett Beer                              Coventry           RI
2       0:00:11   Rickey        Visinski           Spiuk / First Endurance / ODI                      Bridgeport         CT
3       0:00:15   Kevin         Yarde              Cyclonauts Racers
4       st        Michael       Shireman           Union Bike Velo                                    Attleboro          MA
5       st        Dylan         McNichols          NorEast Cycling
6       st        Nick          Pignatillo
7       st        Kyle          Smith              Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames               South Boston       MA
8       st        Jonathan      Peterson           Northampton Cycling Club                           Adams              MA
9       st        Miro          Koulinis 
10      st        Jesse         Keough             CLNoonan/KAM/Coast to Coast                        Sandwich           MA
11      st        Michael       Cavros             Cyclonauts Racers                                  N. Scituate        RI
12      st        Tim           Ratta              Colavita
13      st        Brendan       Hanrahan           Millwork One Racing/                    Providence         RI
14      0:00:43   Morgan        Hiller
15      st        Morgan
16      st        Jeffrey       Dixon              Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                            Windham            ME
17      st        Douglas       Thompson           CCC/Keltic Const/Zanes Cycles                      Gales Ferry        CT
18      st        Mike          Maloney            Cyclonauts Racers                                  Chepachet          RI
19      st        Joshua        Rosenberg          Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames               Watertown          MA
20      st        Joshua        Lehmann            NorEast Cycling                                    Weare              NH
21      st        Francisco     Leija              CRCA/ DieHard-Think Racing                         West Point         NY
22      st        Sean          Trinque            Union College Cycling                              Pascoag            RI
23      st        Richard       Loring
24      st        Ghram         Long
25      st        Mark          Lescault
26      st        Anthony       Eisley
27      st        Alan          Antonelli          Bikeworks/ Hallamore                               Cranston           RI
28      st        Steven        Lehmann            NorEast Cycling                                    Weare              NH
29      st        Cary          Fridrich           Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames                 Cambridge          MA
30      st        Jay           Mongillo           Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles                 Clinton            CT
31      st        Bill          Doonan             Minuteman Road Club                                Blackstone         MA
32      st        Drew          Szeliga            Noreast Cycling                                    Newmarket          NH
33      st        Rebecca       Blatt

Cat 4             20 miles      64                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:45:49   Scott         Glowa              Unattached                                         Providence         RI
2       st        Peter         Miller                                                                New London         CT
3       st        Dave          Hildebrand         CVC                                                Ellington          CT
4       st        Ari           Shocket            Blue Hills Cycling Club                            Walpole            MA
5       st        Nessim        Mezrahi            QuadCycles                                         Cambridge          MA
6       st        Joe           Phenix             Bikeworks/hallamore                                Taunton            MA
7       st        John          Naegle             QuadCycles                                         Arlington          MA
8       st        Mario         Smith                                                                 New Haven          CT
9       st        Walter        Lane
10      st        Joseph        Jussaume           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Nashua             NH
11      st        Geoffry       House              Housatonic Wheel Club
12      st        Steven        Youmatz            CCNS/Pedal Power                                   Middletown         CT
13      st        John          Peterson           Blue Hills Cycling Club                            Milton             MA
14      st        Jay           Robbins            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Lexington          MA
15      st        Nicholas      Mashburn           Cambridge Bicycle/Igleheart Frames                 Cambridge          MA
16      st        Colby         Ricker             NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Somerville         MA
17      st        Rob           Arnold             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames               Boston             MA
18      st        Bernard       Tan                NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Medford            MA
19      st        James         Hoard              NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b Apex Tech   Saunderstown       RI
20      st        Mike          Samartano          Millwork One Racing/                    Providence         RI
21      st        Ben           Corbalis           Union Velo                                         Attleboro          MA
22      st        Guido         Wollmann                                                              New Haven          CT
23      st        Reed          McFarland          Mystic Velo
24      st        unknown       rider
25      st        Christopher   Cosgrove           Bikeworks/Hallamore                                North Kingstown    RI
26      st        Gary          Sacon              Cyclonauts Racers                                  Northbridge        MA
27      st        Roark         Maynard                                                               Pawtucket          RI
28      st        Brian         Yoo                                                                   Cambridge          MA
29      st        Dwayne        Melton             Mystic Velo                                        Norwich            CT
30      st        Michael       Brier              Refunds Now                                        Providence         RI
31      st        Andrew        Kennedy            Boston Road Club                                   Brighton           MA
32      st        P J           McQuade            Minuteman Road Club                                Millbury           MA
33      st        Steven        Mansfield          Mystic Velo                                        Norwalk            CT
34      st        Eric          Cho                BOSTON ROAD CLUB                                   Boston             MA
35      st        Marcus        Jang               Refunds Now                                        Providence         RI
36      st        Steven        Robbins            NCC- Northampton Cycling Club                      Belchertown        MA
37      st        Jordan        Winkler            Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames               Cambridge          MA
38      st        Gregory       Brown              Drummond Custom Cycles                             Grantham           NH
39      st        Benjamin      Liung              TargetTraining                                     Greenwich          CT
40      st        Stuart        Beaulieu           Essex County Velo                                  Salem              MA
41      st        Evan          Kirk               Mystic Velo                                        Old Lyme           CT
42      st        Robert        Poole                                     Brunswick          ME
43      st        Ben           Wolfe              Mystic Velo                                        Old Lyme           CT
44      st        Michael       Savona             Cambridge Bicycle / Igleheart Frames               Somerville         MA
45      st        Nathan        Turillo            Refunds Now                                        Providence         RI
46      st        David         Kahn               Bulldog Cycling                                    New Haven          CT
47      st        John          Buchheit           QuadCycles                                         Somerville         MA
48      st        Synjen        Marrocco           Blue Hills Cycling Club                            Hanson             MA
49      st        Gregory       Prodanas           essex county velo                                  Salem              MA
50      st        Antonio       Silva              Refunds  Now                                       Providence         RI
51      st        Chris         Phenix             Bikeworks/hallamore                                Middleboro         MA
52      st        Oscar         Jimenez            NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Lowell             MA
53      st        Victor        Medeiros           Bike Works/Hallamore                               Fall River         MA
54      st        Robert        Magadini           Housatonic Wheel Club                              Gt Barrington      MA
55      st        Kenneth       Hamel              cyclonauts racers                                  Coventry           RI
56      st        Seth          Davis              Cambridge Bicycle/ Igleheart Frames                Cambridge          MA
57      st        Robert        Vaughan            Start House Ski/Bike,Woodstock Vermont             Sharon             VT
58      st        James         Scott              Blue Hills Cycling Club                            Canton             MA
59      st        Bruce         Schwab                                                                Woolwich           ME
60      lapped    Ian           McFarland          Mystic Velo
61      lapped    Sheldon       Charles            Millwork One Racing/                    Dedham             MA
62      lapped    Andrew        Hudon              Team International Bicycles                        Middletown         CT
63      lapped    Ken           Swankie            Laurel Bicycle Club-mcra                           Guilford           CT

Cat 5 u35         15 miles      13                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:37:31   Chaney        Becker                                                                Westport           MA
2       st        Nathan        Etchells           Mystic Velo-Connaughty Chiropractic                Sterling           CT
3       0:00:05   Anthony       Inzelo
4       0:01:10   Nathan        Larkin             NCC /                                  Florence           MA
5       st        Kyle          Enderle                                                               Willington         CT
6       st        Eric          Derosiers
7       st        Jeff          Campbell           Mystic Velo                                        Ledyard            CT
8       st        Vladimir      Auster             Benidorm Bikes /Eastern Bloc C.C.                  Avon               CT
9       st        George        Galileos           International Bicycle/Global                       Needham            MA
10      lapped    Andrew        Raspallo           Refunds Now                                        Greenville         RI
11      lapped    Brittlee      Bowman

Cat 5 35+         15 miles      9                  starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:38:37   Jeffrey       Kozlowski          Pursuit Fitness                                    East Lyme          CT
2       0:01:13   Jay           Trojan             Century Drywall Inc.                               Lincoln            RI
3       st        Vinnie        Defrancesco        CVC/Subaru of New England                          Berlin             CT
4       st        Tim           Curley             Back Bay Cycling Club                              Everett            MA
5       st        John          Weaver             Mystic Velo                                        Groton             CT
6       st        Justin        Ringling                                                              Westerly           RI
7       lapped    Stephen       Sikorsky                                                              Coventry           RI
8       lapped    Chad          Wright             Mystic Velo Club                                   Groton             CT
9       lapped    Rosalea       Kimball                                                               Winthrop           ME

Men Masters 35+   23 miles      44                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:50:36   Mark          McCormack          Fuji
2       0:00:00   John          Grenier            BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goodale's Bike Shops
3       st        Jim           Peters             NBX/Narragansett Beer/Apex Tech                    North Kingstown    RI
4       st        Bill          Mark               NBX/Narragansett Beer                              Providence         RI
5       st        David         Potter             Bikeworks/Hallamore
6       st        Mike          Norton             cyclonauts racers                                                     MA
7       st        Ralf          Geiben Lynn        Millwork One Racing/                    Newton Center      MA
8       st        Eugene        Petrella           360 Racing landrys
9       st        Christopher   Dale               NBX/Narragansett Beer                              North Kingstown    RI
10      st        Jayson        Hurd               Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team                            South Kingstown    RI
11      st        Tim           Dodd               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Westford           MA
12      st        Aaron         Davis              Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team
13      st        Mark          Januskiewicz       sunapee/S+W
14      st        Martin        Lasak              Unattached                                         Cobalt             CT
15      st        John          Smathers           NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Cambridge          MA
16      st        Francisco     Leija              CRCA/ DieHard-Think Racing                         West Point         NY
17      st        Spike         McLaughlin         Horst - Benidorm - Property Research Corp.         West Greenwich     RI
18      st        Michael       Shireman           Union Bike Velo                                    Attleboro          MA
19      st        George        Pawle              Cyclonauts Racers                                  Westfield          MA
20      st        Ian           Modestow 
21      st        Mike          Maloney            Cyclonauts Racers                                  Chepachet          RI
22      st        Brant         Hornberger                                        Leominster         MA
23      st        Harry         Stover   
24      st        Randy         Rusk               Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team
25      st        Douglas       McKeon             Cyclonauts Racers                                  East Longmeadow    MA
26      st        Michael       Lovell             sunapee/S+W                                        Croydon            NH
27      st        Paul          Curley             Gearworks/Spinarts
28      st        Mark          Gunsalus           Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                       Dudley             MA
29      st        Todd          Buckley            Arc-En-Ciel Racing Team
30      st        Michael       Cavros             Cyclonauts Racers                                  N. Scituate        RI
31      st        Tobi          Schultze           Team FUJI fueled by Clif Bar                       Foxboro            MA
32      st        Gary          Aspnes             Horst-Benidorm-Property Research Corp.             Rockville          RI
33      st        Thad          Lavallee           Van Dessel Sports

Men Masters 45+   23 miles      59                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:51:08   John          Grenier            BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops  Lewiston           ME
2       0:00:00   Brian         Wolf               Bethel Cycle                                       Ridgefield         CT
3       st        Paul          Curley             Gearworks/Spinarts                                 Taunton            MA
4       st        Mike          Pavlov             CCB/Volkswagen                                     Manchester         MA
5       st        Joseph        Rano               Bike Alley                                         Oxford             MA
6       st        Skip          Foley              360 Racing landrys
7       st        Karl          Hambrecht          CCB/Volkswagen                                     West Newbury       MA
8       st        John          Corriveau          BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodales
9       st        Chris         Dimattio           Bethel Cycle                                       Wilton             CT
10      st        Tim           Dodd               NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental                  Westford           MA
11      st        Neil          Hall               Union Velo                                         Lakeville          MA
12      st        Edward        Deming             Mystic Velo Club                                   Mystic             CT
13      st        Jonathan      Johnson            BIKE WORKS /HALLAMORE                              Attleboro          MA
14      st        Mario         Smith
15      st        Kelly         Parsons            Mystic Velo Club                                   Lyme               CT
16      st        John          Laupheimer         International Bicycle/Global                       Weston             MA
17      st        Eric          Pearce             Bethel Cycle                                       Chelmsford         MA
18      st        John          Morgan             Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles
19      st        Christopher   Burke              Bikeworks/Hallamore                                Pawtucket          RI
20      st        Gene          Garneau            BIKE WORKS /HALLAMORE
21      st        Tom           Luther             NorEast Cycling                                    Durham             NH
22      st        Walter        Lane               Mystic Velo Club
23      st        Michael       Weeks              Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA
24      st        unknown       rider
25      st        Paul          Hayes
26      st        Kevin         Young              International Bicycle/Global                       Northbridge        MA
27      st        Jeffrey       Dixon              Base36/SMCC/Gorham Bike                            Windham            ME
28      st        James         Hoard              NBX/Narragansett Beer Cycling Team p/b Apex Tech   Saunderstown       RI
29      st        Tom           Toal               TARGETRAINING                                      Norwalk            CT
30      st        Bob           Meikle             Mystic Velo Club                                   Waterford          CT
31      st        Douglas       Shepard            Everactive Compsolutions                           Mansfield          MA
32      st        Michael       Lovell             sunapee/S+W                                        Croydon            NH
33      st        John          Roche              BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodales
34      st        Marc          Tatar              Bikeworks/Hallamore                                Providence         RI
35      st        Randy         Rusk               Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA
36      st        Steve         Alger              Mystic Velo                                        Uncasville         CT
37      st        Duane         Skofield           BOB/shift-stonyfieldfarms-Ariza-goodales           Plaistow           NH
38      st        Bruce         McCowan            Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA                     East Greenwich     RI
39      st        Ken           McCallum           CCB/Volkswagen                                     Haverhill          MA
40      st        Armand        Pantalone          BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farms-Goodale's Bike Shops
41      st        Mark          Hagen              CCB                                                Natick             MA
42      st        Cheryl        Wolf               Bethel Cycle                                       Ridgefield         CT
43      st        Paul          DiMartino          Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA
44      st        Bob           Bisson             Gear Works/Spin Arts                               Fall River         MA
45      st        Jay           Mongillo           Keltic Construction / Zanes Cycles                 Clinton            CT
46      st        Todd          Buckely            Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA
47      st        Richard       Froh               Mystic Velo Club                                   Mystic             CT

Masters 55+       17 miles      21                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:43:20   Mark          Hagen              CCB                                                Natick             MA
2       0:00:34   Chip          Berezny            Bike Line/LWA                                      Easton             PA
3       0:01:17   Mieczyslaus   Burzynski          B.O.B.Stonyfield Farms Goodale's Bike              Newburyport        MA
4       st        Larry         Barbaras           Boston Road Club                                   Brookline          MA
5       st        Michael       Miller             Masters Velo Club/MCRA                             Middletown         RI
6       st        Bruce         McCowan            Arc En Ciel Racing Team / MCRA                     East Greenwich     RI
7       st        George        Pawle              Cyclonauts Racers                                  Westfield          MA
8       st        James         Themig             Mystic Velo MCRA                                   Niantic            CT
9       st        Daniel        Kiningham          BikeLine/LWA                                       Little Silver      NJ
10      lapped    Ken           Goebel             Bike Line/LWA                                      Tolland            CT
11      lapped    Kenneth       Johnsson           Pawling Cycle & Sport                              Brewster           NY
12      lapped    Ted           Flaherty           Masters Velo Club/MCRA
13      lapped    Stephen       Payne              Somerset Wheelmen                                  Worcester          MA
14      lapped    Jeff          Morin              Mystic Velo                                        Waterford          CT
15      lapped    Tom           Wing               Benidorm/Eastern Bloc Cycling Club                 Torrington         CT
16      lapped    Ken           Swankie            Laurel Bicycle Club-mcra                           Guilford           CT

Masters 65+       17 miles      10                 starters
Place   Time      First Name    Last Name          Team                                               City               State
1       0:44:37   Richard       Martin             Masters Velo                                       Attleboro          MA
2                 Bill          Mitchell           Mystic Velo
3                 Jeff          Fryer              CCNS
4                 Annette       Kennedy            NEBC/Cycle Loft
5                 Denise        Mitchell-Dignan    Mystic Velo Club                                   Mystic             CT
6                 June          Froh               Mystic Velo                                        Mystic             CT
7                 Gene          Gilmore
8                 Pete          Murphy             MCRA                                               Glastonbury        CT
9                 Donna         Davis              CVC/Subaru of New England                          Windsor            CT
10                Fioravante    Bares              NEBC/Cycle Loft/Devonshire Dental/MCRA             Winchester         MA