Results » Road » 2008

The New Bethlehem Criterium

Bethlehem, PA

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The New Bethlehem Criterium Presented by Bike Line / LWA Racing Bethlehem, PA Saturday, May 10, 2008

These results are provided for informational purposes only.  Please note that
the protest period for this event has expired and no changes can or will be made
to these results.

Weather: 63?, wind 3-15 variable, partly sunny

results powered by The Big Guy Group

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          658    Firth            Michael             Pro Pedals
2          656    Dyberg           Patrik              Liberty Cycle
3          659    Funk             Kyle                UNATTACHED
4          654    Allyn            Matt                UNATTACHED
5          657    Eastgate         Martin              UNATTACHED
6          665    Sherrer          Scott               Liberty Cycle
7          668    COLASURDO        Tony                JVR Sports
8          661    Ingraham         Frank               UNATTACHED
9          667    BOCHNER          Wes                 UNATTACHED
10         660    Gallagher        Mark                Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway
11         671    WIERMAN          Nicholas            UNATTACHED
12         670    MAVRO            William             UNATTACHED
13         655    Baker            Robert              Tri-State Velo / Amaroso's Raci
14         664    Nunnemacher      Tim                 Jvr Sports
15         662    Lamb             Jeff                liberty cycle
16         816    CARPENTER        John                Main Line
17         666    Skorochod        Anthony             Gotham Cyclists
18         651    Beels            Marten T Roberts    The I-beam
19         663    McCaulley        Shawn               UNATTACHED
20         669    LAWRENCE         Kaitlyn             Vortex
21         817    CARPENTER        Robin               Main Line

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          27     Mueller          Jacob               Guys Racing
2          43     WOOD             Thomas              Philadelphia Ciclismo
3          30     Putt             Zach                Gotham Cyclists'
4          34     Swiatek          Matt                Gotham Cyclists'
5          36     Ursu             Brian               Gotham Cyclists'
6          28     Munas            Andy                Dynaflo
7          11     Bardige          Joshua              VeloEuropa-Cyfac
8          41     LAVELLE          Dan                 Philadelphia Ciclismo
9          42     HARRIS           Epes                FCS Cycling Club
10         13     Chambers         Jon                 Gotham Cyclists'
10         10     Baranoski        Matthew             Cycle Sports/Zaveta Constructio
12         38     NORTON           Michael             Cyclonauts Racers
13         19     Hoyle            Paul                MONSTR HEALTH CYCLING
14         32     Sambrano         Steve               Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
15         29     Muto             Pete                Gotham Cyclists'
16         22     Kuklis           Andy                Gotham Cyclists'
16         45     GRISTICK         Brian               Skylands/Act
18         40     GREENE           Daniel              Trizilla Triathlon Equip
19         21     Krajci           Mark                Gotham Cyclists'
20         26     Miller           Matt                Gotham Cyclists'
21         31     Reider           Cameron             Gotham Cyclists'
22         15     Federico         Will                UNATTACHED
23         37     MCkEON           Douglas             Cyclonauts Racers
24         25     Maclaughlin      Richard             Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
25         14     Dejesus          Juan                Cyclonauts Racers
26         20     Kaiser           Christopher         UNATTACHED
27         17     Gleaves          John                BBC/Giant/Bike N Hike
28         12     Bollinger        Andrew              Gotham
29         18     Gulick           Colleen             Colavita Racing

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          309    Miller           Michael             Team Alliance Environmental
2          317    Wentzell         Joseph              QCW/
3          332    ARTHURS          Brent               Evolution Cycling
4          337    INGLIS           Mike                Pactimo Racing
5          322    BONSER           David               Gotham Cyclists
6          327    INOUE            Theodore            Liberty Cycles
7          311    Norton           Mike                Cyclonauts
8          312    Perren           James               Breakaway Racing/QCW
9          333    PISCITELLO       Joseph              Philly Cyclismo
10         329    GREENE           Daniel              Allegheny Cycling
11         325    VICTORi          Gene                Skylands Cycling
12         307    McKeon           Douglas             Cyclonauts Racers
13         300    Bardige          Joshua              VeloEuropa-Cyfac
14         310    Morabito         Christopher         Cycledrome Bicycling Team
15         335    LENART           John                Human Zoom Cycling
16         323    REIDER           Cameron             Gotham Cyclists
17         334    ZUPPA            Joseph              Colavita
18         324    Ball             Richard             Wachung Wheelmen
19         321    JONES            William             Bucks County Racing Club
20         319    CRAMER           Keith               UNATTACHED
21         318    GORMAN           Mark                L'Equipe De Ville
22         314    Santos           Wayne               BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goo
23         320    MUDAMBI          Ram                 Guys Racing
24         301    Best             James               Cycledrome Racing
25         308    Meissgeier       Jens                Lamprey Systems Racing
26         302    Dejesus          Juan                Cyclonauts Racers
27         316    Walker           David               Liberty Cycle
28         330    HANCOCK          Timothy             On Track Cyclists
29         336    FORD             Bradley             South Mountain Cycles
30         315    Stansbury        Neal                Tri-state velo
31         304    Flesher          David               Dynaflo Racing/ Technocycle
32         331    WEINMANN         Gui                 Kissena
33         303    Ettle            Roland              Lamprey Systems
34         326    ARMSTRONG        Thomas              Gotham Cyclists

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          461    VICTORI          Gene                Skylands
2          463    FORGATCH         John                Liberty Cycle
3          474    Salzer           Eric                Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
4          479    Mowry            Richard             Evolution Racing
5          468    Storozum         Ben                 naval academy cycling team
6          459    DOUGHERTY        Bryan               Kissena C/ycling Club
7          485    Jackson Yonce    Carey               UNATTACHED
8          484    Kline            Mark                Chester County Velo-Iron Hill B
9          497    Candy            Christopher         Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
10         466    Wolman           Marc                Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway
11         464    Aemisegeo        Paul                Bike Line
12         470    Sillett          Steven              Team Somerset
13         460    WILSON           John                UNATTACHED
14         495    Coyle            Michael             Quaker City Wheelmen/Breakaway
15         473    Scharbach        Albert              Quaker City Wheelmen
16         499    Anderson         Albert              BikeLine/LWA Racing
17         465    Zitzer           Noah                Team Independence
18         486    Innella          Marc                Westwood Velo
19         467    Stoup            Wyatt               Chester County Velo-Iron Hill B
20         471    Sherman          George              Gotham Cyclists
21         469    Smoot            Clifton             Guys Racing
22         481    McDonald         Paul                Cycle Sports/Zaveta Constructio
23         483    Klotz            Brian               Corning Racing Team
24         480    Montes           Dino                Somerset Wheelmen
25         477    Oskutis          Derek               U.S. Naval Academy / Cadence /
26         493    Drouin           Joshua              Main Line Cycling Club
27         488    Fuehrer          Daniel              Kutztown U
28         476    Redmond          Chris               Rutgers Cycling
29         487    Hunt             David               Team Somerset
30         462    TRUmBORE         aaron               Vortex Cycling Club
31         475    Ruiz             Jonathan            Guys Racing
32         478    Murphy           Joe                 bikeline/lwa
33         496    Ciunci           Michael             Chester County Velo - Iron Hill
34         458    KOZLOWSKI        Teddy               Team Vortex
35         490    Feather          Scott               Vortex

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          532    GELLINEAU        Patrick             Team Squiqqle
2          502    Carnila          Charles             mambo kings
3          518    SAINT CLAIR      Kevin               ManLine Cycling
4          515    Stansbury        Neal                Tri-state velo
5          522    Gristick         Brian               Skylands Cycling
6          513    Perren           James               Breakaway Racing/QCW
7          503    Detweiler        Royden              Bike Line/LWA
8          514    Santos           Wayne               BOB Cycling-Stonyfield Farm-Goo
9          527    PISCITELLO       Joseph              Philadelphia Ciclismo
10         519    BUTLER           Scott               Bike Line/LWA
11         505    Foley            Rich                BETHEL CYCLE SPORT
12         516    Wolf             Brian               Bethel Cycles
13         504    Dimattio         Christopher         Bethel Sport CLub
14         526    CRAMER           Keith               UNATTACHED
15         524    ZUPPA            Joe                 Colavita Racing
16         508    Holub            Michael             Dreamscapes cycling team
17         523    KRAJCI           Mark                Gotham Cyclist
18         509    Kellogg          Tom                 Tri-State Velo
19         521    HATTON           Gilbert             South Bay Wheelmen
20         511    Moore            Jeff                Tri-State Velo
21         507    Hershberger      Phillip             CBRC
22         525    Mudambi          Shreeram            Guys Racing
23         533    HOFFMAN          Jay                 Amoroso's Racing Team
24         531    STEIER           Alan                Cycle Spoorts/Zaveta Constructi
25         517    Prestia          James               Tri State
26         506    Hamilton         John                Main Line Cycling-BiKyle
27         528    TACCI            Michael             Main Line Cycling
28         510    Koblenz          Barry               CBRC - Capital Bicycle Racing C
29         501    Brodowski        Bruce               Cycle Sports/Zaveta Const.
30         529    MAINO            James               Elite Bicycles

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          933    CARlSON          Elizabeth           Verducci/Breakaway
2          936    Paull            Jacqueline          Watchung Wheelmen/High Gear Cyc
3          939    Carnila          Tricia              verducci/breakaway racing
4          931    FISCHER          Alison              Hub Racing
5          937    Iepson           Sarah               Sturdy Girl Cycling
6          932    HELLER           Nancy               Tri-State Velo
7          934    Swope            Kristy              EPS/CSS/Riptide Cycling

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          247    KLINGER          Julia               Tri-State Velo
2          241    Gass             Pam                 Susquehanna Valley Velo Club
3          245    Wolf             Cheryl              Bethel Cycle
4          243    Powers           Patty               Kutztown Cutters
5          242    Marzi            Patricia            Salamander
6          244    Twer             Jody                Sturdy Girl Cycling
7          240    Becht            Carol               Team Bikery

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          800    Berezny          Chip                Bike Line / LWA
2          804    Gellineau        Patrick             Team Squiggle
3          807    Kellogg          Tom                 Tri-State Velo
4          802    Burnett          David               Mystic Velo \ MCRA
5          811    Miller           Michael             Masters Velo Club/MCRA
6          814    Tuttle           Kevin               Main Line/BiKyle
7          818    HOFFMAN          Jay                 Amoroso's Racing Team
8          819    SHAPANKA         Michael             Watchung Wheelmen
9          803    Corner           Cleve               Morgan Stanley/24 Hour Fitness/
10         801    Buck             Andrew J.           Bike Line / LWA
11         805    Hershberger      Phillip             CBRC
12         809    Kjellquist       David               Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
13         810    Matthews         Mark                L'Equipe De Ville
14         812    Petrovick        Bruce               Main Line Cycling - BiKyle
15         813    Tirk             Kirby               Chester County Velo_Iron Hill
16         808    Kiningham        Daniel              BikeLine/LWA
17         815    RUCH             Gregory             Bike Line LWA

PLACE      BIB    LAST             FIRST               TEAM
1          170    Auer             John                Team Somerset
2          171    Free             Barry               ERA Cycling